The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2258: Very powerful [6 million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 2258: Very Powerful Six Million Words Wang Wang, Slain

Qin Jian said: "What am I doing, don't you know?" Master, Master Li Jiakun is not a good person, which is outrageous. If he wants to do this, Qin Jian will destroy all their estates. If this is a big deal, I will let the King Wei rule them directly so that they can never look back. "

Qin Jian is very vicious.

When Qin Jian said this, the owner of Li Jiacun was also terrified, but for Wei Zhongwang, this was a rare opportunity.

You know, just now the pig demon is very powerful, it is still related to the Buddha. If they can mix with Qin Jian, they will have a great backing.

"Yes, Grandpa Pig, as long as you give orders, we will not mention Li Jia Village. Even if it is ten, one thousand, ten thousand, we will help you eliminate them. Believe us, I hope Grandpa." However, at this time, the other party Laughed.

The trick on the other side began.

Pan Chen can't see what Wei Zhongwang is thinking now. Pan Chen said: "Qin Jian, are you sure?"

Qin Jian cheered: "I Qin Jian is sure, I don't believe in Qin Jian, I don't lie in my little Lijia Village, I want a position of Lijia Village son, is it difficult to say that it is so difficult?"

Qin Jian is really a loser.

It is difficult to say that the owner of Li Jiacun still wants his son-in-law. Does he want it? Pan Chen said: "Qin Jian, you are crazy. If you want to abolish this Lijia Village, you are against the teacher. Do you want to do the right thing for the teacher?"

Suddenly, no one dared to oppose him like this. The owner of Li Village said: "You have to know what happened. My daughter didn't give it to anyone intentionally. She is not something. If she really likes someone, why don't you figure it out?"

Li Jiakun, who seems to have experienced many things, finally found such a level of truth at this time. Of course, there is no lie in this truth, but Qin Jian doubts: "Hypocritical appearance, and then Qin Jian asks you what Wei Zhongwang wants your daughter."

"No, it's Wei Qingfeng."

"Yes, Wei Qingfeng, don't interrupt me Qin Jian's words, I said Qin Jian, it turned out that Wei Qingfeng wanted your daughter to marry the son who called him, it is difficult to say, does Li Qinglian really like him?"

When asked.

The boss of Lijiacun was in trouble and stopped talking because he knew it was his fault, but if the boss of Lijiacun did n’t do it, what else could he do? The entire Lijia Village had to be squashed. If the entire Lijia Village cannot survive, he can only adopt this method.

At this time, Li villagers said angrily: "That is because of special circumstances, there is only the last resort. If I were asked to choose again now, I would have no other better solution."

"So since this is the case, I think Qin Jian still eats hard or not soft, then, since I want to eat, my Qin Jian uses the same method, if you do n’t marry my daughter to Qin Jian , I will treat you Li Jiakun in the same way, I will give you time to think, after a day, I need a result, think for yourself. "

After that, Qin Jian's powerful Teng Yun left. What is the situation? Qin Jian is really, ah, this is a surprising thing, but, yes, Qin Jian just wants to get Li Qinglian, he is crazy !

Pan Chen scolded: "This pig gall is crazy."

Qin Jian disagreed, flying directly to the sky and to the west, and Pan Chen had no choice but to let him go. It was difficult for Qin Jian to say that he was going to his original cave.

"Really?" Pan Chen suddenly thought, if you come here to play the goblin, Qin Jian is in the cave, and the cave has not been burned yet?

"This pig, do you still want to go back to being a goblin?" Thinking of this, Pan Chenqing couldn't help but smile. This pig's head is really speechless.

Pan Chen thought so. I do n’t understand craftsmanship, nor anyone else.

"Old man, I really didn't mean it. What I just said was from the heart. I didn't mean anything else." Li Jiacun said.

Pan Chen nodded and said, "I know, I know what you mean. Don't worry, this pig, I will let him know his lesson. What about Qinglian?"

Of course, for Li Qinglian, Pan Chen still hopes to see a party. During the journey to the west, Pan Chen assured Li Qinglian that he needed to see her in the future.

Did n’t I just get my scripture back?

"In the house" Li Jiacun's main road.

"Okay, you take me there."

Of course, there is no problem taking Pan Chen to see Li Qinglian, but there is nothing more afraid of the owner of Li Jiacun than Wei Zhongwang in the front. When Pan Chen shouted to leave, the owner of Li Jiacun looked at him strangely and said, "This master, look."

"Oh I see."

"You know what to do, right?" Pan Chen was a straight and cold road.

You know, in the barracks just now, Pan Chen used a blowing technique to directly knock down the other person. If this person cannot do this now, he will be killed by Pan Chen.

"I know" the other side has been repeating.

"What do you know?" Pan Chen returned to the road.

"I see. I want to be self-disciplined. I want to leave here now. Since then, I will not use the well water of Lijia Village to break through this river."

"Is that true?" Obviously, Pan Chen could not let go of each other so easily. At least, he needs to lose some money. Pan Chen said: "I tell you now, if you want to leave here alive, the only thing you have to do is to help me find the pig."

Pan Chen wanted to catch Qin Jian back to back and face to face. This pig's head is really not big or small. Now that he dares face to face, it's hard to say, don't want to live?

"Yes, then you must keep your promise, as long as I take the pig back, you have to let me go." This is a very important thing for Wei Zhongwang.

Pan Chen smiled and said, "It's hard to say, are you really afraid?"

"This is nonsense, you are all fairies, I am not afraid, who is afraid, I am afraid of you, please, don't poison me." When I heard Wei Zhongwang, Pan Chen was also a person without ambition.

Pan Chen said: "As long as you take that pig back, I will treat you lightly."

Some words of Pan Chen, Wei Zhongwang is very confident, he must get Qin Jian back.

Wei Zhongwang was just released, which made Li Jiaqun feel that this major event is not good. Someone whispered directly, "After letting him go, this guy must be back soon."

"Yes, this is the tiger going back to the mountain."

"Really, I should have had a good meal with him just now."

Of course, Pan Chen hasn't heard these people's gossip, so what should he do? Pan Chen knows better than anyone. Pan Chen knew very well how to develop next.

"Master Pan, why did you let her go like this? You know, he did something bad in this respect. After you let him go, he will definitely come back to retaliate against us." At this time, the boss of Li Jiacun was very sorry. ..

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