The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2249: False things [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

The system can only do this kind of explanation. If there are others, I ’m sorry not. This **** system is really a father. Pan Chen, if there is a chance, can complete the task level that can be completed. At least one can be bought. Large objects, this is true, there is nothing false.

Pan Chen is more confident about this, so the mood is not so bad.

"So, Master, the two of them have been tied up. Who do you think should be hung on the gate first?" For this matter, Qin Jian wanted to try it. Ah, he was looking forward to hanging the two of them at the door at the same time. Qin Jian said: "Why not, hang that Wei Qingfeng first?" Look at his most dishonest old man. "

"Yes" Pan Chen nodded. Who will hang up, at this time, Qin Jian said: "Master, but this cabinet?"

"What do you think?"

"In my words, Qin Jian, I think we should put two people together, I don't think they are good things." Qin Jian said to himself.

Pan Chen said: "Okay."

Of course, neither of them is a good thing. They deserve a little punishment. At this time, Pan Chen asked this system, "I'm sorry, this system, I have brought the two of them to justice, can I exchange this + level task?"

Is Pan Chen impatient?

The system prompts: "No."

Lying down and asking curiously, the system prompts: "Because of the word." This is not a normal task. Before you have a chance to change it, you need to complete the whole task. Otherwise, there is no chance. "

"Okay, I want it, the system." Pan Chen can only say that he believes this system. At this point, the system prompts: "Please wait, I am processing a set of data for you." Processing. "

I do n’t know if this system is doing something wrong, but if Pan Chen is also waiting, maybe you can really add a little credit, and the system finally prompts: “I ’m sorry, you need to eliminate all the power, guess Possible, real upgrade, otherwise, this is not counted. "

Um? Is it still like this? Suddenly, Pan Chen also felt that there was no product, which was really annoying. Pan Chen said: "Okay, let me try."

It didn't take long for Pan Chen to bring Qin Jian to Lijia Village, and then asked the owner of Li Jiacun: "Do they have more power?"

"Yes!" The host was sure of the way.

Pan Chen said: "Then tell me quickly, I will kill them mercilessly."

This is the most authentic portrayal of Pan Chen's heart. He must kill the other side to urinate his ass. Otherwise, he will not be called Pan Chen. It will come soon. The other side said, "Please wait."

About a minute later, Pan Chenla, the owner of Li Village, said, "Holy monk, are you really sure that there is any danger in doing this?"

However, this Lijiacun boss is really scared, but it does n’t matter, it ’s normal. Pan Chen said: "Relax, Master, please believe me once, this time, I promise to exhaust all their power If they still have the ability to reproduce, please contact me and I will fight them down. "

For this matter, Pan Chen thinks so. Pan Chen must have brought down all the others. This is his task. If he does not do this, then his father and other villagers are too pitiful. Is that the case?

this is correct. There is no mistake. Pan Chen must do this. Pan Chen believes that only in this way can Li Jiakun live a happy life ever since.

At this time, Li Jiakun's owner quietly followed Pan Chen: "There is a younger brother, Wei Qingfeng, who is very strong and overbearing. The Wei Jiajun is outside our Lijia Village."

"What about your own army?" Pan Chen smiled suddenly, and she and Qin Jian said: "Qin Jian, go, wipe away Wei Zhongwang over there."

Pan Chen finally raised a little interest. This seems to be fighting. Ah, Pan Chen likes to fight, so it ’s very interesting, so take Qin Jian. Ah, that ’s a powerful direct drive. They want Wei Zhongwang to kill a donkey. Urine flow, the son of these eight sheep, dare to hurt Li Jiaqun!

At that time, Pan Chen looked at the data in the system from time to time, when Pan Chen seemed to find a subtle change in the system.

"?" There is a big word in the system. This word is very conspicuous and makes people see it clearly. Pan Chen then asked the system: "What is this?"

The system replied: "This is a first-level task."

"First-level task?" Pan Chen suddenly thought that the task point just now finally understood, and this finally came out a higher-level task, yes, Pan Chen said: "Yes."

If Pan Chen is not wrong, the level of the mission can directly reach the entire world, all mankind, but the return is still very different, only the highest is only worth 10,000 German dollars.

"Go, system," Pan Chen said bluntly, without great expectation, because first of all, when Pan Chen hacked the dragon, he had tens of millions of credit, but now only 10,000 yuan, which is too little It just made him feel a little sad.

"Please wait a moment, the system is processing the relevant data for you, please wait a moment. When you wake up the program related to the task, the program that wakes you up will immediately provide you with the relevant data." Of course, all tasks can It makes people happy, it is a feeling of confidence.

However, Pan Chen needs to see if this mission is to save lives!

The system prompts directly:

Complete the first level task: reward 10,000 to 10,000 merits.

Task category description: help category, auxiliary category, daily category, various categories. Any affairs that conform to all mankind, and things that endanger humanity, have a strong tendency to destroy the world, causing a devastating blow to a fair organization in the world. Of course, it should belong to the task of suffering and saving suffering in the world. The level task system will reward 10,000 to 10,000 merits. If it exceeds this category, it will be judged by the system as a task level, parentheses. Of course, if it exceeds this category, it will be judged by the system as a task level. , Of course brackets. All of this is based on human justice. If salvation is not just the essence of the human world, or a plane, at least it is a hierarchical task. "

Pan Chen did not think wrong, it should be this, this is the so-called task level, he guessed that the result will be like this, there is no doubt.

"Yes, I kind of look forward to this task." Pan Chen said to himself, 10,000, that is also an active currency, which can destroy humanity several times.

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