The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2248: Study this system [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

"The second brother really went to Hua Guoshan. If he could come, I think he had already killed this man." Qin Jian's heart broke, and Pan Chen ignored him and continued to study the system.

However, for such a task, the reward is a bit too small, so there is no such thing. Pan Chen asked the system: "System, you are sure this is a level task."

"No, I'm talking about the task you're talking about, and that's what you're talking about. Well, I mean, only a few thousand to ten thousand kronor?" This is completely unscientific, ah, there is no way to balance it. If you complete a task to some extent, you will get thousands of credits, and it will still be a national task.


"of course"

Pan Chen said: "Then I can kill those goblins too. If I usually kill a goblin, I can get thousands of fathers."

At first, the fight against this monster was quite spectacular, and directly rewarded his merits and virtue. If this is the case, it is more suitable to find a goblin to fight.

It ’s too unfair for you to give me such a credit, ah, it ’s too unfair for me to resign. "

Pan Chen resigned!

However, the system said: "They didn't set fire, they just oppressed one side, this can only be counted as a level task, please don't embarrass the system."

"" In order to be embarrassed, Pan Chen didn't want to speak, but to be fair, it was almost like this. In any case, to help Li Jiacun rise again, it was really hard work for Pan Chen. Based on this calm, what is the level of the task?

But now for Pan Chen, let alone horizontal tasks, hierarchical tasks cannot arouse his interest, Pan Chen directly said to the system: "What about horizontal tasks?"

Is this what Pan Chen is most looking forward to? The system prompts: "Please wait, a level task program is being generated for you, and data is being processed for you." Please wait. "

This system is a layer of women, I hope Pan Chen can separate the tasks at this time, but this speed is also relatively slow, Pan Chen waited a long time, the system has not yet produced, at this time, he had to chat with Qin Jian for a while, Qin Jian said, "Master, what should we do with Wei Qingfeng?"

"Ask Li Jiakun's owner what he intends to do with him." Wei Qingfeng is a very hateful person and can't make him feel better. This is what Pan Chen thinks now, even if someone says where Pan Chen is, it is impossible for him to feel better.

"Forgive me! Master, forgive me!" Wei Qingfeng was bitter.

But what is good for you now? Ha, Pan Chen said: "There is no way, what do you do, you should bear it, by the way, help me earn some work."

"Ah, Qin Jian has a way to hang him up, how?"

Pan Chen and Qin Jian emerged on a whim and agreed with their words and deeds. They prepared to tie up the old undead hand and fell on the city gate, asking them to brainstorm, Pan Chenjian could never forgive them.

Qin Jian also recovered his strength, so he shouted to Li Jiakun's two people and said, "Go, get the rope." No problem holding the rope. Qin Jian asked the two brothers to tie up Wei Qingfeng. The two brothers waved and said, "No, I can't do it."

"Can't do it? What does that mean?" Qin Jian was full of anger and dared to disobey the order and didn't want to live?

However, this is not what they meant. If we say this, we think this is impossible. They are all afraid of Wei Qingfeng. For Qin Jian, the other side is a sissy. However, at this time Pan Chen said: "Don't be afraid, now he is nothing in your eyes."

"But they dare to bully the landlord, and we dare not."

Like these people, Pan Chen said, "Let you not be afraid, so don't be afraid, my son, come back to you, what are you afraid of?" Roll up your sleeves and do it. "

When i heard it.

These people are also a group of people tied to Wei Qingfeng, but Wei Qingfeng scared them: "You, don't come, don't come, whoever comes, I can't let anyone go!"

"Don't be afraid, just tie it up." But it didn't arouse anyone's sympathy at this time, saying that they **** the eight lambs, dared to bully the people of Lijia Village, and did not want to live!

This is the true portrayal of Pan Chen and Qin Jian, they want to fight Wei Qingfeng!

There is no way, they are all powerful Pan Chen, but for Wei Qingfeng, but hate the bones, these two people should be tied up!

In order to tie Wei Qingfeng to this **** cabinet, the system began to prompt that the approval was completed and the loading system was completed. Now we only need to wait for Pan Chen to verify.

Pan Chen said: "Okay, please continue. Let me see how strong this level task is. If it is too weak, I really don't want to do this task. If there is such a task in the future, whoever wants to do it will do it." "

You know, helping to revive a dynasty, even if this is a level task, give him thousands to 10,000 centimeters, is this called Hanako? If possible, even a flower is not wanted, is it?

This is a fact. There is nothing wrong. Who said that this kind of task is a bit too heavy, that is, this system has already dealt with it. Suggestions:

Complete the first level task: reward 10,000 to 10,000 merits.

Task category description: help category, auxiliary category, daily category, various categories. If anything encounters national affairs and harms one side of the country, it has a strong tendency to destroy the continent, causing a devastating blow to a justice organization on the continent, and causing suffering and saving suffering in the world. Should belong to this task, and the hierarchical task system will reward 10,000 to 10,000 US dollars. If it exceeds this range, the system will determine the task level, brackets. Of course, if it exceeds this category, the system will determine the task level, of course brackets. All this is based on human justice. If the world you save is not just a continent or an airplane, it is at least a level mission. "

For this set of data, Pan Chen does not have much doubt. The strong is powerful. Let me redeem a continent. You know, the world is also on the four major plates, let me save the entire world, that is, give dozens Wan Kronor, is this a bit too bad?

Don't you want to play like this?

Play like this, play for birds?

Yes, you can't play like this. If you play like this, you should break Pan Chen's game. Pan Chen said: "The system, you are sure that this is such a difficult and high coefficient task, so have you given me so much public funds?"

The system states: "Getting Kung Fu is not an easy task. In the process of studying scriptures, you have a related reward. Now that you have more than 1 billion hole coins, it means that you are already rich. If you If I want to earn more time, I am embarrassed, this is the only shortcut. "& # 160;

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