The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2186: Upper limit of true spirit

The upper limit of the true spirit of the advanced secondary method is only one or two percent chance. This is not a talent, as if it does not work!

Only the probability of the innate power method exceeds 30%. If it is the patriarchal heart method, it can reach 70%! As long as the talent is good and the working method is pure, there is no possibility of failure.

Therefore, Pan Chen must be transformed into a mastery of mind, in order to break through the innate.

When it comes to the mind method, there is no doubt that "Canglang Sword Palace" is the best choice. He has practiced in the previous life and also conforms to his own attributes. Unfortunately, this method is the sixth-order martial arts level, only The Canglang faction can be inherited from generation to generation. Other real disciples and ordinary elders can only practice a simplified version of "Cang Lang's True Strategy", and can also raise the master's spiritual level to the highest level of the master, and there is a possibility of breaking through the realm of Wu Wang. This is also the current version that Pan Chen can exchange.

The true formula of wave transition

Grade: Level 4 Master

Description: Known for its true spirit

Exchange: 60,000 Cavalier Value

Although the exchange of patriarchal mental methods is five methods, in addition to the decentralized master mental methods, the mental methods of the other seven schools have been inherited for millennia, are relatively complete, and the prices are relatively high.

6, 20% discount, only 4.8. Pan Chen calmly agreed that after deducting 4.8 chivalrous spirits, a "one-hearted method" appeared in his mind.

There are three methods of the mind: acquired, innate, and mastered, each of which is quadrupled, for a total of twelve. Twelve perfection is the master's perfection.

As he collected the spirit of the first vicissitudes of the true formula for the first time in silence, Dantian slowly condensed the first wave of real gas. System prompt: The player has learned the real formula of Canglang lv1: proficiency 1000.

But he has not fully recovered. If the advantage method is changed now, the upper limit of real gas is likely to be lowered.

At this time, the door rang twice: "Customer, the food you want is here."

Pan Chen stood up and pushed open the door. A young man dressed as a waiter came in with wine and vegetables. He filled the table with eight fairies and said, "Come on!"

Pan Chen closed the door and began to eat. Before the breakthrough was born, food was still the main source of essence.

At night, a full moon hangs in the sky.

A ray of moonlight reflected through the window on the handsome face of a young man in white clothes.

The young man sat by the window and closed his eyes to practice.

On the bed, a beautiful woman suddenly opened her eyes and opened the quilt. When she saw that her clothes were in good condition, she was relieved. She stood up and looked at it, and found wine and vegetables on the table, both tied together. She opened it, and the plate was still hot.

"You have a conscience!"

Jiang Yuelong picked up the teapot, took a sip of water, and ate it.

After a while, Pan Chen also opened his eyes, good luck overnight, and finally recovered the completion of Qi, reaching the Qi of 8500 points.

Jiang Yuelong glanced at him and said, "If you wake up, do you want to eat more?"

"you eat!"

Pan Chenmo opened the system's devouring function, consuming 500 points of knight value, and swallowed Bitao's mind with the true formula of waves. Then, Pan Chen ’s Canglang formula was generalized to lv4: 1/0000. Canglang broke through the growth of 1000 points in the left ventricle, 500 points in the left ventricle, and 5000 points in the left ventricle. Therefore, the upper limit of Pan Chen's Qi is still 8500, while the actual Qi is 40008500. Therefore, the upper limit of Pan Chen's true energy is still 8,500. However, the actual real gas is 4000x8500. This is because the quality of Canglang Town is much better than that of Bitao, and only less than half are left after the transformation. But everything can be recovered. Therefore, Pan Chen's combat effectiveness has actually been greatly improved.

At this point, Pan Chen ’s remaining essence value was 40 points, and he decided to make every effort to break through the birth. Naturally, he added the real formula of Canglang, and his proficiency was increased to 4.040 million.

The remaining Cavaliers are worth 980 points. When he was about to exchange something, he was very grateful for the girl's help.

However, he thought about it, and when he found out that she was not lacking in skills and weapons, he exchanged a bottle of Blood Pill 10 and gave it to her. "Here," he said. "Thank you for your great help this time!"

This is a third-order panacea, with a discount of 400 points and 20%, which is very helpful to the practice of the right spring blood-making method, and the panacea provided by the system will not have impurities and those side effects. At this time, his remaining knighthood was 18980/140670.

Jiang Yuelong took the medicine, but smelled the scent of Scarlet Elf. Upon closer inspection, he immediately looked very happy, but immediately thought: "Where did you get it from?"

Generally speaking, similar medicines will have grades, the lowest grade is inferior, there is erysipelas, the medicine power is also insufficient, mainly belong to waste products. Second, it is the next product of Elixir, usually sold in Elixir's store. For the Chinese patent medicine Lingdan, there are less impurities, the product phase is excellent, and the drug power is relatively rich. The first-level elixirs have very few impurities and are not a great pharmacist. They cannot be refined at all. The drug effect is also more than 50% higher than the ordinary product Dan, but it is rarely sold and used to train his disciples.

"If you don't want it, give it to me. Don't ask!"

"Well, if you don't ask, you don't ask!"

Jiang Yuelong took the next one, held it in his arms, and went to bed to practice.

Pan Chen knows that the spiritual elixir of this system is directly condensed with the power of law. It belongs to conscience medicine. Even the first product elixir is not as good as elixir, so he never went to the store to buy practice elixir.

However, now he really wants to buy some Danjiao. He now has two kinds of energy: Yuan Jing and Zhen Qi to recover. Relying on food intake is too slow, and he must recover by taking pills. Generally speaking, the first-level elixir and county-level elixir have been sold out, but the second-level elixir is relatively tight, such as commonly used elixir such as drug avoidance pill, detoxification pill, condensate pill, etc., there may be a shortage of goods or a price increase. . Generally speaking, supply is in short supply and sold out very early.

At this time, Jiang Yuelong's injury could not be cured at 01:30, nor could she leave her to find the rebels in the underground world. Go shopping in time, buy some supplies, don't miss the workers who cut firewood!

The next day, in the morning of Nantong County, the weather turned cloudy and dark clouds condensed.

In the cold streets, the autumn wind is cold and a handsome young man and woman walk slowly.

Liu Mei in white clothes frowned and said, "Lin Feng, why do you think there are so few people in this street?"

Pan Chen thought for a while and said, "The news must be that the underworld rebels have spread." Within three days, three counties were broken, and this matter will certainly not be covered up. "

In fact, many people with relatives in other counties are ready to pack up and leave.

The richer the rich, the greater the fear of death, so large families such as landlords and wealthy merchants have also left, and many shops are closed. Those who do not close the door are closed and are packing up.

Jiang Yuelong suddenly said: "Then we have to go faster, otherwise the store will close!"

Then the two men stepped up and tried to find it on the street, and soon found a shop selling immortality.

This is a small-area store with exquisite decoration and the door hangs the "Lingyaozhai" plaque!

However, when Pan Chen first came, a handsome young man was walking up the stairs, trying to remove the plaque, and there was no one in the shop.

Jiang Yuelong hurriedly called him when he saw the situation: "Dude, wait a minute, we'll go buy some medicine."

The man looked back at him and said, "Did you not see the door closed?" I bought it from another store. "

The man took down the plaque, picked up the ladder, and went to the store.

When the two followed, Pan Chen asked, "Where is the cabinet?"

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