The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2185: Stop attacking

The rebel soldiers looked excited and were killed in the city.

At this time, a white shadow flashed and fell on the city gate, pulling out the bleeding sword!

As soon as the blood sword flashed, a few people fell!

Only with many enemies, Jiang Yuelong soon felt powerless.

At this time, with the support of officers and men, Qin Haitao finally stopped the attack.

At that time, two more figures fell from the city buildings.

Qin Haitao saw these two people, his face slightly changed, and said, "What are you doing here, aren't you?"

Xu grabbed his head and said, "The north gate is gone, the rebels have entered the city!"

The county magistrate said, "The South City Gate has also been lost. Now we must break through the siege!"

At this time, Jiang Yuelong chopped a man with his horn sword, rolled his eyes, and said, "What are you looking at, breakthrough!"

The three joined together with a sharp knife and quickly defeated the attacking rebels!

Just as the four men led the officers and men through the siege, a tall black figure flashed in their eyes, and Mengrand punched him!

When a county magistrate was hit with a punch, his head burst and blood flakes splashed!

Xu's head suddenly turned white.

Qin Haitao's face is also gloomy and terrible!

Jiang Yuelong recognized that Xuan Yin was dead, and a symbol of Pan Chen thundering into the sky immediately appeared in the palm of his hand!

Xuanyin dead man punched him again!

Jiang Yuelong activated it with the spiritual symbol in his hand, turning it into a thunderous thunder of the blue sky, which hit the death of Xuan Yin.

With a loud noise, Xuanyin's dead person was blown up and his chest was burnt.

At the same time, Jiang Yuelong's figure was shining, and a sword was stabbed out and stabbed into the eye of the weak!

Blood spattered on the right eye, has always been blind, Xuanyin died, but his face did not change color, hit with a punch!

With a bang, Jiang Yuelong's body flew upside down like a broken kite, fell to the ground, plopped, and vomited blood!

Xuanyin's dead man kept moving all the time, the shape flashed, and a punch hit her jade face!

At this moment, a red body shot like a sharp arrow, shot with a punch!

Xuan Yin died in a panicked expression, boxing on his chest.

With a bang, the body exploded and turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood. The bones on the ground were broken one inch, and the whole body could not die!

"Congratulations to the player, you killed Xuanyin's death, your spiritual value is 750, and the knight value is 10:00."

It turned out that Xuanyin's body was very strong and would not explode so easily. Unfortunately, Pan Chen's punch triggered the double-power probability of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers! The strength of the muscles and bones of more than 80 points is doubled by more than 160 points. Even if the strength is as deep as Nan, it is difficult to withstand this punch, and it must be blown away by life!

Pan Chen picked up Jiang Yuelong, and a muscle pill of hematopoietic cells appeared in his hand. He fed her and said, "Are you all right?"

Jiang Yuelong's face was a little pale, but he said with a smile: "It's really overbearing, I like it!" Took me away. "

Pan Chen carried her on her back and said, "Let me die!"

More than 100 disabled soldiers including Qin Haitao and Xu Hua hurried to catch up.

Under the leadership of Pan Chen, immediately add a tank and crush it all the way!

Qin Haitao and others only need to clean up a few leaking fish.

Pan Chen and his party quickly dispersed more than 400 elite soldiers!

Half an hour later, a fork in the road.

Pan Chen stopped and held his fist and said, "Master Yu, let's break up here!"

By this time, the rebels will not be able to catch up and he will not have to be a nanny.

Qin Haitao and Xu Chuantou also punched and said, "Thank you for saving me and taking care of yourself!"

Then the party quickly left.

Pan Chen left behind Jiang Yuelong and came to another road, living in a small town inn.

He put Jiang Yuelong on the bed, put on clothes, and examined her wounds carefully, and found that although the snoring had stabilized, several broken ribs, even after taking Lingdan, could not heal for a while. Fortunately, hematopoietic Jidan has repaired her heart and visceral injuries without serious problems, but she cannot use force in a short time.

At this time, he began to count and killed 06 people, including a Xuanyin death, with a total of 10800 essence, and the knight was worth 0160 points.

At this time, Pan Chen ’s essence value is 50005000, and the overflow essence value is 740 points. The best ratio is LV5. The proficiency has been automatically added to 74010000. 71480140670 points.

This time the harvest is his most generous, but the consumption is huge. At this time, his true energy was almost exhausted, his energy was less than 30%, and his strength had dropped to freezing point. We must find a place to practice as soon as possible. This is why Pan Chen and Qin Haitao separated. Although the two men work together on the same boat, he may not have any different ideas after the danger is lifted.

At this time, Pan Chen already had enough knight value, and he could exchange master-level treasures to change to higher-order function method. However, at this time, Bi Tao's thoughts were close to perfection. Pan Chen thought deeply about this, or decided to perfect his spiritual practice, because the perfect meritorious method can get special rewards. Therefore, he added 597 points of spiritual value to Bitao's mentality.

Congratulations to the player, Bitao's mind lv5 has been upgraded to a perfect level, the player's true value limit has been increased by 5000 points, and the reward gas feature has been obtained.

Rebirth: The recovery rate of true gas is increased by 50%.

This feature is not bad. If there is not much difference in martial arts, the faster return speed will undoubtedly occupy the chance of victory.

At this time, Pan Chen felt that his body was like a wave of blue sea, and the turbulent Bei Tao was really angry, looking very happy, and really angry when running against the veins, such as the waves hitting the coast, the flood tilted, and soon The veins were completely washed away, everything was natural. At this time, Rendou has two pulses, and the next pulse reaches a hundred pulses!

In addition to the twelve meridians and the eight meridians, there are many tributaries and meridians, just like the tributaries of the great river. These meridians are relatively small, and need to work hard, don't worry.

The problem is that Pan Chen was pondering at the time, and felt that there was a mysterious hole in his body, and that was the declaration of life and death. This Xuanguan acupoint is not a fixed hole, but is constantly moving. It is also the way of heaven that is added to the shackles of people, hindering the communication between people and the aura of heaven and earth.

At this time, he is already the perfect acquired, can try to break the porch, break through the innate. But the porch is closely related to the body, if the breakthrough fails, it is likely to explode and die!

We can compare the declaration to the gateway between the spirit and the body of the world, it is tightly closed!

There are two difficulties in breaking through the porch of life and death. First, the real gas needs to be thick enough, otherwise the portal will only be pushed halfway, but the strength will not be good, and the portal will close soon! Second, it requires delicate real control! The door of the porch has a close connection with the body. If you step on the door violently, although the door is open, even if it is connected to the hole, it will also be fatally hit and eventually die by an explosion!

Therefore, the layers of work, perfect practice, and the upper limit of true energy are not enough to promote the porch, and it will never be able to break through the innate. ..

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