The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2119: Pan Chenqing can't help it. [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words, Please Kill]

Pan Chen couldn't help himself. He was really depressed. He and Xu Jiaoyan had never enjoyed that kind of happiness at all. It was just Shuangxiu. They were all **** squares. If not worried about him catching up, what a great opportunity .

After he got dressed, Pan Chen put away the formation.

Then, he and Xu Jiaoyan moved forward quickly.

Half a day later, Pan Chen and Xu Jiaoyan came to the center of the bamboo forest.

This bamboo forest is too big, beyond Pan Chen's imagination.

"Someone in front" Pan Chen stopped and was squinted by the cat.

"How do you know?" Xu Qiaoyan just found a person in front of her, but she didn't expect Pan Chen to be faster than her.

"With the help of the cat", the cat had returned and appeared on Pan Chen's shoulder. Pan Chen pointed to his finger and said.

Little brother? Xu Jiaoyan saw Pan Chen's cat on the shoulder. It was another shock that he could get a chinchilla. I couldn't believe such luck. Especially Pan Chen's repair was still so weak.

"Well, as the cat told me, she went to the front." Pan Chen nodded.

"I heard a message in front of me. Oh, this is related to the person you are looking for." Then the cat said.

"Really?" Pan Chen heard that when his eyes were bright, he did not expect such an unexpected harvest.

It would be great if they had no shadow news.

"So, Shenglian Zuyin, there are two groups of people before the confrontation, vaguely heard the news of Shenglian Zuyin, I think this should be related to the person my brother is looking for." Cat said.

"Holy lotus seal?" Pan Chen nodded. This is really related to the Hua clan. Pan Chen has a very strong feeling. This sacred lotus ancestor seal is likely to be the key to the disappearance of flowers. As long as we Once we find the sacred lotus ancestor seal, we should be able to find flowers without shadows.

"Are you talking about the legendary emperor of the Huayuan family, the imprint of the ancestors of the sacred lotus left by the emperor?" Xu Qiaoyan heard and was also surprised that the emperor was born, which is definitely a shocking news that will set off a The **** wind, I don't know how many people will die in this game.

"So, the disappearance of the flower without shadow should be related to the news of the Holy Lotus Zuyin, so this is a very important news." Pan Chen said: "Come on, let's go find those people now and see what it is To see if there are any flowers or photos of them. "

"It's not that easy, it's not that easy, if it is really the emperor, it will be very troublesome." Xu Jiaoyan said: "The Shenglian ancestor is an emperor artifact. You can't imagine the consequences of the emergence of the emperor artifact. I am afraid that the whole ancient soil will spread into it. It is very dangerous to do what you and I are doing now. "

"What's the danger? I must save someone, as for the matter of the Holy Rose." Pan Chengen didn't think about it. That thing is really not what he can resolve now. After all, the strength is too weak, "I will not consider, The emperor has the spirit and will choose his master. If it is not a destiny, it is impossible to obtain. "

"It's not that simple." Xu Jiaoyan said: "Even if the emperor automatically chooses the master, the chosen person will be very dangerous. Whether it is alive or not is all a question, so there is not enough power to not hit the emperor's idea."

The two men moved quickly, and soon came to the place where the two groups confronted each other.

These two groups of people, Pan Chen, can see this.

A group of people is a Hua tribe, while others do not know. The strength of the two groups of people is not weak, but it is not too strong. It should be too far compared to the power grid.

"Lin Qiang, this is my flower. Do you want to oppose my flower shop?" The man who took the lead in the flower family looked at the other person's anger.

"Spend money, what is your flower shop? Compared to our Lin family, there is nothing nonsense. I advise you to call something, otherwise you will all die." Lin Qiang's tone is arrogant, his power is more than spending money. Stronger, although the Lin family has more people, the overall strength is much stronger.

"Lin Qiang, you provoke my flower family. Now our flower family is no longer the previous flower shop. If you dare to grab it, the consequences will not be your Lin family can bear." Spending money constantly went back, drumming in my heart, paying secretly, How could reinforcements not come yet?

"Spend money, I ’m so scared, the flower family, not even the top ten, will my Lin family be afraid? This is a joke, it ’s impossible for you to procrastinate, give it to me at the top, since you do n’t pay it, you just take it All killed. "Lin Qiang waved his hand, and all of them rushed to the people who spent money, and so on.

The two groups killed each other once. The Fahrenheit family is obviously not an opponent, and was killed by nearly half of them in one fell swoop. ,

For the Lin family, only three people died, and there was a big gap in strength.

"Do you want to do it?" Xu Shaoyan knife.

"Wait a minute, don't worry." Pan Chen waved and said, "Wait a little longer."

After a while, the Fahrenheit family died, leaving only money and two others, and they were also injured. The three stood back to back, looking at the master of the Lin family, and he continued to gather together. They were very anxious.

"Take out your things," Lin Qiang said.

"If you dream about it, I won't give it to your Lin family, even if I ruin it." He was angry with this money all his life and took out something to destroy it.

Pan Chen glanced at it. It was terrible. If it was destroyed, where would the information be found?

"Coincidentally, stop him and take away his things." Pan Chen said.

Xu Qiaoyan nodded and said, "Okay."

In this way, he moved, jumped, flew out, and suddenly caught the money-raising thing. The money and others just saw a shadow, and the thing disappeared.

Lin Qiang was angry and shocked by the money spent.

"Who? Go out," Lin Qiang cried.

At this time, Xu Jiaoyan gave things to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen and Xu Jiaoyan came out. Pan Chen looked at the two teams and said, "Is this really related to the news of Shenglian Zuyin?"

"Give me your things, child," Lin Qiang said coldly: "I am a Lin family. If you give me something, you will have unexpected benefits."

Lin Qiang can see that woman with strong power, so it ’s easy to grab things. They have n’t been able to react to it. It can be seen how terrible her power is, and I ca n’t see how strong she is. , Enough to prove that her repair ability is very strong, away from her opponent.

For a super master, the people here are not enough.

He wanted to take things back, so all he had to do was hope that the other party was afraid of the Lin family and moved the Lin family out. ..

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