The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2118: Ice Flame Sword Spirit [6 million words Wang Wang, please kill]

When he speaks, the square hand is empty, and the majestic power is in his hand, as if a terrifying snake is screaming.

A long snake was released and hit Xu Qiaoyan's Ice Flame Sword Spirit.


A red snake broke all the swords.

The power of the square is far beyond Xu Jiaoyan's imagination, but the angry Xu Jiao has long lost his mind, and there is only one idea in his heart, that is, to avenge his master, brother, and killed this animal, no, he should be a worse animal Bastard.


Xu Qiaoyan's repair climbed up again, her eyes shining madly.

Her practice and breathing became messy.

"Forcing a promotion, so what, sister, you can't imagine how terrible it is to make blood come true." The pupils in the square turned into blood red, and the whole body exuded a terrible blood gas, burning up, forming a more terrible blood fire.

Both hands lifted slightly, and the blood flame burning above made a nutritious sound.

The temperature around the house increased again, the whole house began to melt, and the nearest one became nothingness.

Pan Chen hid behind, seeing this scene, very anxious.

This is bad. I didn't expect things to develop to such a point that Xu Qiaoyan was irritated and lost his mind.

This is definitely a taboo in the battle of masters.

To master the battle, we must keep calm and maintain a good calm state of mind. We must not lose our mind. Once we lose our reason and judgment, then things are really troublesome.

what should I do?

Pan Chen flashed a beam of spiritual light in his mind.

By the way, the spiritual law you cultivate and the spiritual scriptures you cultivate will have very good results. Isn't there a spiritual secret law?

Pan Chen hurriedly used the method of spiritual secret and mentally struck Xu Jiaoyan's back brain.


Xu Jiaoyan was immediately shocked. At this time, a square finger hit Xu Jiaoyan's sword, Xu Jiaoyan was frightened and flew out.

Although he was injured, he was just crazy and woke up.

The power of the square is beyond his imagination, his repair is too strong, he is not an opponent at all, if he continues to do so, he will definitely die in his hands.

Revenge, that must be repaid, but not now, because of his lack of strength, he must be strong.

Xu Jiaoyan remembered Pan Chen who had just woken up. It should be Pan Chen's help.

This time, maybe he will have a way. He is so confident in his seal that he can only rely on his seal. If his seal is not, I am afraid he will really die here.

The great revenge did not pay off, and Xu Jiaoyan was absolutely unwilling to die like this.

"Cleverly, go, don't mess with him, his power is too strong, you are not an opponent at all." Pan Chen immediately held Xu Qiaoyan's hand.

"You want to leave here, this is impossible." When I saw Pan Chen's appearance, the square suddenly showed murderous intentions, and the air was about to freeze. Sure enough, as he guessed, Xu Jiaoyan and Pan Chen, a couple of dogs and men, did not know shame.

Kill them and make them your own tripod.

Fang Zheng held in his right hand, a terrible blood claw, born from the void, rushed towards Pan Chen and Xu Jiaoyan.

As soon as Pan Chen's face changed, this blood claw was full of horror and could not resist.

Fu Chuan, Pan Chen caught a seal. These characters cannot have seven characters, but they are all six characters.

A seal character just sprinkled, and lightning, ice, flame, weather, water, etc. broke out. Although these seal characters, although not seven products, their power is also very small.

However, Pan Chen looked down on that blood claw, the power of these characters burst out in front of that blood claw, and this claw was easily vulnerable. When it was caught by the blood claws, it was completely torn apart and turned into nothingness.

Pan Chen lost, escaped, and without hesitation sealed the seven characters previously extracted, that is the conveyor belt.

"Airborne, let's go" Pan Chen crushed Fu Chuan by hand, and huge space force wrapped Pan Chen and Xu Jiaoyan inside.

"It's not easy," he said. Fang Ge saw the seal used by Pan Chen, that is, the seal of seven pints. The power of space was always wrapped between two people. Seeing escape, the blood claws of the square, tearing, increased strength, tearing the emptiness and grabbing past.

Great changes have taken place in Xu Jiaoyan's face.

Pan Chen's face is also not good-looking, that terrible power collided, blood claws seemed to tear the power of space.

"Bang!" With a dull noise, Pan Chen was shocked by the terrible power, but Fu Quanhuan suddenly emitted a light, life blocked the blow, turned into white light, and disappeared in place.

"Damn, you can't escape. You are in my blood clot. No matter where you escape, you can't get rid of my tracking. You will die in my hands." Although the escape came, the square's voice was still It reached the ears of two people.

Pan Chen's heart was taken aback, what height the square reached, it was repaired so terrible.

"Cough, cough"

Xu Jiaoyan spit out a little bit of blood, Pan Chen hurriedly grabbed her, worried about her accident.

In the second minute, the two appeared in another place.

There is a bamboo forest here, and Pan Chen has relaxed. Here he has walked hundreds of miles from the previous place. It is not easy to chase after.

"Coincidentally, are you okay?" Pan Chen looked at Xu Qiaoyan's face, his face pale and worried.

"I'm fine. The injury is not serious, but it takes two or three days to heal." Xu Jiaoyan said: "I'm afraid I can't wait that long, three days is enough."

"It doesn't take three days to recover." "We can repair it again," Pan said. "In this way, one hour is enough."

Xu Jiaoyan heard that his face was flushed, but he nodded. This is no way. If it can't be restored as soon as possible, let the power grid catch up, then it will be troublesome. ,

After Pan Chen arranged the formation, the two began double training for the second time.

This time, the effect of Shuangxiu is certainly not as good as last time, but it can also be quenched and cleaned, Pan Chen's own real strength.

After one hour.

Pan Chen and Xu Jiaoyan opened their eyes at the same time.

At this time, Xu Jiaoyan's injury was completely healed. Although Pan Chen's repair did not make much progress, it also had many advantages. His strength was stronger than before and the foundation was more stable.

"Wolf, get out." Xu Jiaoyan felt Pan Chen's fire for a while, and a red face stared at Pan Chen angrily. "When can I still use it?" If you want to die, you can continue. "

"Alright alright."..

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