The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2075: Take advantage of his lack of time! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaught

"What are you waiting for? When he doesn't have time to do it!"

Behind the white crack was a dazzling white spirit, followed by 108 white wings quickly condensing, accompanied by these wings, there was a kind of quasi-emperical magic.

The killing machine appeared in his eyes, the wings behind the white crack moved together, and then he squeezed his hands tightly, emitting a dazzling white light to Pan Chen not far from the group.

With the attack of the white crack, several people in the red robes also shot one after another, each hitting a majestic spiritual light, and the white spiritual light mixed from the white crack in the air, and finally became a A three-foot gray lightsaber.

As soon as the gray lightsaber was formed, it became a remnant in the air and flew towards Pan Chen.

In the battle with many magic holy wars around him, Pan Chen suddenly felt a fatal sense of crisis. Before he had time to react, the gray lightsaber bullied him and fell on the blue light mask in front of him.


A sound like ice breaking sounded, Pan Chen was penetrated by the gray lightsaber under the blue light mask outside the water, and then broke out completely again.

After breaking Shui Huangding's defense, the gray light sword's offense continued unabated, directly hitting Pan Chen's chest, and the tip of the knife penetrated the past.


Pan Chen pierced his chest with a sword and immediately issued a scream. Although his physical vitality was much stronger than the same order, the power of the gray lightsaber was more terrible. After penetrating his flesh, he frantically destroyed the vitality of his body.

"the host!"

Seeing that Pan Chen was seriously injured, the herd that was desperately resisting a large number of magical sage attacks quickly and forcefully moved to Pan Chen's body, helping to prevent several attacks.

Pan Chen was injured, Wu Liang and Qi Tian saw it naturally, and they also flew to the place near the front.

"Break me!"

As soon as the spirit was washed away, Qi Tian discovered that the gray lightsaber was frantically destroying the vitality of Pan Chen's body. He immediately urged him to go back to the market to buy beads, and issued a yellow disillusionment, which fell on the gray lightsaber.

Originally thought that the anger of disillusioning the road could break the gray light sword in Pan Chen's chest, but Qi Tian felt that he was not used to the enemy, there was almost no unfavorable disillusionment, and he was shocked by the gray light sword.

"Brother, be careful!"

While Qi Tian was about to shoot again, suddenly Wu Liangzhi cried out involuntarily while helping Pan Chen resist the attack from all directions. Qi Tian quickly looked back at the sound and found that a three-foot long and three-foot deep jade ruler had flown into his body.


Not waiting for Qi Tian's reaction, the black jade cut his right shoulder. Qi Tian was shocked. The whole flesh of the right shoulder was broken. If he did not turn his head, the black jade ruler would split his head.

"Magic ruler!"

Seeing his serious damage to the black jade, Qi Tian immediately recognized it. This is one of the magic rulers he has seen many times, the Emperor Baiyu.

"Oh my God!"

Although he also suffered a heavy blow, Pan Chen ’s eyes were red when he saw that his disciples almost died in order to save himself, but he could n’t do anything because his power was so different from that of his enemies. It's fortunate to stick to it.

"Ah, Pan Chen, you really have the ability to be beaten by many strong people in our family. You still have a breath. It seems that God let you die in my hands!"

Looking at the blood-red Pan Chen, the white royal family showed a fierce smile. He put his hand at the devil a little bit, and suddenly a violent emperor Wei broke out, and then he carried the power of the world on one foot and cut Pan Chen's head.

"the host!"

He felt the horror of the demon king. He tried his best to resist the attacks of many magic saints in all directions, and the cattle he could not care for were strong enough to make a roar that ripped his heart and lungs.

At present, Qi Tian Wu Liang has suffered a heavy blow to his security, and Pan Chen's condition has also reached the extreme. Qi Tian knew that Pan Chen and others could never withstand the attack of the magic sky, but they did not have time to resist the attacks of many magic saints, and the cow had a heavy heart to the extreme.

"God, strong, brother Wu Liang, if there is an afterlife, we will get together, fight together, and die together!"

Obviously also knowing that they were destined to die, Pan Chen was not sad, but rather happy, smiling at Wu Liangniu ’s strength and three kinds of humanitarianism, his eyes were full of color.

Do not

Upon hearing Pan Chen's words, the cow seemed to roar again. Without Pan Chen, there would be no such thing as today. To him, Pan Chen is not only a benefactor, but also like a father. If he could, he was willing to give him Pan Chen's life.

"Who dares to kill my son?"

Seeing the magic ruler getting closer and closer to him, Pan Chen even felt that the ruler of the magic sky, Di Wei, stung his scalp. At this time, an angry voice suddenly came from the virtual air, followed by a **** ancient The sword came out through the void and directly over Pan Chen's head.


A hammer-like harsh sound came from above Pan Chen's head, and the arbitrary rule of the magic ruler was chopped on this **** ancient sword. However, what the White Royal Family and others did not expect was that the emperor's attack was blocked by the **** ancient sword. Not only that, but the magical ruler also issued through the reverse impact.

When the devil was shocked, a middle-aged man in a gray robe walked out of the empty air not far from Pan Chen.

The middle-aged man in gray robe with long hair and shawl looks like he is in his fifties, but his eyes show the vicissitudes of life. He was no one else, but Ye Chongtian, Pan Chen's biological father.

As soon as Ye Chongtian came out of the open air, he raised his hand, and saw that the ancient **** sword blocked the attack of the magic sky, and suddenly turned into thousands of **** sword shadows, and then rushed to those still Attacked Pan Chen and others.

Blood Sword flew in the sky, very fast, and quickly rushed to many magical saints.

In order to be able to practice the realm of the devil, the hundreds of demons present are naturally not weak people. Faced with Ye Chongtian's attack, they immediately turned to defense, or sacrificed defensive magic weapons, or urged Avatar to resist the blood sword's attack, which was triggered.


In front of a demon clan in the center of the Holy Spirit, there was a crisp crackling sound, but that was the blue shield he sacrificed, pierced by a blood sword, and fell on him.

The magic family in the middle stage of the demon was hit by the blood of the blood sword, and turned into a blood mist on the spot, which was then absorbed by the sword light. This happened not only in this place, but also under the attack of the **** ancient sword light sword. ..

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