The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2074: Pan Chen, you are so interesting [6 million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; "Wait! You just want to cut it off. I can give it to you!"

Seeing that the devil was about to do this, suddenly, Pan Chen opened his mouth and drank a lot of people.

"Pan Chen, you're so funny. I always thought you were a hard bone. I didn't expect you to be greedy and afraid of death at such times. But today it's no use begging for forgiveness. I want to make up my mind and take care of you!"

Bai Jie saw that Pan Chen's clothes were soft at first, but he didn't give up Pan Chen's meaning.

"Well, kill me? You can come and get it, because it's not my responsibility anyway. If you kill me, you won't get it in your whole life."

"Why do you think I'm here? That's because I was caught by the night owl, they caught me, why didn't they kill me, because they weren't cut down, so they didn't dare to kill me!"

Pan Chen had long expected that the White Royal Family would not let go, but he didn't think so, and he was very disdainful.

"Pan Chen, do you think I will believe your nonsense, like those idiots who walk at night? They are stupid. I am not stupid!"

"I am ninety percent sure that you have cut down a thousand treasures on you. You can't put this heavy treasure elsewhere, even the nine-star Buddha territory where you hide it is impossible."

"Because if you put Qiqiu there, your Nine-Star Buddhist Territory will become the target. For the life of your disciple, you can only carry it with you, am I right?"

Bai Ji looked directly at Pan Chen's eyes and asked with a smile.

Pan Chen heard that his students were shrinking all at once, and he did not expect that Bai Wen guessed so accurately. He couldn't help but think of an old saying: What he knew best might not be his closest relatives and friends, but his own enemies.

"I'm right, Qian Qiu is on you, Pan Chen, ah, Pan Chen, if I said that, I'm actually bragging about you, do you want to tear me to pieces now?"

Seeing the changes in Pan Chen's eyes, Bai Ji smiled.

"You! You are such a betrayal villain. At this time, you dare to lie to me. If my eyes are not exposed, you dare not do it!"

Pan Chen gritted his teeth and stared at Bai Yinglu.

"Not that I dare to do it, but I have to do it, because I see you as my strongest opponent. In order to understand you, I searched your Beidou, I do n’t know how many people ’s soul. I know all past."

"From now on, my hard work is useless. I said I can guess what you are thinking now. Can you believe it?"

Bai Ji asked confidently.

"Can you guess my true thoughts? Tell me and see if you really understand me as you said!"

Pan Chen said sullenly.

"The real idea in your heart is to push us away and wait for your reinforcements from the Nine-Star Buddha Territory. Once you come, even if you can't beat us, that's enough."

"For a long time, you have been sending out a distress message, and everything you do is delayed. Am I wrong?"

Bai Ji asked with a smile.

"Now that you have guessed what I am thinking, why don't you talk to me and don't do it as soon as possible?"

Bai Ji said, let Pan Chen completely change his face, because the other party really guessed his thoughts, he came out of the empty bag, he quietly inspired the smile of the balance given to him by the sky, but he did not expect his true The idea was even guessed by the White Royal Family.

"I don't want you to die. In any case, we know each other. I think you are the most powerful opponents."

"I finally want to give you a message. Although you sent a letter of help, it was unsuccessful, because we have arranged a huge formation in the dark."

This method of formation can isolate everything, including the information you send. The original purpose was to prevent thousands of emperors from being summoned, but it also works for you.

"This way you do n’t have to wait any longer and do n’t have to delay, because no matter how long you wait, no one will come to save you, give it to me!"

Bai Ji smiled, Pan Chen finally explained a sentence, and then ordered again.


Under the order of Snow White, the devil surrounding Pan Chen immediately urged "Avatar" and launched a fierce attack on Pan Chen.

Hundreds of powerful magicians fired together, resulting in extraordinary shock of the sound, various magical auras, various magical artifacts flying in the sky, all attacking the center of attack on all sides.

"We have no way to go, we can kill an earl, and would rather die than self-esteem!"

Facing hundreds of sacred attacks, Pan Chen had a drink to the cow, and then the Emperor's tripod raised Hubble over his head, killing the devil that surrounded them.

A true elemental explosion sound continually rang from the air, and Pan Chen's four people reacted with hundreds of magical sacred battles.

Although the four Panchen people are not ordinary strong people in the sacred order, there are really too many people in the devil's side. Only a dozen breaths before and after, Wu Liang suffered a heavy blow, and his defense was blocked by seven or eight. The magic saints attacked together and spit out blood in their mouths, and their clothes were dyed red.

The cow is very good. He has become a holy body. After more than 200 years of practice, he has taken a lot of elixirs in the water palace. This has always been a priesthood practice in the later period. Even in the face of mass attacks by many magical saints, he could hardly resist.

As for the seven days, although it is not as strong as the cow, under the magical heaven body, it also climbed to the later sacred stage, plus the glory back to the beads, did not lose in a short time.

If the easiest thing is Pan Chen, he has the protection bell of the Eastern Emperor, the general attack of the Holy Spirit, how can he use his hand, plus the hand of the wild grass, and the quasi-Emperor compared with the real Yuan, not only did not hurt And also killed many opponents.

"This person's fighting capacity is really not very weak. Even if we fight like this, even if we are a lot of people, sooner or later we will be killed by him. If we don't do this, we seem to be unable to do it!"

Looking at Pan Chen who was so panicked in the battle, he couldn't help but say that there was no white crack in the air, he couldn't help but say.

White Split and the White Royal Family, as well as several other demons similar to the White Rift, did not join the battle group against Pan Chen. They just watched them.

"This son ’s fighting power is really terrible, especially the tripod on his head, the defense is really strong enough, ah, in my opinion, we have to shoot together to break through its defense, otherwise we do n’t know how much it takes to fight like this Long time! "

An old man in a red robe stood next to a white crack and frowned. He looks older than the white crack, and the true smell of his body is not weaker than the white crack. ..

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