The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2064: Ferocious colors [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

Qin Ao picked up the crystal ball and his eyes showed a fierce color. He nodded, then turned into fire, and flew out of the empty hall.

Five days later, a shocking news spread throughout Qingyun Town. For the long-term corpse disaster in Qingyun Mountain, the source of the corpse disaster was finally resolved. The tomb of the ancient emperor collapsed. The body escaped the robbery, and the rest were buried in the grave of the ancient emperor.

At first, the citizens of Qingyun Town did not believe this, but when the emperor and several other forces of Qingyun Town came to confirm the authenticity of this matter, the citizens of Qingyun Town began to celebrate.

Some people in Qingyun Town even went to Qingyun Mountain in droves. After confirming that there is no danger, they finally completely put down the big rock in their hearts. For a while, the entire Qingyun Town was immersed in joy and celebration.

Just as the people in Qingyun Town were immersed in the celebration, a fire ran across the sky and fell on the Qingyun Mountain filled with dense fog. The fire gradually extinguished, and Qin Ao was naked, showing his figure.

Qin Ao's face is fierce. As soon as he fell into his forehead, he fell into his eyebrows and began to look for an invisible spiritual force.

After a spiritual exploration with no results, Qin Ao flew low to the ground. He wandered around and tried his best to let go, carefully exploring every inch of land on Qingyun Mountain, which is not too troublesome.

At noon, Qin Ao fell under a big tree, and Zhao Yu's body turned over in front of him.

"My father is right. He should not meet the strong man, but the little man, otherwise he would not be able to search everything on the little sister."

"Little sister, my brother swears here that he will find someone to kill you and let him suffer from the scorching sun, otherwise he will live in this world for more than 50 years! Rest assured!"

Qin Ao whispered with red eyes, then raised his hand and waved his hand. He gave birth to a blazing sun and fell on Zhao Yu from the thin air. But in an instant, Zhao Yu's body was burned to fly ash.

"Someone! Sneaking out sneakily!"

Qin Ao suddenly changed his face, stretched his hand to a bush on the side of his body, swept out of the raging flame, and went straight to the bush.


A roar came from the bush, and then a gust of wind blew out of the bush, blowing a violent flame, rushing out of the bush, rushing out of a black snake.

The black snake was born in a water tank as thin as 100 meters long, covered with black shiny scales, the most striking of which is its triangular head with a sharp angle on its head, which looks a little weird. The black snake was born with a thick water tank, 100 meters long, covered with black shiny scales. The most striking is its triangular head, which has a sharp angle on its head.

"Fourth-level monster, unicorn black viper!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the black snake, Qin Ao's face changed dramatically, and immediately left the ground.

"hoarse voice!"

The black snake spit out pink letters, and a pair of black and shiny eyes stared greedily at Qin Ao in the air, watching Qin Ao as food.

"I didn't expect to be able to give birth to evil animals like you in this fragile Qingyun Mountain, just like Master has no horse under him, only you!"

Qin Ao was shocked to see a single-horned black poisonous snake. He looks very happy. The other side uses it as food, but he thinks the other party is prey.


The black venomous snake with horns seemed extremely disgusted with Qin Ao's expression. He was the first to attack under the roar. He saw his huge tail passing by, dozens of mountains and boulders flying from the nearby ground, all of which hit Qin Ao in midair.

"Well! I don't have time to play with you, be obedient!"

Qin Ao smiled contemptuously, and a flame mask appeared on his body. When the rock fell on it, he was motionless and all the boulders were bounced back by the flame lampshade. ?

Qin Ao opened his mouth, and a red ring of fire flew out of his mouth. The red ring of fire gold was engraved with strong flame runes. As soon as it flew out, it soared in the wind, becoming seven to eight meters in size, straight toward the head of a horned black viper.

A horned black poisonous snake obviously has a lot of wisdom. As soon as I saw a red-golden ring of fire flying towards me, I opened my mouth to face the ring of flying fire, and a stinky black liquid spewed out towards the red golden ring of fire. .


With the buzzing, the red golden ring of fire suddenly shivered, emitting a deep red flame, but all the black liquid evaporated in front of the body into a plume of black gas, which consisted of a deep red flame.

The red gold fire ring is not afraid of the black liquid attack, and quickly flew to the top of the single-horned black poisonous snake, flying directly towards the snake head cover.


With a loud thunder, a black lightning shot from the top of a horned black venomous snake above his head, just above the red gold ring, but the single-horned black venomous snake found that the situation was not good and fired thunder.

The flame exploded, and the red gold ring was hit by the black lightning, making a crisp, thin iron sound, and then flew backwards.

"I didn't expect to understand the incarnation of genius, which is exactly what I want!"

Seeing that the black venomous snake with horns hit his red golden ring of fire, Qin Ao was not only half angry but also very happy.

He pointed to the red ring of fire gold, and at the same time opened his mouth, spouting a circle of fire from his mouth, blending into the ring of red gold fire.

The red gold ring of fire blends with the spirit of fire, and all the simple runes of fire are lit.


One of Qin Ao flashed the red ring of gold fire, patted it with one hand, and patted the ring of red gold fire.

When Qin Ao patted the ring of red and gold fire, he immediately released ten thousand lights, nine fire dragons spewed out one by one, and rushed to the black venomous snake with horns not far away.


Feeling the terrifying pressure of the Nine Flame Dragons, the one-horned black viper knew that he could not compete with it and turned to try to escape, but Qin Ao would give it this opportunity. He flew behind the horned black venomous snake, pointed the horned black venomous snake with his right finger, and pointed to the next paw.

A ten-meter-long flame hand was formed in front of Qin Ao, pressing it against the thick and long body of a single-horned black poisonous snake.

A horned black viper roared, because in the blink of an eye, Jiuhuo delivered to it. The fiery flame turned the mountains on the ground into magma. The Jiuhuojiao did not directly attack the black venomous snake. In the middle of it.

Although not attacked, the horrible nine-fire crossfire will also be tortured by a horned black poisonous snake, rolling on the ground more than roaring.

"Go in!"

Qin Ao drank very low in mid-air, and the red-gold ring in front of him rushed into the Nine Fire Horns, easily wrapped around the neck of the single-horned black viper, and then quickly reduced to a red-gold hoop wrapped in the single-horned black viper Around. ..

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