The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2063: Zhao Guo is not too bad. [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

"You don't have to feel sorry for me. I'm still alive. If you really want to, make our Ye family stronger, not to mention famous in practice, at least not too bad in Zhao Guo."

"In addition, I left a credit and several martial arts in my father ’s position. You go back to my father and say that this is my instruction, and he will pass it on to you. After all, I say this is not the Ye family Only so much can be done! "

Pan Chen said that he held ten round crystals in his arms and threw them to Lin Kai with his backhand. Then he did not stop and crossed the river. After finishing his work, he became surviving and disappeared into Lin Kai's sight.

Looking at the lonely back of Lin Kai's parting, and looking at the ten Yuanjing around him, Lin Kai hasn't spoken for a long time.

"Boy, you are so kind, you should be so generous to your enemies that you will become gloomy in the future." Xu Jian walked on the right path to Qingyun Town and reminded him kindly.

"Although he has problems, I can't do it. I can't do it the last time. In this way, I calculated the growth of the Ye family. And, when I left, my uncle gave me ten round crystals. If there is no Yuanjing , I might die in the tomb of the ancient emperor. "

Pan Chen sighed in consolation, and then stopped thinking about these things. Now he is more concerned about Huang Linnan's body poison, so he quickly went to a few points and rushed into the imperial government.

"Brother Ye! It's great that you can come back. I'm preparing to call a group of people up to Qingyun Mountain to pick you up!"

Soon, an exclamation came from the palace. When I saw Pan Chen return safely, the cloud was very happy.

As soon as Pan Chen entered the palace, he saw that Yunda was convening a group of court guards to give lectures. It seems that he is planning to drive to Qingyun Mountain. Pan Chen was very moved.

"Thank you, younger brother. By the way, how is Brother Xiao Yao?"

Looking at the excited cloud in front of him, Pan Chen smiled and asked.

"Don't say, that corpse really worked. I was conquered by my brother, but if you don't undo his seal, we dare not move."

Yuncao disbanded dozens of royal guards gathered together and took Pan Chen to Huang Linnan's room.

Pan Chen walked to Huang Linnan's bed. At this time, Huang Linnan's face basically returned to normal, and the body's poison was almost solved. Pan Chen did not hesitate, and the caveman pointed out that he unlocked several points of Huang Linnan.

Oh red

The hole was loosened, and Huang Linnan immediately opened his eyes. He first yelled, and then spit out a black poisonous blood, which was the blood clogged by the corpse.

"Brother Yao, how are you feeling?"

Seeing Huang Linnan awake, Pan Chen asked anxiously.

"Wood, I am dead, why are you so good, die with me, you are bald, why are you dead? You are all with me!"

Huang Linnan seemed a little confused, watching Pan Chen and Yun Yun both in front of him, and said lightly.

"There is nothing that can't die. Brother Ye and I went to the ancient tomb to find your detoxified body. You have been detoxified now. You can cultivate for a few days!"

Xiaoyu, known as bald, rolled his eyes, but didn't care about Huang Linnan and explained to each other.

Qian Yunzong is located on the highest peak of Zhao State and is the largest practice gate in Zhao State. It is said that there are tens of thousands of disciples on the door, and only a few thousand strong people are born in the realm. There are also quite a few supernatural kingdoms, and they are the first overlord in the refining field of Zhao Guoxiu.

At this time, in a magnificent hall of Xiayunzong, a middle-aged man wearing a robe of Huoyun sat down on the throne in the hall. He has about forty swords and eyebrows, looks majestic, and smells of fire.

If a senior practitioner of Zhao Guogao came to see this person, it would be no stranger. This person is now Master Qian Yunzong, a solid Tongxuan master, and Zhao's brand.

At the bottom of the hall, stood an inch of young man, naked upper body, showing countless ferocious red tattoos, tattoos with fangs and claws, giving an extremely ferocious feeling, in addition to looking wide in the hall nobody else.

"Jiaoer, your sister Zhao Yu, fell!"

A trace of sadness flashed in Zhao's gloomy face, and his eyes showed a huge killing.

"What ?! How is this possible, my sister traveled with her father's silver mirror and brought a large number of Dayao, Yuan Jing and Taoist characters, how could it fall?"

When he heard Zhao's words, the first inch of the person suddenly changed his face. His face was an incredible color.

"I left a ray of spirit in the mirror, and before Yue Er left, in order to enable her to increase part of the power of the mirror, let her use the mirror to open the blood, through her blood connection with the mirror, I can be 100% sure of her It has fallen! "

Zhao Lan explained painfully.

"Who is it? Who dares to be so bold and shoot at my sister Qin Ao, I believe that even the owner of his Jinyuanmen dare not do this!"

The man's sad anger, clapping his fists, expression of revenge.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's not that simple. After I felt Yu'er's death, I soon lost contact with the cinder mirror."

"Yu'er's trip was for the corpses of the ancient emperor in Qingyun Mountain. He believed that the corpses of the ancient emperor could only be repaired within the scope of supernatural powers. Holding many treasures to kill jade was impossible. Zhu Fenjing's spiritual connection! "

Qin Ao said: "Although my father has broken through Tongxuan Kingdom for a long time, he is also the real master of Tongxuan Kingdom. He can easily erase the connection between Zhu Fenjing and his father. Is he a strong man in the real kingdom?"

This time Qin Ao frowned, if it was said to be the hand of existence of the true kingdom, it was to lend him the courage to split the clouds ten times, and he did not dare to provoke each other. He could only ignore one eye.

"It is impossible. The existence of a character is the real king's kingdom. Although the mirror is very powerful, it is not conspicuous at that level of existence."

"In this way, you will take my sensor beads to Qingyun Mountain for a walk and find a mirror at all costs. In addition, anyone who has a relationship with Yue Er would rather kill 10,000 people by mistake than let them go!"

Zhao said, opening his mouth, spraying a thick flame, biting the tip of his tongue, spraying a few drops of fine blood.

These beads merged with the essence of blood, shining bright light, and eventually turned into a transparent crystal ball as big as a goose egg.

"This pearl contains a trace of my life. As long as the vermilion bird mirror is within ten miles of it, it will react. This matter is related to my broken cloud face. It must be beautiful!" Zhao Yi is serious. Said, threw the crystal ball to Qin Ao. ..

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