The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2017: This is the means of the Protoss!

"This is the means of the Protoss!"

When he saw the magic, he was broken. At this time, five characters fell from the sky and fell directly on the black star where the devil's family's crypt is located. On the black star.


Although he was very angry in his heart, he flew to the Black Star quickly for a long time. Sun Qi, Tian Cangwu and others saw it and flew up.

"Ah, for a long time, you have counted thousands, but not counted, this will be the result!"

As soon as he flew to the black star, Sun Qitian and others saw five characters falling from the sky.

This is four men and a woman, five emperors and demons. The breath of their bodies is very powerful, and they have reached the level of half-step ancestral demons.

Among them was a middle-aged man in a white robe. He had a golden knife in his hand, and his magical powers circulated, exuding a terrifying breath.

"What is this magic weapon? I can't believe it is so easy to break our taboo."

He looked at the man in the white robe holding the golden knife in his hand and asked with an ugly face.

"This knife named Zangfeng is one of the top ten cultural relics in the kingdom of heaven. Originally, we will use this knife to break the ban except for the tombs of demons and ancestors. "

White robe said with a proud look on his face.

"Oh, the shameless Protoss dog, standing on the grave of the devil's ancestors is still embarrassed, you are not afraid of death and don't face the devil's ancestors!"

Cangwu shouted loudly.

"Ha, see Luo Qiu Mizu with no face? Cangwu, thanks to you being a messy sovereign country for so many years, don't you know that we have a pool of blood, which is tantamount to endless life."

"Oh, by the way, there is no need for the blood **** pool now. As long as we break through the grave of the demon family and get the original magic solution of the demon ancestor, we can quickly become the existence of the ancestor, and we can really live forever!"

"If you don't die, how can you go to see Luo Ruizu? Are you kidding!"

Emperor Baipao said with a proud smile.

"Poplar, do you think you can win steadily? If you want to enter the tomb of the devil ancestor, you must first ask me the sword of chaos in my hand!"

This sword points directly at the five white robe and the emperor, and the ancient fighting intention was very high.

"Forever, only you and Xue, do you want to defeat the five of us? Besides, even if you can persevere for a while, your army can't stop our people!"

"I know you have a hand to kill bullies and red clouds in the future, attack me in twelve states, try to stop our people, and come back to fight back, right? But unfortunately, I already know your plan, now I'm afraid they all went to see the ancestors of the devil! "

The magician, known as Poplar in ancient times, dismissed mocking. "Who said that I'm going to see the ancestor of the devil, it should be Chiyun and you guys to see the ancestor of the devil!"

The sound of Bai Yang's words just fell. The two characters fell from the sky and fell on the side of the ancients and others. It was the night to eliminate the bullies.


With the advent of the bully and the night of the demon, outside the battle group, there was another cry of killing. Hundreds of millions of demons, under the leadership of more than 20 evil emperors, suddenly committed suicide from the false air and unexpectedly surrounded the army of twelve states.

"Destroy that bully! You are not, that is impossible!"

Obviously I didn't expect this to happen. Poplar and the other five people all showed incredible colors.

"I don't understand, you five pigs, although the red cloud is hidden deep, but we still found it. You really want to be beautiful, even let the Protoss people besieging us."

"Yes, with the Mole of Red Cloud, you can easily let us wipe out the whole army, but you did not expect the elders to follow you secretly with you, separating more than twenty gods, plus a dozen demons Emperor of China, unfortunately they have all been eliminated! "

After looking at the stunned Bai Yang, the bully laughed contemptuously.

"A good plan, I didn't expect that we would do everything possible. Finally, that's your way, okay, really good, but I don't quite understand that the red clouds are so deep, how do you think he is ours What about the staff? "

"With Hongyun's heart, it is impossible to expose his feet for no reason, you can really find his identity!"

An old black robe next to the white poplar has a somber opening, and his face is full of confused colors.

He seems to be very old, but his body exudes powerful magic, but it can't be ignored. Sun Qitian and Jin Shu and others even feel that they have a familiar atmosphere with each other.

The breath of this ancient demon is almost the same as the tens of thousands of old demons who attacked and killed Sun Qitian and others in Wangyue City that day. Although the other party didn't show his true face that day, from a breath point of view, Sun Qitian and others were almost certain that the old devil was tens of thousands of slit old ghosts.

"Jack the old devil, you feel incredible, and then think of it slowly, but even if you want to die, you will never think of it."

Devil Night sneered.

"I really don't know what you are proud of. Even if our people are wiped out by you, the situation on the battlefield is that we are stronger than you."

"Finding yourself, the gap in strength, this is irreversible, the result is destined."

Looking at the victory appearance of Demon Night and so on, Day mocked it while turning his head to the battlefield in all directions.

Although the army brought by the evil night and the bully suddenly attacked the magic clan of twelve states under the sudden attack, due to the large number of people, the people of the twelve countries still stabilize the situation on the battlefield and prevail.

After all, there are 1.78 billion troops in 12 states. On the side of the chaotic magic domain, the total of the two groups of troops is about 1.34 billion.

In particular, there are nearly 100 magic emperors on the side of the 12 states, and there are more than 50 people in the chaotic magic domain.

Bloody on the starry sky, a devil emperor in the field of chaotic magic, who was defeated alive by two powerful opponents in the starry sky, cried for a while, and shed blood and tears for a while. Sad atmosphere.

The situation of the war was one-sided, and chaotic tree species appeared in the chaotic magic field. Although their fighting power is stronger than ordinary opponents in the same order, in desperate circumstances, they can hardly use one enemy and two enemies, but these ordinary troops have countless casualties. ..

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