The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2016: Ninety-eight ban

After several exchanges between evergreen reeds and snow reeds, more and more reeds are banned, and they are closer and closer to the ancestral tombs.

With a loud noise, the 98 ban, the power of a thunderstorm was cut off by the power of thunder and lightning and completely collapsed in the gap.

As the 98-year ban was broken, the true face of the last ban was revealed, but countless black skulls gathered from the dead law.

Each of these skeletons is as large as the ruler, but the number is too large. The tomb of the devil ancestor does not know how many layers it is wrapped in. It looks scary.


Before the snow reeds had time to break the last ban, suddenly, a loud "all directions" killing sounded in the open air, followed by dense spatial fluctuations, countless magical in twelve states People rushed out of the open air, surrounded them, and marched towards the grave of the devil's ancestors.


Because the people of the twelve countries will arrive at this time, the eternal color does not show a surprising color, he gave the spirit to the chaotic emperor, those who sacrificed the banner of the devil shouted.

Needless to say, the 27 magic emperors who sacrificed the national flag did not enter the color of 10,000 feet.

There were 27 huge black beams of light in the sky, which soon became a huge black halo in mid-air, covering the entire area of ​​the tomb of the demon ancestor, covering a distance of tens of thousands of miles.


The sound of an explosion of real elements one after another, once the black spiritual light mask is condensed and formed, the devil family of the endless army launches attacks in all directions and falls on the magic light mask.

Although the magic forces in the twelve states were large enough to include a large number of emperor figures, the attacks of these men fell on the black aura, but did not cause any damage to the aura. All of these were easily prevented.

"This is a taboo. I am afraid that this time, twelve states have deployed 1.78 billion people. If so many people can get together, they will destroy a border, but they can do nothing."

Looking at the black halo, he stopped the enemy's attack without any pressure, Shi Kang said unexpectedly.

"Do you think the formation of taboos is in vain, ah, if so many people push together, if it is broken as soon as it is attacked, what kind of taboo is it?"

Sun Qitian pouted.

"Don't stand still, come with me, now only the last ban is left, and then we go to the devil's grave together!"

Several people drank in front of Sun Qitian, and the snow reeds not far away flew to the past. The snow reeds had broken the last ban and cut down thousands of autumn.

After being eternally shouted, the four Sun Qitian and Cangwu flew in the direction of the snowy reeds.

At this time, Shirayuki constantly urged the disillusionment blade to cut down tens of millions of autumn leaves, and banned the disillusionment and collapse of a large number of skulls for the 99th time.

"So, how long will it take?"

As soon as I flew into the snow, I couldn't help asking.

"This last ban is the most powerful and will take a while!"

Xue Di simply replied that Qiu Qiu ’s regularity of the cold nature of his body was continuously injected into Qi Qiu, which controlled and cut off Qi Qiu ’s edge mansions one by one, impacting the sea of ​​skulls. With disillusioned leaves, the skull ocean was finally torn apart, and a gray-green chaotic tree suddenly appeared on top of its head.

Surrounded by chaos, under the control of snow reeds, a large amount of chaos fell on a three-foot chaotic tree, the entire man was wrapped in the middle, and then she rushed into the sea of ​​torn skulls alone.

A tremendous explosion of real elements, constantly coming from all directions, facing a large number of attacks, the original black halo like a rock finally wavered.

Although the power of taboo formation is strong enough, the people on the side of the twelve nations are not vegetarians, not to mention that their army surpasses most chaotic imperialists, and the number of emperors is up to nearly a hundred.

"Damn, it is said that on that day, he would only send an army of nearly one billion people in twelve states. How could there be 7.8 billion more people? Even the number of people in the empire reached nearly one hundred. , How can they fight? "

A strong spirit swept the entire battlefield, Kim said, ugly.

"This is just a superficial estimate. Of course, we can't just look at the surface. Everyone has to hide it, but this magic should stop us for a while, and we still have time."

When he looked anxiously at the last injunction that had not yet been broken, Cangwu whispered that the green light in his hand was flashing, and an old rattan-like bow was taken out by him.

Although the bow looks very chic, it exudes strong pressure, and at the same time, there is still chaos in it, which is obviously a precious wealth.

Seeing that Cangwu took out the ancient bow, eternity also showed dignity, pulled out a long sword, and there was chaos all around.

This is a four-foot sword with a dark green body, obviously not made of fine gold, but it looks a bit like wood, because if you look closely, you can still see the tree line on the wooden sword.

"Is this the sword of chaos and the bow of chaos among the four treasures of your chaotic emperor?"

Sun Qitian looked at the chaotic treasure trove in the hands of Cang Wu and the immortal, and looked at his eyes brightly.

"You know a lot. In case of a fight, you have to be careful. If you lose, I can't explain to Pan Chen."

Eternal eyes stared at Sun Qitian four people in a complicated way.

"We don't have to worry. If we can't escape, we don't have to worry. If we can't escape, we will pull a few mats and die together."

Sun Qitian said with fierce eyes.

"The recent ban is about to be broken!"

Suddenly, the stone of prophecy dared to stare at the sea of ​​skeletons in front of him and said aloud.

When the sound of the stone fell, the sea of ​​skeletons in front of them really exploded and completely collapsed.

"Great, not so good! This magical power is about to be broken!"

As the last ban was broken, Shi Gangdang's face showed joy, but then he exclaimed again, looking at the sky above his head.


As soon as I heard that the magic was about to break, the faces of the ancients and others had changed a lot, and they all looked up and looked at their heads with a bold eye.

When the ancients and others looked up, they saw a long golden knife cut out of the open air and then fell onto the magic lampshade.

The original rock-solid aura, shredded by golden leaves, immediately disillusioned strongly, and then fell to the ground like ice, quickly breaking and collapsing. ..

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