The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1997: A bit evil

The middle-aged man in a yellow robe is about 40 or 50 years old. He is very thin, but he is not angry with himself. In particular, his practice shocked Pan Chen and reached the late stage of the devil. In addition to eternity, he is one of the three roles present.

In addition to this yellow robe, the two people sitting next to him in the second and third seats were also the devil's later practice.

One of the two was a thin old man in a red robe. Not only was he wearing a red robe, his skin and even his eyebrows were red, his body exuded a faint fire magic power, which is obviously a demon emperor who is proficient in fire law.

The other is a stout bald man. His skin is bronze, not only has no hair, no eyebrows, and his upper body is naked, giving a feeling of evil.

"In the following Pan Chen, from the world of Beidou, I met all Taoist friends!"

Although I didn't have any kindness, Pan Chen stood up and said hello to the yellow robe and others.

"In Xiacangwu, the current patriarch is a messy emperor!"

To Pan Chen's greetings, Huang Paoman answered coldly, but did not stand up, and his attitude was very cold.

"Ye Daoyou, in Xiachiyun, I heard that you borrowed Qiqiu to our house and made three requests. I don't know if there is this?"

Sitting next to the chubby, the red-haired old man suddenly opened his mouth and asked, a pair of muddy old eyes staring straight at Pan Chen.

"Yes, I believe that under these three conditions, the Road to Starry Sky should tell you, why do you ask more about Hongyun Taoist friends?"

Pan Chen knew that the other party was not good and was no longer polite, said coldly.

"I want to see how big a person's face is before I can propose such a condition. I don't know how tall and thick it is. The first two conditions are good. The last condition is that the lion opened his mouth and wanted the ancestor of the devil 1/10 of the original magic liquid in the grave! "

Sneering at Hongyun.

"How big my face is, at a glance, ah, it's a bit big. Although it's not a melon seed face, it's not a big cake face."

Pan Chen also seemed to smile.

"Of course, this is not a big cake face, because you are much bigger than a big cake face. The point is, you don't want such a big face. I really admire it."

The cold humming method of Tibetan needles in Qianyun dialect.

"Don't die, you shameless person, say it again!"

Without waiting for Pan Chen to refute, Jin, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but stood up, drinking red clouds loudly. Although overcrowded there, Kim was not afraid. In his view, no matter who insults his master Pan Chen, he can work hard with each other.

"I scold anyone who doesn't want a face, Ye Daoyou knows it himself."

Regardless of Jin Yu's words, Hong Yun stared directly at Pan Chendao.

"Sorry, Qianyun Daoyou, you overestimated me, I really don't know, can you explain it?" Pan Chen said coldly.

"You are a guest. Since you have this request, I want to explain it. Of course, if we don't speak in secret, my chaotic emperor and you will always have no mercy and injustice. It can be said that there is no contact with each other."

"Of course, the demons of the twelve states and the resentment of Beidou know that this is not a matter of hundreds of thousands of years, but it has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. You suffered losses in these twelve states and escaped to my confusion Of magic. I said nothing. "

"Pan Chen, you got a messy tree species in the magic forest of the Yuan Dynasty, and refined it into a body. We wo n’t say more about this sentence. Even our family stars and roses have not hesitated to lose. Your own source of strength helps you become an emperor. "

"You know, messy tree species, this is also a precious thing for my chaotic emperor, ah, not even the emperors of our family are owned by everyone."

"After all, we have lost the chaotic tree species for many years and were discovered after you were discovered. This is no problem. You have encountered a lot of trouble when looking at Moon City. You know how much effort our family has put in your heart, Even the Purple Dragon Demon died in the Moon City. "

"But you, Pan Chen, my family just asked you to borrow a thousand years of autumn. You put forward three conditions not to say, the last condition is still so open to the lion, you think it is so suitable!"

Emperor Qianyun said excitedly and stood up directly from his seat.

With the words of the emperor Hongyun, the rest of the chaotic emperors in the continuous discussion, the topic mentioned the third condition proposed by Pan Chen, and one by one did not have a good face, that is, the stars and Yueji were slightly better, did not participate discuss.

"Qianyun Daoyou is right, you are right, I Pan Chen, including those of Beidou, inherited a great favor from your chaotic imperialism, especially from the friends of Long Dao, after all, he Also died for this. "

"But human feelings are human feelings. These are the three conditions I put forward. How can we compare them? Xingyou can prove it. Did I tell you my conditions in advance and then go to Wangyue City?"

"You and the Chinese rose tour, and the Dragon Road tour to see the moon city, I haven't forced a little bit of this, now it's a bit too much to take this thing!"

Pan Chen stared directly at the stars and said.

"Yao Daoyou is right. This is true. I am responsible for the death of the Purple Dragon. I really took the initiative to go to Moon City. I am worried that Ye Daoyou will lose and cut off the hands of those who fell into the hands of the Twelve Kingdoms."

Seeing Pan Chen look at herself, the star's fantasy bitter explanation.

"Do n’t get me wrong, you and the two Taoist friends of Yueji Zilong, I will always remember that I wo n’t turn my face and do n’t recognize people. I mean, these are two different things. I ca n’t generalize. I I hope you understand, do n’t take it to heart. "

Pan Chen was afraid of star misunderstanding and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"Ye Daoyou, I understand what you mean. In fact, you told me that day. If it were not for us, your lion's mouth would not be as big as 1/10."

The star nodded to Pan Chen.

"Not 1/10, Pan Chen. How big is your appetite? Let's see."

Qian Yun asked loudly.

"Okay, have you argued enough? My old bones haven't turned white yet. Do you all think I don't exist?"

Suddenly, no one talks about eternal anger, and the tone carries a strong mental pressure.

As soon as the eternal words were finished, all the demons present shut their mouths. Obviously, among the chaotic emperors, ancient people were the highest, and they were still hit hard. ..

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