The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1996: You just need a little pressure

After Sun Qitian was released, he looked at Pan Chen in front of him, and the old tears in the north were all excited.

"Lao Bei, how are you?"

Pan Chen was also very happy to see North Hades again, he asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Well, I didn't jump in the line that day, otherwise I would just give you a little pressure and make Situ Sheng proud and lose his life."

Beihougang said, a little sad.

"It's not your fault. After all, the people who fought on that day were all emperors, and even the empire figures fell. In short, we successfully completed the task, didn't we?"

Pan Chen smiled and comforted that he knew that Beihou Kong and Situ Ao had been in friendship for thousands of years. Situ O fell, and the other side was sad and sensible.

"I know that even if you say that my old bone is dead, it is stronger than Situ ’s self-esteem, but fortunately, the mission to the real world of magic has been completed this time, and Situ ’s resentment has been avenged, I believe Even if he died, he would not regret it. "

He comforted himself with a wry smile.

"Well, let's say nothing, to catch up with the old ones. Let's go to the advanced city. When I summon the highest level of the clan, we will study the devil's grave together."

Because I desperately needed to know that the tomb journey of the demon ancestors was urgent, I couldn't help but open my mouth to urge.

After listening to these words, Pan Chen and others nodded, and then, under eternal leadership, the party flew into the chaotic dragon and tiger city.

In the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, there are many residents of the Chaos Magic Region, but unlike ordinary cities, the gates of the city are not guarded, that is, the gates facing the sky are not afraid of someone attacking the city, which makes Pan Chen I was a little surprised.

Soaring in the air, looking at the dense buildings below, Pan Chen felt a passion, this chaotic magic domain, no matter what, as long as this chaotic dragon and tiger city, it is better than Wang Yue and Baiyu City that Pan Chen has been to. Wait for the city to be more prosperous.

Because it did not deliberately open the speed, and the chaos of the Dragon and Tiger City is generally not large, Pan Chen and others flew half the time, and just flew to the center of the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, that is the city ’s main palace.

The main palace of the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City is very large. Without knowing that it is in the chaotic Dragon and Tiger City, Pan Chen still thinks that the city's main palace is a small and medium city.

The style of the main city building is not much different from the other buildings in the city, but the color is light green, showing a unique color.

As soon as Pan Chen and others flew to the city's main palace, they saw a 100-foot statue of a man on a huge square in the city center.

This statue looks like a real person, its color and appearance are not comparable to stone statues.

The statue is engraved with a middle-aged man in black armor holding a strange **** butcher knife in his hand. He only looks in his forties. His face was like a knife, and his sword eyebrows became stars. He looks very bossy.

"Is this a statue of the devil Zolo?"

Since he was looking for a lot of memories about the devil's family, Pan Chen was no stranger to the appearance of the devil Zuluo, and he couldn't help asking.

"Yes, this is my ancestor in the realm of chaotic magic, the devil." The star demon nodded and looked at Luo ’s statue with naked reverence in his eyes, not only him, but also the rose and the eternal two. The magical ancestor Luo was not low in their hearts.

"I can't believe it is still a statue of the devil. I think you are in awe of him too, but it will soon touch their graves, which is a little difficult for me to understand."

Sun Qitian couldn't help opening his mouth.

"You don't understand? Well, even if we don't understand, what can we do? If we don't take advantage of the opportunities in the devil's grave, how can we compete with the demons of the Twelve States, and how can we compete with the Protoss?"

"We are not greedy for life, fear of death, but if we are all dead, what if the hundreds of millions of creatures in my chaotic kingdom cannot die?"

The star's voice said excitedly.

"Yes, we are also forced to do this. In addition, I believe that even if the devil's ancestor knew his father's spring, he would not blame us. After all, he was fighting the Protoss, this was for his father. revenge!"

In ancient times, sipping drinks followed. Pan Chen and others heard that no one spoke again, and a pedestrian continued to fly.

Because of the eternal fantasy and others on the road, Pan Chen and others did not meet anyone to intercept along the way, and soon they fell in front of a hall in the city's main palace.

There is a meeting room in any city and even Zongmen. This chaotic dragon and tiger city is no exception. Pan Chen and others fell into the hall.

"Xing, you immediately called all the upper class of the clan to discuss the hall, that is to say, this is my order, you all understand!"

After issuing an order to the star, he led Pan Chen and others into the discussion room.

There was no one in the venue, not even the janitor. After entering the door with Pan Chen and others, he motioned for Pan Chen and others to sit on a row of jade chairs on the right, while he himself sat on the top of the hall.

Around half of the time, people outside the venue came in one after another.

Among these people, there are men, women and children, but the practice is extremely unified. They are all the same magician-level characters.

After entering the venue, the demon first saluted the immortal, and then sat on the left seat of the hall, his eyes fixed on Pan Chen and others.

The eyes of these magical emperors have basically no good intentions. Although they are separated by a certain distance, Pan Chen and others can feel the hatred in the eyes of these people.

As people continued to enter the discussion hall, soon four or fifty emperors gathered in the hall, including the stars and the moon.

"For the elders, almost everyone has arrived and we can start."

Standing on his seat, the star fantasy reports from the top of the hall.

"Now we are almost here, let's get started. I don't need to introduce you. We all know where these Taoist friends came from."

In ancient times, I saw the magic emperor's way of chaos emperor.

"Of course, the city of the moon, killed many emperors, and won the chaotic tree species of our family, and cut down thousands of autumn masters, Pan Chen.

When the eternal voice fell, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe sat on the left side of the hall and couldn't help but open his mouth. He looked directly at Pan Chen coldly. ..

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