The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1962: Be careful of the enemy's attack! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slau

However, Pan Chen did not dare to provoke these walls easily. Although the remains were recorded in his hands, he did not elaborate on the effects of this method after stimulation. Even if there is danger, Pan Chen does not know. Of course, we should increase our vigilance at twelve points.

However, as the two slowly moved, a **** smell suddenly appeared in their nostrils, both of them were surprised.

Pan Chen put down the bone shield, his eyes swept forward, and for a moment, his face was as cold as ice.

After seeing the bright red, his face was pale and incomparably pale, with some longing between breathing.

Pan Chenfa realized that the red color was wrong and said, "Stop, be careful of the enemy's attack!"

When Yan Hong heard this sentence, it was like a bell ringing in his ear and woke up and said, "Mr. Li, thank you for reminding me."

It turned out that in front of two people, it was a **** place, surrounded by countless amputations, and countless wreckage.

I don't know how many people died here, they all look like they just died.

Because they are broken limbs, it is impossible to distinguish between Li Jia and others, but the degree of danger here is self-evident.

Although Yan Hong didn't dare to read more, but found something between the hasty qr codes, he said in amazement: "Mr. Wang!" After that, he ran towards one of the bodies.

I saw the body cut into seven or eight pieces, only the head and body were still there, and my limbs were gone.

The disciple's eyes were wide open, his nose was broken, and he seemed to be dead at 01:30.

The bright red did not show a half-sad look, except for his angry face, he could not find any other emotional elements.

Pan Chen also came slowly, looking at the person lying on the ground, suddenly the glimmer in his eyes flashed, and his hand grabbed his body.

Yan Hong was caught off guard, only to see that his brother's body was caught in Pan Chen's hands. Because of her emotional instability, she said angrily: "Master Li, what do you mean?"

Pan Chensi was indifferent to the angry red. After scanning the body over and over, she let go of her hand and said, "Let's go!"

Yan Hong was taken aback, but remembered one thing and said, "Tang Li, if you don't say a word, don't you find nothing?"

Pan Chen wanted to leave here and explained to Yan Hong in detail, but now she asked again, and he also explained the reason.

The bright red that had been angry suddenly calmed down from her surprise. She looked at Pan Chen in confusion and asked: "Why do you say that? You have no evidence."

Pan Chen looked around and said, "This is not a place to talk. We should leave here as soon as possible and explain in detail."

Yan Hong is not an unknown person. When she heard Pan Chen's words, she nodded solemnly and soon left the **** place with Pan Chen.

But just when they came out, they suddenly heard a burst of laughter in the air: "Want to go?" Then you have to ask the old man first! "

I saw a bad old man with white eyebrows in front of them. Laughter seems to contain huge sound waves, and listeners will feel dizzy and tinnitus for a while. However, these five cuts have no effect on Pan Chen. Pan Chen patted Yan Hong's shoulder gently and said, "Be careful."

Yan Hong was already struggling to resist this magical voice, but it wasn't until Pan Chen patted him lightly that he felt dizzy and tinnitus. When he heard Pan Chen's words of concern, he felt calm, nodding in his heart, and then the whole mind was on alert.

But this is only the start of shock.

As soon as the old man with white hair and bad hair settled down, he received Pan Chen's surprised eyes. Even if the people in front of him turned to ashes, Pan Chen could recognize them.

The old man with white hair and bad hair is the mysterious Zhou Junhua. Although most of his face has been wrinkled, but his face is really Zhou Junhua, who joined the top ten goals with himself.

Pan Chen secretly thought that this person, like Qin Feng, was easy to grow, so he looked only sixteen or seven years old, but it was too strange.

Zhou Junhua was not surprised when he saw Pan Chen. "This **** has left your life today, and the little girlie grabbed the old man, ha!" After that, he continued to sweep red with obscene eyes.

Pan Chen's eyelids jumped down. The original Zhou Junhua was not so vulgar. He was not only profound in mind, but also good at using tricks. If there were no major changes, how could Pan Chen say such vulgar words without asking any questions?

Pan Chen's mouth said, "Brother Wang, one day is gone. It's like three autumns. I didn't expect that, in a short time, Brother Wang became like this. It's really sad, sad!"

Zhou Junhua was surprised to hear this. When he looked at Pan Chen, he turned his head and smiled and said, "Oh, it turned out to be Li Shi's disciple. I haven't seen him all day, and Brother Wang also missed his brother. Beautiful women blowing together, my brother is really envious. Hey.

I did not expect Zhou Junhua to be such a rogue. When he said he changed his face, he changed his face. It was only then that he appeared gloomy, but now he is like a child. When he spoke, he smiled without serious appearance.

But the more so, Pan Chen felt more horrified. This person's terrible idea is a person who is difficult to deal with. Now he has become such a person, and it is likely that some changes have occurred. Otherwise, how could his speech be so incoherent?

Pan Chen said in the same voice: "What Brother Wang said, but I saw today's blood is very strong, my brother killed a lot of gas, not just killing people, it seems to have won, congratulations are gratifying."

On the other hand, Zhou Junhua has changed a lot. Apart from his own knowledge, no second person knows who Pan Chen is, he can even say his own words.

It is true that Fang Junhua fought with others. Although he had the upper hand, the injury was not light, but now he was looking for a safe recuperation place, but happened to meet Pan Chen and others here.

"I'm afraid this is serious. Although the old man's martial arts can still be counted as a punch, but he really wants to kill, I'm afraid I don't have that kind of strength yet. But brother, there is no place to go, so I have to come here, no Is it bad for me? "Zhou Junhua sounds cold.

Yan Hong did not wait for Pan Chen to speak, saying, "What's bad for you? When you are strong and powerful, you still force me to work for you. Not only did you not guarantee our safety according to the previous agreement, but also Brought us danger. "

Pan Chen did not expect that the bright red, which had remained silent, said this suddenly. As soon as he wiped out Zhou Junhua's cold face, his heart sank, and he hurriedly interjected, "Well, my brother and I said the purpose of this trip." If there is no conflict between the two, then we will not violate This river, every river, but if the purpose is the same, hey, then the dead deer don't know yet. "

Zhou Junhua changed his face and snorted coldly: "It's just wishful thinking to let the old man tell the purpose of this trip." The old man doesn't care if you go with me. This day next year will be the day of your two sacrifices! "

Before Zhou Junhua's voice fell, he burst out, applauded like thunder, and walked towards Pan Chen.

Yan Hong was immediately taken aback, just wanted to pull out the sword to greet the battle, but only Pan Chen gently pushed him away, then turned around with one palm, and rushed in the direction of Zhou Junhua.

Zhou Junhua saw a strange smile when Pan Chen attacked face to face, and I don't know when, there was a hint of white cold in his palm, and there was a whip of whipping in the air.

When two hands were facing each other, only a roar was heard, as if two people were facing each other, someone suddenly sounded a big gong in the air, its sound was as loud as thunder.

When the two of them fought against each other because of the power of the palm, the back impulse began to recede, Pan Chen's face was heavy, the palm looked at the cold, and a trace of fear flowed through his heart. ..

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