The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1961: Attack Ling Li [Wang Wen, 6 Million Word Count, Seek to Kill]

Scarlet snorted coldly, and he also joined the regiment without hesitation.

The first few gangsters reprimanded angrily, drawing a knife to Pan Chen, either chopping or chopping. They seem to be attacking Ling Li incomparably.

But Pan Chen did n’t see it. He just returned empty-handed, or caught or caught. Only three or two people would separate the hands of the first few people. Those people just shouted loudly, then the staff collapsed on the ground. know.

A few people saw Pan Chen extraordinary, but when they met, they would be caught by several people, and they immediately lost the intention of war and ran away one by one.

Pan Chen knew that the other leader was a refinery. How could he easily let them run away and report the letter? So he took one foot, photographed all the handles that the gangster threw on the ground with his hand, and then shot the gangster who fled like a dart.

Because the gangster was carrying Pan Chen, he dared not look back. Naturally, before they responded, they were shot in the chest and nailed to the wall.

In the whole murder process, less than a minute before and after the calculation, only a few punches between a few feet, just broke the lives of these seven or eight people.

At this time, bright red saw this cool air, she asked herself the elders at the door, even the doorman, if you want to kill these robbers easily, although you dare not say for a while, half of the kung fu flower tea is still necessary . But I did not expect that Pan Chen would easily cause the lives of these people, only three punches and two feet. not bad. No, it should be bad.

Only then did she remember that when she was fighting Pan Chen, Pan Chen did not kill Ruyi and others. Otherwise, it is really unpredictable whether she and his party will survive to this day.

Thinking of this, Yan Hong looked at Pan Chen's eyes with awe. Aware of Pan Chenqiang ’s fearless power, Yan Hong said in a very polite tone: "Gong Li, these bandits have been killed by us, but the other brothers must be playing in the hands of these gangsters just like us." We should go back now Help them? "

Pan Chen nodded without hesitation, but said nothing, Yan Hong was really dexterous ice and snow, only seeing this scene, he guessed it all. Pan Chen pondered for a while, and walked to the bandits, put away all their spiritual stones, and those who were still alive were breathless.

These things are the currency of the fairy world. Although it is unclear what their value is, it is expected that these things will be indispensable when dealing with fairy practitioners in the future. In that case, they will all be collected.

After all this, Pan Chen and Yan Hong just turned their heads to continue to clean the eyes of others.

Since this eye has been broken, the way back is naturally unparalleled, but because it is nine dead ends, the road itself is a dead end, and even if it continues to move forward, it is also a dead end.

If this is a way of life, then it is impossible to have an eye for a period of time.

Pan Chen decided in his heart to move in the direction of Li Jia and others.

Coming here, Pan Chen's heart was in a forest, and there was a slight **** smell in the air, as if someone was injured here, and there was a **** smell in the air. Yan Hong also realized that something was wrong and kept vigilant, holding the sword handle in his hand.

Pan Chen was not too anxious. With Li Jia's power, as long as he is not a terrible master like Zhou Junhua and Su Dong, it is basically not a big problem. In other words, they may have some restrictions on the formation of the law during this trip. Otherwise, no one will be easily injured.

Although the Nine Death Array is only a miniature version of the original, its danger level is beyond the reach of mortals.

If this is a true battle of nine people, I am afraid that not only will there be more than a dozen holes, but if it reaches a dead end, it will really enter a dead end, not only will never come back, but will encounter extremely terrible Forbidden power. This is a place where fairy practitioners dare not venture into it.

Pan Chenke didn't guard the fairy's family. There was really nothing else to use except the magic weapons still hidden in his body.

As soon as Pan Chen turned his palm, a huge bone shield appeared on his hand. Pan Chen squinted at it and placed it in front of him, while a hole in the middle of the shield was just able to monitor the situation in front of him.

Yan Hong saw Pan Chen coming out of the thin air, with a strange bone shield on her body, her eyes shining with light. Although she did not know who Pan Chen was, she had never seen such a strange trick.

Pan Chen's limited mana, even a small fireball, can't be played for a while. In addition to strengthening his physical fitness, he dare not waste it.

This bone shield Pan Chen also used his own strength. In fact, even if there is no magic to increase the fairy's magic power, its power is far more than extraordinary.

But for such a person who uses magic weapons, Pan Chen is still the first person in the world to use magic weapons. This is really a luxury. If these remains failed in the spring when they were not found, he worried that he would have to come out of the dead body and hunt Panchen 108,000 miles.

Pan Chen did not intend to explain anything, but continued to control the bone shield in front, and then found a frightened dagger in his palm, and slowly moved forward, because this time the sense of crisis is more horrible than Pan Chen ’s previous encounter.

Pan Chen's caution really saved his life. Just a long time before he came out, he saw several wind knives suddenly hit in front of him. If the bone shield is not very strong, otherwise, if Pan Chen changes his usual appearance, he will be cut into pieces by these wind knives.

Pan Chen can be very clear that with the power of his half foot now stepping into the fairyland, even the most basic self-defense cover can not be opened, let alone the need to use the foundation of the building forbidden to defend against smoking.

Although those wind blades did not hurt Pan Chen, its fierce attack left two deep marks on the surface of the bone shield. This bone shield still seems as hard as Pan Chen expected, but Pan Chen's use is indeed some excavation of celestial bodies.

If the bone shield enters the mana, its power will fly. These basic wind cutting techniques will not be put in the eyes of this bone shield at all.

Although Pan Chen knew the situation, he could only helplessly smile. Yan Hong always followed Pan Chen, so she didn't notice the difference in the front, but saw that Xiaopin's face was a little serious.

She felt that Pan Chen was so strong, she was not panicked in the face of this famous fairy teacher, but her power was bright red. If she met the man in black here, Pan Chen was far inferior to the man in black. There is no doubt that he is on the net.

Pan Chen frowned coldly, snorted, and went to the front. This hole is very different from the previous articles by Pan Chen and others. Here, Pan Chen clearly felt a faint gust of wind blowing on the walls around him, as if all the walls were empty. ..

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