The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1925: You can let it go [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

An Lushan's cold voice said: "This revenge must be repaid, but not now, when I led the army into Changan, it was time to revenge!"

The other generals looked elated and nodded one by one. They were full of admiration for Anlu Mountain.

If you can't bear it, you can't bear making it messy. This Anlu Mountain is really a "great hero" in difficult times, you can let it go.

"Leave ten people. You can secretly check the Baiyu Tower for me. When you find him, find out his details. If we kill him again, I will kill him!" An Lushan had a face on his face.

At this moment, a middle-aged man had ten fists on his chest, 108 beads were big enough, and a burly middle-aged man like a giant tower stood up. He weighed the weight of Amitabha with his hand and said, "Sir," find the white jade pagoda and let it go and solve it! "

An Lushan looked at the middle-aged man with great satisfaction and nodded and said, "Very well, Master Hong Sang, I have to pay!"

Hong Sang raised his hand again and said, "You're welcome!"

The eyes of many generals present were full of terror, just because Hong Sheng was a perverted killer, and no one would invite him to do anything unless Lushan personally requested it. What exactly is going on? How could this guy voluntarily stay to track down the murderer of General North Wolf this time?

Although Pan Chen was also worried about whether Lushan would send troops to Changan to find the "White Jade Pagoda" on a large scale, after thinking for a long time, he felt that he had already done what he should do. If you are afraid of the consequences, don't do it at the beginning. Now that he has done this, he knows that he must have the courage to take it, so he is not afraid at all, let alone worried about the consequences.

Do the right thing, even if there are tens of millions of people, I'm gone

To Pan Chen's surprise, everything in Chang'an that night was still the same, with no change.

"Pan Chen, your strength has increased again!" Yun Qing seemed to envy Pan Chen, and he came back almost every other month, she could clearly feel Pan Chen's power.

Pan Chen smiled and said: "Yes, I brought some monster Dan."

Seeing Yun Qing's eyes shining brightly, Pan Chen noticed that he not only did not help Yun Qing rescue her mother, but also did not help Yun Qing improve her strength.

It was just that monster Dan took it, and now he has nothing else to give Yunqing. After pondering for a while, he felt that it would be best to explain to Yun Qing "the way to go against the sky."

Under Pan Chen's explanation, Yun Qing, who was unable to understand and misunderstand this time, was corrected. She was very happy, and she gave Pan Chen another favor.

On the night of the moon, the moon was in mid-air, the Sanguang drums sounded, and the busy streets of Changan had been empty for a long time. However, in Pan Chen's eyes, he saw that the palace was still singing and dancing, as if never stopped.

In the depths of the palace, Li Huizong, who has not been born for more than ten years, still holds his beloved concubine, drinks and plays without thinking about the sufferings of the Ming Dynasty.

Pan Chen hated such an emperor early in the morning. His father died in the hands of a Hu people. The neighbor's general worried about his safety and failed to save his father. This led to the city's breach and his father's death.

After wandering outside for so many years, he saw more hungry people. The officials did not care for the hungry people, but chased them out unscrupulously, not treating them like people. He even heard that many hungry people died early in the whispering curse, Li Huizong.

After all this, he was not satisfied with Li Huizong.

However, the security of the Royal Palace is very strict. Pan Chen looked at the dozens of kilometers ahead, the palace more than 50 meters high, and kept shaking his head.

He knew there were dense guards on the walls of the palace, and if he rushed in, only the guards could find him.

Compared with the heavily guarded palace, the government's defense is a scum to protect the Great Wall.

Without any help, Pan Chen could only shake his head back to his residence. It was 100 times harder to save Yun Qing's mother than he thought.

Neither he nor Yun Qing dared to imagine what happened to her mother.

"Pan Chen, there is an emergency military service in front. Would you like to go to Yuquanguan to help the garrison to guard Yuquanguan for one month?" On that day, a disciple of the alchemy hall brought a message that moved him.

"Yes!" Pan Chen hurriedly answered the voice.

The disciple was a little shocked. Most of the monks he met hated going to the battlefield. When Pan Chen heard that they were going to the battlefield, he rarely saw people like them excited.

"The western region, Yuquanguan, must resist the Huns!" The disciple said.

Pan Chen ’s eyes are shining. The Huns are a powerful country. Since the Qin Dynasty posed a threat to the people ’s survival, he can now go to the battlefield to defend the country. This is also a good place to go. He did not enter the war not for insatiable and cruel officials, but for the innocent people not to be invaded and ravaged by foreign enemies.

When I saw that Pan Chen looked very excited, he seemed to want to fight to kill the enemy. The disciples were only shocked. By the way, who did not hide in the face of war? How could anyone be as excited as Pan Chen? Is this person a natural war mad? Does this passionate young man know how many people who have fought in war since ancient times can come back? Do you have to be so excited to die?

However, the disciples did not know that going to the battlefield has always been Pan Chen's dream. As long as he can go to the battlefield, he can save more people. At the same time, Pan Chen's heart also wanted to inherit his father's legacy and be a general for the country and the people.

Pan Chen never thought that this time he would go to Yuquanguan with an unrespected fat man. The fat man weighed more than 300 pounds, not to mention running, and when walking, he even had to take three steps to breathe.

The fat man greeted Pan Chen very enthusiastically: "Brother, you also go to Yuquanguan for fishing, for military merit?"

As soon as Pan Chen heard this sentence, he was so cold that he couldn't speak. "What?" He said. Fishing for military service? This brother, we are facing the fierce Huns. We do n’t need to meet tough opponents like the Huns to achieve military achievements, do we? "

Although he deeply despised some of the family disciples who were mixed into the alchemy pavilion because of military merits, but they had no complaints about themselves, and he naturally wanted to persuade this fat brother to get military merits elsewhere.

The fat brother sighed: "I can't help myself. My father saw me staying in alchemy for a long time and didn't do anything. I wouldn't give me money. I can't bribe the elders responsible for military merit." Had to choose a more difficult task. I hope it will not be difficult for the guards to hold Yuquanguan for one month. "& # 160;

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