The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1924: Compared with the public school [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1924: Six Million Words Compared to Public Schools

Pan Chen held the spear in his left hand and shook his head in his right hand. He drew one gun flower after another in front.

The blacksmith was just dazzled. He didn't know how to shoot, but he also knew that the young man in front of him was a gun master and was fascinated by spears.

"Yes, this is a good gun! Boss, good shot!" Pan Chen was very satisfied.

I was shocked on the side of Chude. The laymen were watching the excitement. The experts looked at the door. This is true. Chu De has seen Pan Chen let this gun reach his state of fear.

For martial arts, what is valuable is not gold and silver, but the magical Danish medicine or powerful weapons.

Chu Deken paid Pan Chen to build a spear, but just wanted to make friends with Pan Chen. In addition, the material of that mace was not valuable or rare, he could get better forging materials.

Deep down, he was a little curious. With a tattered weapon in Pan Chen's hands, he began to despise Pan Chen a little. If Pan Chen comes from a family, or a person who is really good at martial arts, how can he use ordinary weapons, even broken weapons, to make Pan Chen look like an oppressed warrior?

Only when he saw the power of Pan Chen, he accepted the despising heart.

"Let's go! We must destroy the pirates this time! Pan Chen, this time my father was very happy and deliberately doubled his strength to me. Look!" Chu De proudly pointed to more than 20 warships in front of him to show Pan Chen .

Pan Chen opened his eyes wide and saw a dozen corpses hanging high in front of the battleship.

"Really?" Pan Chen asked.

"That's the leader of the pirates! You killed most of them. Don't worry, I wrote it on you!" Chu De laughed.

"Aren't they dead? Why hang their bodies?" Pan Chen frowned.

Chu De did not want to say: "This is a threat, and those pirates often do the same!" When they killed and crossed the cargo, they hung the body and threw it into the sea to feed the sharks! We treat others in our own way! "

Pan Chen was silent for a while, then nodded. Pirates are cruel, and now they should end like this.

After five days of naval warships, they could see a huge island far away.

"Pirates live there!" Look at the island, Chude Road.

"Shall we go straight up?"

"It's too dangerous. The organs on the island are heavy. It's easy to defend and difficult to attack! Have you seen the sea in front of you?" Said a general.

"I saw it!"

"In that sea area, the pirates arranged many organs. Once our warship entered the sea, it would be difficult to advance." The general sighed.

"I see, what should we do?" Chu De openly solicited opinions.

"Send someone to sneak in and break through!" The general looked solemn. Sneaking in, breaking through from inside, easy to speak and easy to do. If you really want to sneak in, the number must be small, and more will be discovered. Once discovered by the pirates, all secretly infiltrated people will only die.

"We must find some people who are familiar with water and martial arts to take on this task!" The general suggested. Pan Chen hurried forward and said, "General, someone is willing to go!"

Behind Pan Chen, there were three young officers, who also shouted together: "General, some people are willing to go!"

The general nodded with satisfaction.

After a while, I finally had seven people together.

The general looked at everyone with satisfaction and said, "You must be careful!"

Pan Chen and others nodded, then jumped into the sea one by one and headed for the island.

At this time, the thieves on the island were already in trouble. In addition to the big whales who had escaped from death, other leaders also died. Most leaders died in the war with Pan Chen, while the two leaders left on the island died in the venom of whales.

"The two bastards, the Datang * team is going to call now, and you are still engaged in internal fighting. Do n’t unite against the enemy, or hold everyone together and die?" The thought of the two leaders fighting each other to seize power Massacre, more than two hundred people sacrificed in vain, the big whale can't drag them out of the coffin and pull them out of the coffin.

After the naval battle a few days ago, the pirates lost a lot of money, and now there are less than 500 pirates left on the island, without the glory of the past.

"All we have to do now is to maintain our strength, not to clash with our officers and men!" The big whale was full of thoughts.

"What? The Datang Navy appeared on the sea less than three kilometers away?" As soon as he heard the news, the whale looked pale.

"If we can't persist, we must always pay attention to the movement of Datang Navy!" After a moment of silence, the whale ordered.

"Should I be ready to escape? Just, where should I escape from this vast sea?" The big whale hesitated. It took him a while to realize that a person should be the only one who can help them through the crisis .

Led by two pirates, the whale arrived at a luxurious building on the island.

At this time, there was a talk in the building.

"What, my cousin, he was killed? Who killed him?" The ferocious Andrew Hill was very angry when he heard the news from the guards.

"Yes, it was killed by someone who claimed to be Baiyu Tower." The guard answered with a trembling.

An Lushan froze, blinked a few times, and asked, "Why was my cousin killed by the other party?"

"I heard that General North Wolf attacked a woman in a tavern and killed a dozen people on the spot."

A Lushan heard that he is calm now. If he is within his sphere of influence, he promises to immediately send all the guards to break the body of the man named Baiyu Pagoda, so that he will not be able to survive, nor will he dead. Just in Changan.

General Beihu said: "Your Excellency, General North Wolf cannot but avenge him, let him lead the elites to grasp the white jade tower at his feet."

However, Anlu Mountain was as heavy as water, meditating over and over again. He waved his hand, shook his head, and said, "No, stay here, don't go anywhere!"

"Sir, how did the general of the North Wolf avenge him?"

A general cannot believe what he heard.

A Lushan snorted coldly, looking at the general with a sullen mood, and said angrily: "We are in Chang'an now. What do you think will happen if someone attacks us with this ulterior motive?"

"Here, here"

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