The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1860: The big man appeared [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

The calm Wu Yunlei was worried when he thought of taking revenge on the city guards and mysterious troops. "Pan Chen, if the other party is really a big man, can we beat them? Is killing the City Guard a big problem?"

Oh. Pan Chen smiled first, showing an attitude of not worrying. Then he said: "I believe that each of us has such a concern in my heart." Let me ask you, if a big man shows up and wants the treasures inherited from generation to generation, will you give it?

Okay, take a step back, even if it ’s here, let me ask you another question, what if we do n’t have what he wants at all? He said through some rumors that we have a kind of treasure, but the actual situation is that we do not have such a treasure at all, then we will say that we really do not have such a treasure, do you think big men will believe it?

We already know that he has secret power, do you think he can let us go?

When the other party is still patient, we may still get a life, otherwise we will become a fish under the fish knife! "

"His wife Lao Huang, I think this boy is right. He stretched his head, and his head is also a knife. They killed so many of our friends and family. We are here waiting to be killed?" Huang Tieshan Speak fairly and look at several others.

Chen Mujin naturally supported his grandson, so the first reaction. Then the other three looked at each other and nodded in agreement. So in this secret little room, the five masters swear to God that they will form a y-tie, support each other, work together to avenge their family, and protect their family for the future.

"Pan Chen, your wisdom is absolutely no less than that of an adult. We want to hear your opinion." Wu Yunlei looked at Pan Chen with strong gratitude and looked at him with the same eyes, no longer like looking With a child.

"Okay. The current crisis is not impossible to solve, as long as we can vigorously eliminate the mysterious forces of Qingyang City, and then push the death of the city guards to the mysterious forces, and finally make a fuss. Going to the capital city Muyun City is very good Yes, when the court had to send people, the mysterious power dared not reappear.

By that time, we will have enough time to arrange things behind us, we do not have to worry about the mysterious power will be harmful to us at any time, just like we are now. "

"Great. Pan Chen, I think this method is very good. But how did you kill them all?" Yue Yonghui was the first to agree.

"Oh, it's very simple, since they already know that they have two pieces of light and darkness, don't they like to scare the snake? Don't you dare to expose it? Then let's give him a snake hole!" At the same time, Pan Chen Eyes flashed.

On Zhang Hong's black and antique table, two oil lamps were placed side by side with two oil lamps. In front of the oil lamp was a stationery box filled with handwritings, and some elegant and skinny old people were sitting at the table. At this time, the old man squinted through the light, trying to read the letter, and looked at it very carefully.

For a long time, the old man leaned gently behind the chair, closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, then slowly opened his eyes, looked at the stationery on the table, thought about it, raised his hand, and lit it On the oil lamp, then gave a faint sigh.

My eyesight has deteriorated again. I can't see clearly both lights. During this tenure, I think my wife should be mediocre, but I did n’t think about it. Are you sure you want to do this? "Hey!" The old man slowly stood up and walked out of the house while talking to himself.

Before the old man came to the door, there were a few short knocks.

Hearing the movement outside the door, the old man took a deep breath and closed his eyes to prepare for the opening. His temperament suddenly changed. When the door opened, the old man's face was full of solemnity and majesty. His eyes were bright and sacred. There was no longer the image of the old man. He was a little elegant and a little bossy.

"Mr. Cai, what can I do for you?" The old man walked out while talking.

"Master," a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar walked with the old man and said, "Huang Tieshan, the owner of the Huang family, is here, saying there are important things to discuss with the adults."

Oh? After hearing this sentence, the old man frowned, and some people doubted, "Is it only him?"

"He is the only one"

"Well, this is a bit strange. His family has been arguing with Chen recently. Does Huang Tieshan have anything to do with my struggle?" The old man muttered to himself, but after thinking for a while, he told the old man behind him, "I'll see him "" Mr. Cai does not have to follow. "


"The Huang family has been waiting for a long time, guilty." As soon as the old man entered the door, he smiled at Huang Tieshan and clenched his fists.

"Oh, it's great that you come to the door at night. I don't know how to put the etiquette first. No wonder adults in the city put the door on." Huang Tieshan bowed deeply to the old man.

"Well, we are also old acquaintances, you're welcome, please sit down." The old man helped Huang Tieshan sit down together, and then told the girl to get a new tea.

It turned out that the old man was a guard in Qingyang City, named Cui Ruigu. Although he was in his fifties, he had white hair and looked like a 70-year-old man. When you talk to Huang Tieshan, do n’t look at how you laugh, but as the head of the military and government in Qingyang City, Cui Ruigu appears to be majestic and domineering on weekdays.

The situation of the five family members in Qingyang fighting openly and uniting in the dark is largely caused by the continued suppression of the court, because the court does not allow local power to be stronger than the government.

On the small side, it was also because of Cui Ruigu's strong pressure that the five family members could unite to fight. However, the alliance is only a power in the dark, but it does not dare to show the slightest performance in front of Cui Ruigu.

"Adult, when a little man comes to the door late at night, it's no surprise to invite him to come to the door late at night." Huang Tieshan once again sat down and mentioned the old saying again, saying he was weak.

Oh. Cui Ruigu looked at Huang Tieshan with a smile. He liked these beautiful bandits in front of him, so he said melodiously: "Old Huang, you are too kind." I thought I had said it once. Okay, don't mention it. Tell me what are you doing here. "

After hearing Cui Ruigu's words, Huang Tieshan took a sip, stopped, thought for a while, and then sighed and said, "Oh, don't hide from the lord, ah, I'm here to ask the lord to give me determination." He stood up and gave Cui Ruigu a heavy gift. ..

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