The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1859: Investigate the mysterious power [Wang Wen, 6 million words, seek to kill]

"The cooperation of the city guards is far from over. After a few months of investigation, do you remember what Cheng Shi told us? Let us each send the most elite core personnel to investigate the mysterious power. Why the investigation should choose the core members It ’s very simple, because this is not a conspiracy to investigate the mysterious power, but a conspiracy to dedicate the family secret to the mysterious power. ”

"What?" Xu Guoping was furious and his grandson's family was taken to his proudest son.

"Think about it. There are eight people in the government, and eight people are hiding in the dark for surveillance. How can you let the other party fall into the other side?" "Think about it," he said. Think about it, there are 8 people in the government, 8 people are hidden in the dark to find it. I speculate that the three people sent by the government are insiders, not only telling the mysterious troops their exact whereabouts, but even behind our people in battle, so that the mysterious forces can successfully catch us. "

"Are you still alive? Didn't they die at that time?" Xu Guoping asked hurriedly.

"It must have been captured alive. The mysterious forces are not hostile to us. They are just for treasure, so only living people are useful to them. I have direct evidence."

After that, Pan Chen took out a small envelope from his pocket, and took out a piece of stationery that had turned yellow. This piece of paper had obviously been kept for a long time.

When Pan Chen gently opened the paper, there was a dense handwriting on the paper. "Look, the person who left the book on this paper is not someone else," said Liu Dahai, who was written by Qingyang City seven years ago. This is exactly what he did after checking my father's death.

According to records, after the body of my father was found by the guards and transported to Yamen, the city police sent someone to look for him, but instead of examining the body, he modified it. All he had to do was to turn the scars on the tortured body into scars from fighting.

After modifying the body, he was asked to issue a fake autopsy report, and then the city police gave him $ 5,200 in silver coins and sent him home.

Then he felt suspicious and afraid of retaliation, so he wrote it on a note, and then gave it to his wife, hiding it in a secret place.

Sure enough, on the third day after writing the note, he was said to have drowned, and then his wife began to pretend to be stupid, and then he lived to this day. Why did the city hall send someone to change the body? Why do you make so much money for scammers? Why can't a liar die within three days?

Looking at the last paragraph of this note, "I looked at my limbs and my muscles were abnormally soft. I was afraid that I would die a long time ago. A lot of food fluffy tendons were scattered." Soft gold powder is familiar to everyone, regardless of martial art How strong, like a pool of mud, the whole body can not move. I would like to know

How did my father escape to Qingyang from thousands of miles away? Why can't the four party groups escape, and my father who just joined the Chen family, who knows the secret of the Chen family, can still escape under the premise of eating soft gluten? All this is a complete conspiracy. "

Ah! Chen Mujin growled, smashed the table in front of him, stood up, and left.

"Brother Chen and I went to destroy the city and guard the gate." Xu Guoping also wiped the floor and stood up. Later, several other elderly people also stood up, thinking that their excellent children must have suffered under the power of mystery. Several elderly people suddenly became angry and attacked their hearts.

Pan Chen was ready to grab Chen Mujin's clothes and shouted: "Grandpa, you calm down, and other elders also listen to me, it is useless to kill city guards now."

"Is my daughter's son-in-law dead in vain?" Chen Mujin was full of anger at this time. He felt that if Du Xiang did not die at that time, or if he came back later, Chen Zhe would not have died. The reason is that all mysterious forces are city guards. The pain of losing her daughter makes Chen Mujin a little irrational. If it were not for Pan Chen to pull him at this moment, he could not be pulled away.

"Revenge must be rewarded. But it is not as hasty as it is now. Now, in the past, Kunak only killed one person in the city, but for the mysterious power lurking in the dark, this is by no means cheap."

Pan Chen's words played a certain role, not only stopped Chen Mujin, but even a few other angry old people calmed down a little.

"What should we do? Now it seems that the government and the mysterious forces work together, and sooner or later we will be destroyed by them. Instead, you better fight to the end."

"Huang is right. If they can't stand it, they will die next to us sooner or later. Bo must be able to do it, but we still have a chance. The mysterious power may be different from the government."

"What do you say?" Wu Yunlei was confused by Pan Chen again.

"Please think about it. It has been eight years since the mountain bandits attacked the city. The mysterious forces have been sneaking for the past eight years. If they really cooperate with the government, why should they be so careful? If the court really feels something about us Interest, there is no need to have bandits,

Just send a lot of experts to threaten, for the safety of the family, we will not give up cherishing. I deduced that the mysterious force was attacked by the bandits in this city, and they were worried about the court investigation, so they would only bear it for years. "

"I'm a little confused. Didn't you say that the government has been cooperating with mysterious forces?" Huang Tieshan had a little brain that could not be turned.

"No. The government did not cooperate with the mysterious forces, nor did they fully cooperate with them. It is the city guards who really cooperate with the mysterious forces."

"Is this different?" Huang Tieshan asked.

"It's different, it's absolutely different. If the city guard cooperates, it only represents him personally, and represents government power. He can control cooperation with mysterious forces, not the entire court.

This is why the mysterious power is worried about being exposed. I suspect that there should be a powerful person in the court controlling the mysterious power, which may be cultivated secretly by him, this power is invisible. Our city guard is this big man. In this way, everything will make sense. "

At this time, the five old men in the house had calmed down and tasted Pan Chen's words carefully. The more they think, the more reasonable they feel. They watched Pan Chen's eyes change. They no longer look at the child's eyes, but the monster's eyes. ..

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