The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1857: Information from the Huang Family [Wang Wen, 6 Million Word Count, Seek Slaugh

Chen Mujin! Huang Tieshan patted the book on the table. I looked at Chen Mujin and Chen Mujin. "You explain to me why our Huang family's information is in your hands." Several other elderly people also stared at Chen Mujin in his words and listened to him explain.

"Oh, some of my elders are not in a hurry. Listen to this boy to explain slowly." Pan Chen dedicated the anger of several old people to Chen Mujin. But because he was still a child, several old people really couldn't get angry immediately, so they just stared at him and waited for his explanation.

"This must have been read by all the elders. These books are the files used by our five families to record the situation of the guards. I know that unauthorized theft of information is an abomination, but it is also a stopgap measure. Not top secret, otherwise we wo n’t get it. Do you think so? "

The guard file is a family record of the work of his guards, which is equivalent to the personnel files of some enterprises in Pan Chen's previous life. It not only records the martial arts grade, character, hobbies, morals, etc., but also records some details in the family. These materials that Pan Chen took out are only used to record the most common bodyguards, not the core secrets of the family, so ordinary families only put these materials in the database, there is no need to protect them. Only then can Pan Chen get it.

Several old people listened to Pan Chen's words. Although they were a little unhappy in their hearts, their anger was a little less than just now. However, Huang Tieshan, who has problems with Pan Chen, is still a little dissatisfied. Pan Chen then asked: "If you are talking about expediency, then you are saying that your business is not expedient. If the reasons are not enough, the four of us will never let go of your Chen family." Ah!

For the threat of Huang Tieshan, Pan Chen did not take it seriously, but smiled gently: "This does not require Huang's predecessor to say, the boy will naturally explain in detail." I would like to ask you to check it first Is it really a booklet of the government. "

"Well, I saw it just now, yes!"

"Well, since it is correct, I will continue what I said just now. When I came up with a plan of mysterious power to scare the snake, I wanted to know whether the original plan succeeded or failed.

If it succeeds, then the troops must have retreated. But if they fail, they must still move in the dark. If the mysterious forces operate in secret, then they must put an eyeliner in each house, and the fastest way to install the eyeliner is to buy the guards of each family. "

"That's fine" Wu Yunlei nodded gently. "Bodyguards stay here insatiably. If someone bids higher, they will certainly not betray them."

After hearing Wu Yunlei's words, several old people nodded deeply.

Pan Chen continued: "By comparison, I found that a total of 27 guards were a bit suspicious." For example, this man named Lin Defu used to be a bodyguard in Chen Jia and later resigned to become a security guard at Wu's home. However, with the change of position, his character has changed a lot. In the Chen family's file, this person is speechless, while in the Wu family's file, this person not only speaks, but also makes many friends. A few days ago and a few days later, the role has changed a lot, which is thought-provoking.

There is also Zhang Hongqing, who is on duty at the Huang family. Five years ago, the house in his hometown was suddenly renovated. His brother became a famous local rich man overnight from an ordinary farmer. He was no longer poor.

I checked the records of the Huang family and found that Zhang Hongqing did not get meritorious rewards. This person is not easy to gamble, so where did his money come from? For example, "Chen Yeming said in a breath that the doubts of the eight bodyguards convinced people.

"This is our carelessness. This information was also recorded in a form, but no regular verification was issued." Yue Yonghui blamed himself.

"As soon as I got home tonight, I organized people to check the guards in the house." Huang Tieshan's face is iron and blue, because of the 27 people, the Huang family actually accounts for 8, nearly 1/3.

"Lao Huang doesn't have to do this. These guards are actually just a bunch of shrimp, and people with this kind of power don't like them at all. How do you think a little bodyguard gets involved in a secret when children of a family are thriving What about the incident? They have only one purpose to attract these guards, that is, to approach their children through the guards, especially young children who are inexperienced in society. "

"Pan Chen, what do you mean?" Wu Yunlei seemed a little insightful, looking at Pan Chen with burning eyes. This was the first time he called Pan Chen to Pan Chen, revealing a feeling of intimacy.

"That's fine. Old Wu seems to think of it too. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If you want to attract children from the family, of course, the first choice is those with more defects and more treatment. And such people There happens to be every family, that is, the five playboys who were once called the Qingyang Five Masters. "

Although Pan Chen's previous words have made these homeowners a certain degree of psychological preparation, but when Pan Chen pointed out the specific name of this person, except Chen Mujin, the four homeowners still could not hide the shock in their eyes in.

"Pan Chen, you can have evidence to prove what you said." Yue Yonghui said. Yue Yonghui is the relative grandfather of Yue Quanzhi, and Yue Quanzhi is the third of the top five in Qingyang. Although Yue Quanzhi was not Yue Yonghui's eldest son and grandson, he was with Yue Yonghui since childhood, so he was very popular with Yue Yonghui. Hearing that Sun Tzu had betrayed Yuefu, Yue Yonghui really felt sad. Without real evidence, he would never believe it.

"Yue ’s elders do n’t have to feel sad. I did n’t say that these five playboys betrayed their family. They were just used pieces. Ladies and gentlemen, let me see if there are 27 problematic guards I just found. Thirteen people are the guardians of these five people. On this basis, I was suspicious of these five playboys.

But for others, if I were the leader of the other party, I would not tell a few playboys, because their character may be difficult to keep secrets, then all I need is to use them. So, I think that another leader thinks the same way. The more he is a playboy, the more likely he is to find a child. What if there is another man in Qingyang? Will the other party court the other? "

"Then you started to pretend to be a man?" Wu Yunlei twisted his long beard and looked at Pan Chen with a smile, his eyes full of kindness and gratitude.

"Well, everything I said just now, including the five dudes I severely bullied, conveyed a concept to each other, that is,‘ I ’m more fancy, come and please me. ’”

"Did you find anything?" Xu Guoping asked a little urgently. ..

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