The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1856: Random speculation [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Well! How do you know it is a treasure? Besides, the concept of treasure is very broad. What exactly is a treasure, and who made it clear?" Huang Tieshan still worried that Pan Chen interrupted his son's arm and still sang the opposite tone.

Pan Chen looked at Huang Tieshan and was not angry. He smiled and said: "Huang's predecessor was right. I really can't tell what kind of treasure they want, but I don't think their purpose is treasure, but this is not random. Speculation. "And this treasure should be fatal in the eyes of the current public. "

"Oh? What did you say?" Wu Yunlei, the owner of the Wu family, finally became curious.

"Well, it is not difficult to speculate that there is a problem. The Yanling Mountains are vast and the mountain bandits have great power. Even near our Qingyang city, they are also the places where the bandits suffered disaster. Before the twelfth army attacked Qingyang City, , Which ancestor could penetrate Yanling Mountain? "

If the twelve mountain bandits suddenly attacked and you were not prepared in advance, I would like to ask the elders, which family dare to say that they can hold Qingyang City? "

Pan Chen's words can be said to be ruthless, and several high-weight homeowners bulged their faces willingly, filled with people who claim to be capable of their families, but in a flash, those sitting here know each other's roots People.

If you do this, you can only laugh and be generous. Finally, Wu Yunlei, the leader of the Wu family, admitted that the Wu family was incapable. If these five families were suddenly attacked, even the United States could not stop it.

Pan Chen gave Wu Yunlei an "honest" look, and then said: "According to this, my purpose of analyzing this mysterious force is not to kill us, but to scare the snake." The purpose is to make the treasure they seek appear. "

"Do you mean that they frightened the snake so desperately?" Although Huang Tieshan still does not agree with Pan Chen's point of view, he did not sarcasm.

"Yes, this is one of my inferences. It has two purposes, either to obtain the treasure they were looking for at the critical moment, to kill the mountain bandits, or to make you panic move the treasure so you can find them What I want. "Pan Chen nodded confidently.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong. Why does the other party scare the snake? Isn't it easy to close the door? Obviously our coalition government, we work together to kill the mountain bandits in a fiasco? Without mountain bandits, how can they scare in the future What about the snake? "Xu Guoping did not speak for a long time. He seemed to think that Pan Chen's reasoning was wrong, and some people expressed doubts about it.

"The ancestors are right. The first question is easy to explain. I guess the treasure they need must be very fragile. Long Kui is destroyed. Only the grass snake can reveal our shortcomings and they are discovered. If we attack , I am afraid they are afraid that we will break the net,

Destroy the treasure before they die so they are not worth losing. There will inevitably be deaths and injuries in the struggle. If the person who really holds the secret of the treasure dies, then they will always lose the chance to seize the treasure. Seeing Xu Guoping nod, Pan Chen went on: "The second question is also explained by Longgu."

For them, the mountain bandits have no other use than to scare the snake, and they will not use the same trick in the future. The mysterious troops sacrificed the bandits in the mountains and erased their information and evidence. Why not? At first, there was no one alive among the hilltop bandits, which confirmed my reasoning. "

Pan Chen's analysis of the silk buckle, several old men nodded when they heard their secret nod.

"The boy asked boldly, which one of his ancestors had never moved the heirloom from the beginning?" Pan Chen smiled and looked at the crowd.

Several old people looked at me, and I looked at you and looked at each other, all blushing. According to Pan Chen's inference, they were all entangled by other people's plans to scare the snake, and now they can only sit there, blushing, and admit that they can only open their mouths without speaking. Among the blushing people is Chen Mujin.

Bu Yueyonghui suddenly flashed his head. "We all transferred the treasure, showing that the other party's plan to intimidate the snake was successful, so why don't we touch me to deal with us?"

"Yes!" The rest of the old people echoed.

Oh. Pan Chen looked at a few old people with white hair and white beards, and they nodded together. He couldn't help laughing, and then said: "This is what I said before." In the eyes of all ancestors, their wealth is just a mortal wealth, or less important wealth.

They should have found treasures in several elder families, but they are not looking for them. In order not to expose the previous plan, in order not to prepare the ancestors, they did not find the treasure they really wanted before they found the treasure they really wanted. It will not attack the treasures you reveal. But when you come back, you cannot touch your children, otherwise they will know that we already know their plans. "

Pan Chen's words were timely. Huang Tieshan just moved home and wanted to change the baby's plan at home and change places quickly. After hearing Pan Chen's words, he couldn't help blushing.

"So they just waited like this?" Yue Yonghui already believed in Pan Chen's inference and couldn't help wondering where the mysterious forces were heading.

"Oh, how do I know? They have already done this, but neither of you knows."

"What?" Pan Chen's words surprised all the old foxes.

Pan Chen's words disturbed thousands of waves, and several old foxes did not believe that someone could steal the treasure in the house under their eyes.

no no. Wu Yunlei was the first to ask questions. "They have done it? How did you do it?"

"It is normal for the old man to discover that the government's treasures are gone, because, as they just said, the lost treasures are not the heavy wealth that the elders are most concerned about on weekdays, but something we may think is not important." Outsiders, but thieves. "

"What?" In this world, the most hated people are those who betray their family. At this time, when I heard that such a person came out of the house, several elderly people could not sit down immediately. Huang Tieshan was indifferent and hurriedly said, "Boy, who the **** are you?" If true, I peeled him. "

"If you are not busy, just say who it is. Please look at these." After all, Pan Chen took out a pile of books from his arms.

"What is this?" Xu Guoping picked up a book curiously. As soon as I saw the cover of a book, I immediately picked up a few more books, scanned them with my eyes, and then frowned, saying, "Why do you have these books?"

Seeing that Xu Guoping had bad eyesight, the other three old men quickly picked up the books on the table. Only Chen Mujin stayed motionless, and some blushed. ..

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