The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1832: Has achieved a huge victory [Six million words Wang Wang, beg for slaughter]

Chapter 1832 has achieved a tremendous victory. Wang Wen, six million words, seeks slaughter

Unfortunately, he met Zou Haijun, who had won a huge victory and possessed his own weapons of understanding. Although the shape of the five swords is short, the level is still very low and still growing, but the roots of their ancestors have not changed. More importantly, although the five means of understanding have been refined in their own lives, their root is still consciousness. Li Weifeng's experiment is like someone bitten by a mosquito. Although it is harmless, it has been itching. In a hurry of anger, it is necessary to get a backhand that is heavy enough to be torn apart by hands.

This kind of attack that almost penetrated the spirit of divine voice not only inspired the instinct of the five swords to protect God, but also inspired pride with some kind of aggressive attack. The gods of these five swords are listed in front of Zou Jiajun, the night of the blaze. Immediately flashed through the sheath, the sword's dazzling light, the sword soul went straight to Li Weifeng.

Li Weifeng's fear at this time far exceeded all the suspicions just now. He never thought that this person should have a magic weapon. As soon as the sword came out, it immediately attracted nine Chengdu people who had all the magical power in his voice movement. Rather than attacking each other, it is better to say that they send food to their mouths. However, this sword is obviously still flawed, and it is difficult to absorb all of its own strength. It seems that it has become a spiritual general and is uncontrollable. At this time, due to the combination of techniques, Li Weifeng's spirit as a bridge for this sword seems to have a glimpse of Zou Haijun's Yuanshen.

Just as an ant pulled out a grain of sand in a long dike, a powerful and unimaginable force suddenly collapsed from this gap. Li Weifeng stayed in this area, his whole body fell into the ice cave, and watched a fairy sword sword full of huge gods. It seems to have become a sacred tool to kill the fairy, chopping it towards him.

At this time, Li Weifeng got what he wanted to spy on Zou Haijun's Yuanshen. I finally found it with the seven magnificent divine powers. In front of this man, it turned out to be a top strongman with seven spirits. With his own spirit, he can only touch the courage of the other party, its boldness, as if there are countless fragments of soul. Not to mention looking for your own soul to kill people, even the positions of its three souls cannot be peeped.

Li Weifeng was suddenly a little scared. Even the gods of the Three Realms couldn't hear anyone opening the second soul. This must be magic, achieved with the power of the soul. Virtual power? It shows that this man's false soul also broke through the realm of God. In this sense, he is a seven-letter man. God of darkness!

Li Weifeng shuddered at the thought of the word "Dark God". I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage to say the four words of the seven dark gods now.

Such a strong man, I can't believe that he is so stupid and annoys him. If he is not happy, he will destroy himself, but step on an ant. Li Weifeng thought of this, and the zombie muscles on his face twitched involuntarily, trying to present a smiling face in time, but his skin and flesh were disobedient. Although the list of evil gods and gods is good, how can a small life be rich and expensive, but I have enough wisdom to die in such a stupid way. However, how strong, I never thought that they had never heard of, even nine old, the tallest old monster on that day is only three facts, one is fake.

"The abyss of the night, come down!" Zou's words immediately brought Li Weifeng back to reality. "Strong!" Nan Dingyuan Jian used a reluctant long song, always in the sheath.

The path of spiritual practice is the first. If you belong to an evil god, the strong will be respected. Li Weifeng responded quickly and immediately realized that he had almost lost half of his life. However, in order to be too far away from others, it is best to correct your position as soon as possible to avoid recurrence. It is extremely decent to bow and give gifts in a hurry.

Li Weifeng said respectfully: "The magic of Shangxian is endless. Small ones can go downwind. They are willing to whip the pedals and serve around. They also hope that the fairy will not give up.

Pan Chen had already concluded that Li Weifeng came here not for this treasure set, but for him, Lin. Li Weifeng just tried his depth, but also used only three or five points of strength, I would not find trouble. Fortunately, he was defeated, and as a slave, things seemed to be not small.

However, only he knows that his practice is far from being completed, his work also has great hidden dangers, and there are many great things in a hurry. However, the slaves of this kingdom have great use value. If God does not accept them, they will be blamed for it. But if you stir up the debate at this level, it should be really difficult to do well, it is difficult to decide for a period of time, and be silent.

Li Weifeng does not think that as long as a person asks for a word, he can be included in such a fairy. It doesn't matter if he refuses. I just hope he doesn't come to embarrass himself. Today, r is very kind to him, maybe he will pay a penny and a half after that. But seeing that Zou Haijun was hesitant, the governor had a turnaround and immediately decided that he must seize the opportunity to hit the iron and be tied to this big backer.

Li Weifeng hurriedly picked up his robe, worshipped him, and swore at the kingdom of heaven: "Zhangzi Mountain, who was born and raised, made an oath, and he has recognized it since." If you realize that your Lord is God, you will never violate it , You will live and kill as your master wishes. "After that, a bubble-like oath spell fluttered at Zou Haijun's fingertips."

Pan Chen secretly inspected the oath spell and knew that it was a very beautiful spell, forcibly connecting the three souls of Yuanshen to the armature, thus forming a tighter whole of the soul and greatly enhancing the stability of Yuanshen . This is also more conducive to the transfer of divine origin from seven souls to three souls. Therefore, this armature will become a more obvious key for him, but it will be more flexible and easier to control. I am afraid that a large number of divine sources are needed to successfully apply the magic of divine elements and souls.

Pan Chen not only understood the mystery of this technique, but was also very happy in his heart. If he is timely, he can also rely on this method to make his soul leap forward. Looking at the oath spell of Li Weifeng's soul, Zou Haijun smiled with satisfaction.

Slowly ask: "First of all, talk about your conditions to see if Lin can accept it."

Li Weifeng knocked on his head and said, "Since the master is here, it must be to sacrifice the evil gods of the Ming Dynasty." Because of the seven revelations of Master, who dares to compete with the evil emperor's throne? 108 evil gods in the world must obey the command of the evil emperor. I dare not talk to God about terms and conditions. He said: "I only hope that God will gain discretion because of his loyalty."

At this time, the three schools, the two monks and others were stunned and completely at a loss. In Li Weifeng's opinion, this is a dialogue between the evil **** and the evil **** emperor, not to mention them. However, Zou Haijun was more shocked than them. In just over a year, he jumped from one of the most common teenagers to the top of the world. Although such a huge change is a one-step push, his mentality is far from keeping up with such a huge change. Whenever I think of this dreamy Ru, Zou Haijun feels extremely absurd.

Especially when Li Weifeng just insisted that he was the most qualified to take the position of the evil emperor, Zou Haijun's heart suddenly accelerated. He seemed to suddenly find that although his Yuanshen had great hidden dangers, the power he could exert at this time was qualified to enter the realm of God.

Throughout the Yaowang Temple, due to Zou Haijun's contemplation, time seemed to stop and there was no sound for a long time. Li Weifeng was particularly nervous. His vows were still floating in the air. He was not accepted by Zou Haijun, and he dared not withdraw it himself. This keeps his divine element in a state of uncontrollable loss, and constantly enters the mental state of consumption through the floating soul armature.

This must be the master testing me. First, to see if my practice is qualified to be his subordinate, and second, to try to see if I am determined. The higher the test requirements, the more rewarding the future will be. I must not be shaken, otherwise, with the wisdom and repair of my master, I am afraid that the impression of his old man will diminish sharply. At that time, I can say I gave up all my previous achievements. "Li Weifeng endured this consumption. For example, his strongest avatar kept practicing, and five corpses fell to the ground, waiting motionlessly for Zou Haijun.

The evil God is not afraid of flattering the navy and almost blatantly wants to be a slave to others. Not to mention that people in this small temple have not heard of it, but even the only real evil **** here, Li Weifeng, saw him for the first time. However, what he thought in his heart was the envy of his encounter with such a magical fairy, and his ability to give up his dignity. I admire my practice and think it is a wonderful way to express loyalty by entering oaths into this country.

There is no need to think about that in the future under the command of the evil emperor, he will be deeply respected by his master and often blinded by him, so he should not say that he has made great progress. More naturally, the evil **** is at the top of the list. Perhaps small things, such as the list of future evil gods, need to be considered by their own masters. The most important thing is that those old things dare not disrespect themselves from now on. If the big thing is completed, the master reads in my hard work, maybe so happy, will give me the chick. Step back 10,000 steps and say "Five Elements of Heroes".

Li Weifeng worked **** his soul, and then passed the sacred element to the soul with consciousness, forcing the soul into the realm of God, avoiding the arrival of heaven's robbery. Is this method of practice low or low, nor high? The advantage is that this method is not affected by the sky and will not cause any damage. The disadvantage is that the imbalance of the seven souls causes consciousness to be sometimes squeezed by the other six constitutions. This self-mutilation is inevitable, but it is a means for the goddess to use force to balance the seven constitutions of man.

Although the repair courage is strong, the deeper the repair, the greater the damage. Even if there is a deep element inlay repair, it cannot be fully recovered. Especially in Li Weifeng, it led to his sometimes heart-thinking thoughts, and deviated from it, that is, the vulgar said mild insanity. ..

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