The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1831: Do not fly soul to attack the monster. ? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to

Chapter 1831 Do Not Fly Soul to Attack the Monster. ? Six million words Wang Wang, seeking slaughter

Only with the gradual use of the power, this process is generally not long. The power of magical incarnation is directly related to the power of soul. Zou Haijun and others brought the soul of the golden fairy into the soul, really a step away from the sky. In ancient times, few people were very different from this. It is precisely because of the solid and powerful Beidou Divine Power Element that he is still in life, otherwise the Six-Body Divine Element will return, what a powerful impact, not flying soul to attack the monster. ?

Suddenly more than a thousand strong, although he still dare not move the source, but his other skills immediately entered more than one level. Take the three techniques of this dream as an example. Compared with his previous practice, its power gap is indescribable. If he is not fully adapted, I am afraid that Ye Tiantian, who has already achieved this achievement, must sigh now.

The pulse of an evil god, although there is no opportunity to experience the test of heaven, the power is difficult to match the true fairy dark god, but it is slightly more than the devil god. Bold use is pure, and courage is much stronger than practitioners. Although Zou's great courage was deliberately hidden, Li Weifeng still felt a thousand miles away.

It is not easy to practice these three illusions of courage, and few people major in it. This series of masters, such as singing and speechless to heaven, are already the horns of Phoenix. Like Li Weifeng and even three virtual Vulcans, the seal of the **** is extremely rare. The silent act of committing crimes is largely the style of Li Weifeng, and it is precisely because of him that he brought up the significance of book collection. Which material is so strong that he does n’t move at all, but he can still fight him boldly verbally. Ma Yixie is also very afraid of the Sanzhi Chan, knowing that although this group of monks does not ask about the world, it is inconvenient to provoke. Now he smiled and said: "Little monk is very interesting, very interesting."

Suddenly swept into the hall with strange eyes, frowning and said: "Since you got this treasure first, Li naturally will not mention his dreaming intention." It is just that you change your name until you Finally understood the meaning of making friends. Don't you want to give such a small face, want Wei to close the door? "

The figure of Pan Chen walked out of the temple from the dark hole, just like an illusion, when the body moved like a broken figure, it stopped when it was as close as the starting point. Such a vision not only surprised the three schools, but also Li Weifeng shouted evil. I always feel that there is a fog on Zou Haijun's figure, which is difficult to see through. At a glance, I felt that the man was trembling violently, but Li Weifeng's eyes were sorely pulled, and he quickly took the opportunity to remove his eyes. Pan Chen was also surprised to find that this person came without warning, with his current five kinds of knowledge consciousness, if he works hard, it will also be shrouded in the tea era A hundred miles away on the land border. Even in ecstasy, wind and grass within a ten-mile radius are under control. It can be seen from this point that this surname is indeed a moment, at least from ten miles away to the present. The real state of God is extraordinary. Despite the threats, there seemed to be no hostility. I thought to myself and asked, "I don't know what Brother Li is going to teach?"

Li Weifeng's eyes shone with different light and evil spirits, and Zou Haijun felt a little uneasy when he saw it. But it is clear that this person is trying to use his eyes to fight against the art of dreams. It is believed that he dare not face his own eyes and lost the value of sitting on his own. However, even if he became the master of God, it was just a demon **** similar to the Demon family. At this time, Zou Haijun's accomplishments only required him to suffer.

Although Li Weifeng can feel that Zou Haijun is also an evil god, after all, he is very conceited. Moreover, although the competition and confrontation of this momentum are completely different, if the momentum is lost, there is no need to fight. Li Weifeng initially believed that Zou Haijun was such a powerful **** that it should be four real repairs. Only after one attempt will you know that Zou Haijun must also belong to three false evil gods. Unfortunately, the spirit can never cross the Thunder Pond half a step and cannot touch his foundation. Under self-doubt, is it to see the soul? I can't believe I can do such powerful magic. In fact, as long as he picked up the magical power, a close fight, the breath would kill him. However, in order to reach the realm of God, few people have direct contact with people. Whether it is temptation or real struggle, the reason is only three words, and it is not necessary.

In Li Weifeng's feelings, his "communication" with another evil **** began hundreds of miles away. He didn't want to tear open his face, nor did he want to know his depth. However, he was aware of Zou Haijun's spiritual strength, just like a mud cow sailing into the sea without any response. When another person appeared, he almost defeated his mind with a very clever magic.

"Li is here and suddenly disturbs his brother's demeanor. Only when I see my brother is so wonderful can I see him in my life, and what I see and hear below, I don't know the world Is there a character like Dao brother in Shanghai, so I ca n’t help but come to see you. I do n’t know if my brother can tell me a name and talk to my brother. ” It hurts the same. If he did not gather Shen Yuan to die in his eyes, I was worried that he would cry at that time. This is because he is anxious to open his mouth and fight back with the skills of sound movement, hoping that he can solve the problem of his eyes.

Without sound motion technology of shape and phase, there is no special working method that cannot be resisted. Although Li Weifeng's goal was Zou's navy, everyone around him was affected. Encouraged by Li Weifeng Laliba, the school is like a pool of mud to the students under Lingying. If it were not for Li Weifeng to hurt others, these words alone would shock their seven souls instead of fainting at the moment. At this time, Li Weifeng saw his own advantages and methods, and boldly tried to test Zou Haijun's actual practice.

Li Weifeng's words were like an invincible spear, which suddenly touched the courage of Zou Haijun, and he deliberately pointed directly at the original soul. The power of this unreal skill is obvious, although Zou Haijun's courage is already strong enough for his boss. However, the force without the same work and the same origin cannot be resisted. God makes a sound to the soul, following the soul upstream.

When Shenyin vowels were about to pass Zou Haijun's consciousness, Yante walked towards the soul. Suddenly buzzing, Zou Haijun suddenly appeared in front of the five Excaliburs. One of the swords jumped out of its sheath, and then it seemed to be hit, not only by a series of golden sounds, but also by a slight shock in the tremor. Li Weifeng's incarnation uses vowel sound waves as the medium, and directly attacks the soul by hearing the voice of the enemy. If it were someone else, I would be shocked and destroyed. Even if the opponent has the same divinity to refuse, how many divinities will be damaged. ..

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