The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1796: Qi as Changhong [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Chapter 1796 Qi is like Changhong's six million-word network Wang Wen, begging for slaughter

Drinking wine like Fengzi, qi like Changhong, nine swords are long and harmonious. The golden sword bloomed from the front nine sides, and the ghost could no longer resist, and could only watch the sword coming straight towards the forehead.

Hush! In the roar of the Nine Divine Swords resounding through the sky, such a sound came suddenly, and the ghost blade finally shot out. The weapon of the ghost blade is like a huge sickle, but if you look closely, you will find that this scythe is arranged by many sharp knives with reverse arcs. A cold feeling.

As soon as he saw the golden lawn coming out, even Shura's ghost emperor could not resist, he drank: "Ghost Blade!" This is what we want to see.

The golden sword will wipe out the ghost almost immediately. It disappears from the thin air into the sea like a mud bull. If the wind only feels that it is about to land, it seems that an inexplicable force is pulling the sword of the Nine Gods. Where the sword in front of you disappeared, a darker hole than tonight was bridged. Ghostblade held the sickle with both hands, and his eyes were standing in front of the sharp body of the ghost under the blue light.

The longest sharp sword in Ghostblade's hands, the sharp blade "ding", snapped off to the ground. At the same time, as the wind throat fever, also spit blood. Like Dalin under Fengzi's heart, he couldn't think of the ghost blade of this knife. Not only did he face the sword of the Nine Gods, but his murderous energy also entered the meridian directly, and the murderous intrusion also invaded the heart.

But if Feng Zi didn't know, Siro's sword was King Thor's weapon, and this sword was one of the soldiers serving under the throne.

Although in the First World War, the three major wars such as Ghost Blade and Emperor Shura will be seriously injured, there is a strong Avatar heritage on this Siro blade.

Even in ancient times, the guardian inherited the name of Hesway, and one or more gods fell in front of the kingdom of heaven. With the cultivation of Feng Zi, even with the sword of the Nine Gods, the result of such a battle is enough to shock the entire underworld.

But the ghost blade at this time secretly cried and pityed, if you can give him a little more time to urge the blade of the gentleman, maybe this blade can be completed. But now this knife consumes nearly half of his mental strength, but only in exchange for a bite of blood.

The ghost said coldly, "Why don't you believe me?" I didn't expect to be a woman, but with long hair shawls, only the double pupils emitted a faint light.

The emperor of Shuluo Gui hummed angrily: "This half-false **** made you do this, I don't allow you to use it again."

Gui Li said disdainfully: "It's still so long, even if I don't need this move, I can still insist."

Ghostblade grabbed his head and said, "When you meet, it's noisy and endless." How can you meet such an opponent? I think I saw his sword somewhere. "

Shang Wei said: "This man is sincere and my king's seal is on him."

The ghost sneered and said, "Stupid, where did he smell the seal?" It was just a little stolen fur. Are you benefiting from the interests of others because of the younger generation's use of such a large position? "

Ghostblade said: "Okay, no big deal. Kill it, kill it. Don't fight again."

For example, Fengzi Zhuoli used the quarrel of three people to adjust her own interests on the spot and did not dare to relax. But this poisonous gas directly enters the meridian, hurting his meridian in many places.

I'm afraid it won't be cured in a few months. And this killing machine still has traces on Yuanshen. Although it was blocked by the **** of death, it still stabbed him vaguely.

What he meant was that if he could not leave his entire body, when he was so seriously injured, he would be able to strike Emperor Shura hard. Unexpectedly, the two mysterious masters who came out of the thin air almost took his life.

At this moment, he was seriously injured, and as long as the next blow was so powerful, he was destined to die. Even if the opponent does not need such an incarnation, if the crowd led by Shura Ghost swarms at this time, he will not last long.

From Shulu Ghost Emperor shouted ghost sharp ghost blade two people at this time, but two tea kung fu. During this period, Pan Chen was uncertain, and the constant dry heat was full of Yuanshen.

The ghostly fierce howling ghost, although not causing any harm to Feng'er etc. However, this had a great impact on Pan Chen. A powerful spiritual element in Pan Chenxu's soul was immediately pulled out and gradually combined with the spiritual element overflowing in the soul, running endlessly between three souls and seven souls.

But this false soul immediately brought a great burden to his real soul, and could almost relieve all his real soul power. This change directly affected the incarnation on the flute in Pan Chen's soul, and Pan Chen's three souls were instantly brought together by the incarnation.

Pan Chen's divine knowledge floated in the soul's void, with green and red flames lit all over his body. In the soul, the clouds of spiritual elements that were originally scattered like smoke are as magnificent as hundreds of dragons as they flow in flames.

Pan Chen, in the dry and hot, gradually felt that these spiritual elements in the flame of incineration gradually turned into a little dust, attached to him. When I looked down, I saw the distance of the barren white sand, which had become dark sand.

But the nearby place is like a spiritual element in the sky. The dark gas flows into the flow of ink, and it also injects the flames around the body. In this process of hot and cold alternation, his Yuanshen felt very comfortable.

I don't know how long the dryness and heat have intensified and it has been unbearable. Pan Chen just woke up to God. Only a piece of white sand repaired Seth, leaving only a small part of the black Sallingen, still flowing into the hair like an ink flow.

The son looked seriously at the front without saying a word. o‘letian is also very strange, there are y / n clouds in the sky in a short time. If this is not surprising, but in these clouds, Olite clearly felt the great thunder spirit and made him very kind.

The son murmured: "Are you stealing lightning?" I don't know who is coming to Sanhua. No, this is not the thunder in the early days of the dynasty, but the Linghua Town. "Suddenly turned his head and stared at Pan Chen, his eyes full of doubts.

At this time, Ao Luotian felt Pan Chen's breath. Pan Chen was repaired and broken at this time, and it was not wrong. This was Lingying's breath. At this time, a tortuous thunder straight out of the clouds, radiating three people, the target is Pan Chen.

Sheng Yoko said in surprise: "How is this possible?"

Ollie waved his hand, holding the dead lightning. Thunder and lightning seemed to be struggling to escape, but never got out of control. Olet said calmly: "If you want to hurt my brother, it won't work."

Since you are here, leave it to me. "After that, increase the power in your hands and immediately inhale the thunderbolt. Another wave of mist has dispersed. Then a dozen thunder robberies gathered together, but before they reached the nearest place, they all Trapped in the mist under the sky.

Lin Limei was strange and strange: "Only Xie Yingxiu, how can it attract thunder, this is ridiculous."

Sheng Yang ’s son smiled and said, “Only in this way can people really understand the laws of robbery.”

Thunder and lightning attacked Pan Chen one after another, but they were all engulfed by Olet without exception. Pan Chen had no diplomatic consciousness and was immersed in the upheaval in his heart. At this time, the extreme spirit in his soul has been refined, and even the soul of the soul has been eliminated, as the sand turns white, but the strange flames around him have not disappeared.

Ollett only felt that his soul was almost stiff, and there was a possibility of division at any time. In a hurry, he summoned two swords covered by the sky in Sky Harbor to supplement the extreme spiritual element in the flames.

As soon as the two swords entered the flames, strange changes took place. The soul seemed to be squeezed out of that ray of sword soul, and was refined into spiritual dust in this burning flame, as if in a moment, the magic mark in the sword soul quietly dissipated, and then cut off the last connection with Huang Haitao.

With this magic mark, 108 Sword Soul got out of control, flew from the chaos, and escaped the burning sun. In the absence of sword spirit, Pan Chen immediately increased the pressure. With the increase of spiritual elements in the soul, the scorching sun has reached an incredible degree.

Huang Haitao's voice came from his arms and immediately shocked him. Guided by the true spirit and used spiritual blood to make them know the Lord.

I see that Huang Haitao's soul is very small, but it already has a faint essence, especially in his eyes. As soon as Pan Chenfu touched it, he felt a spin. He bit his teeth and asked him: "I don't have much spiritual blood anymore. If I let these 108 swords recognize God at the same time, they would be exhausted."

Huang Haitao drank: "The opportunity is rare, the rest is hesitant, I can't guarantee myself, I can only help you to endure for a while." Then, a cold meaning immediately penetrated into Pan Chen's Yuan Shen.

Pan Chen was surprised to find that this breath was very different from Huang Haitao's previous momentum. He suddenly thought that when he looked at the **** of Yue Guo Liu Yuan, he also felt this way, but it was not as strong as that time. This spiritual breath disturbed Pan Chen's spirit and made him feel the awesome power of the source of this breath.

Huang Haitao said: "Come on."

Pan Chen couldn't help but seem to be determined. The soul immediately blew a strong wind to blow the scorching incandescent lamp. The center of Pan Chen had become a lilac vaguely. ..

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