The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1795: The separation of Luo Ruo's formula [Six million words Wang Wang, please

Chapter 1795 Luo Ruo's Formula Separates 6 Million Words Wang Wang, Seek to Kill

As Feng Zi said, he has clearly seen the situation around him. And using Tianyuan Jiu fortune-telling, he immediately formulated the most favorable arrangement for himself. In other words, on this day, Nine Immortals shut down and realized the most mysterious skills together, which is why he traveled and relied on.

And he himself understood the separation of Luo Ruo's formula in Moyu, but even Tianyuan Jiuxian didn't know the magic. This technology can not only hide the spiritual power he secretly drew from evil jade, but also give full play to the power of this spiritual power.

With the confrontation with Master Ghost Emperor, the function of this formula has gradually become familiar to people. Although this powerful Xiuluo resentment is still a huge burden, the battle is still more handy.

With the eighteen ghosts and the five ghost kings falling one after another, Shula Ghost Emperor was a little breathless. He is not unaware that there are some forces outside the war circle that cannot be taken lightly, but due to the power of the ghost emperor and his arrogance, he has lost all his power at this time.

The struggle between man and the sea, the battle between the phalanx, like Fengzi, is like an inexhaustible deep well, which is full of dissatisfaction in any case. If Feng Zi also had a compass-like spell, it was really unexpected for him.

Shula ghost emperor calmly shouted: "Ghost fierce, ghost blade."

The two fake winds immediately condensed into two people, kneeling on his side. As soon as the two came out, they followed the ghost king and envoys of the ghost emperor and shouted back to the distance.

The two answered together, "Yes!"

"You don't have to hold your hand," said Emperor Shura, "and then make a decision quickly."

Two people should, a strong pure y gas erupted from two people. This breath reflected Pan Chen's spirit and immediately moved his heart, even Lin Limei took a light breath.

The ghost made a strange cry, hoarse for a long time, the sound entered the eardrum and straight into the mind. As soon as the sound came out, there were tens of millions of ghosts and pawns around showing pain, and everyone was frightened. Pan Chen only felt a urge to shout, but there was no sound in his throat.

Even his powerful spirit can't be stopped, the mind is born with hallucinations, fantasy Pan Chen seems to be a roar rising from the sky, bursts of aura burst out of the virtual soul, and with the reaction of the soul, suddenly transformed into spiritual power , Like a storm spreading in all directions.

At the same time, this illusory spirit immediately overwhelmed all seven of his physiques. Although his breath was cut off, he was surrounded by a halo of innate Qi, with an unstoppable sharp pain like a giant wave The waves injected into the meridians. However, no one can feel the uneasiness and change of his Yuanshen. Even Sheng Yang's son thought he was stung by the devil's voice, and his heart was a little trembling.

There is no body at all, only when he really attacks the enemy, he will show the true meaning. The ghost in the phantom is like a knife. Thunder and lightning are like lightning waiting for the wind.

If the wind moves as soon as it lifts the sword, then its movement will not be slower than the ghost for half a minute, it is on the ghost's knife. The golden awn of the sword of the Nine Gods shone, and the right hand of the ghost was cut off from the wrist with the same wrist.

But shockingly, although the ghost's right hand left the figure, it kept chopping around the wind's right neck.

The wind flickered three times on the dark gold, and at the same time, people were hit by the knife and flew out of the mouth, flying out a mouthful of blood.

Although the work and methods of the "Ghost Emperor" cannot be measured with common sense, the reasons for the practice in the world are the same. Ru Fengzi tried to overestimate the ferocity, but still did not expect him to lose these two times purely for the purpose of war.

Without his prompt response, he used deep gold to protect his body three times in a row, and part of his strength would be removed, and this knife would be enough to cut off his head. At this time, although the head needs to be protected, the bones in the neck are almost broken. This crazy spirit is carried by the body. If Feng Zi is hit hard by this, even the mind will be in a trance.

But the scale of his life is tens of thousands of wars, this experience is not uncommon, a big pocket inspiration. Immediately turn the ghost's right hand into black gas and inhale into the body. The spirit of the ghost blade is locked tightly like the wind, but it is not shot immediately, but it is still constantly gathering Lingyuan. But how strong is this wave of killing, only when the wind can be clearly felt. This is a will that takes his life away. It is so strong that it does not need to be felt by the spirit, but reflected directly in his mind.

If Feng Zi is surprised, Shura Ghost has such a master. If we talk about spiritual power, if these two people take out one casually, it is enough to match him. Before these two people appeared, they didn't pay attention to their point of view, which really puzzled him.

If there is another person, even if it is powerful, as long as it does not reach the realm of God, it is very likely that Yuanshen will collapse directly under this powerful killing opportunity. The power of this kind of killing machine is that this kind of killing idea that turns false into reality, but it is still wrong to kill this idea again.

This is a method that is almost close to the limit of the virtual soul. It is much more difficult to practice this method than to practice the real soul. Because only by practicing the virtual soul can the true soul be cultivated like a real soul, and it is more likely that the false thoughts generated by the virtual soul will prevent the practitioner from sticking to the original soul, resulting in the gradual weakening or even demise of the original soul.

However, once it is repaired, the horror of this kind of work is better than that of practitioners.

When the practitioner and the practitioner face to face, his virtual soul can easily become his own fatal weakness, and the practitioner has no defects because he has devoured the real soul. But the virtual pole has no real incarnation, and no one knows how to resist. Apart from resisting force, there is no second way.

But when the force is applied, it will fall because of the split between the enemy and itself, so the same power is under the practitioner, and there is almost no battle in the imaginary hands. Therefore, some of the oldest sects in the world are very afraid of this. Ancestral practice and Taoism have been passed down through practice from generation to generation.

Ghosts and emperors are vanity practitioners, and they need not say much. Among the vanity practitioners, those who reach the level of virtual life and reality, like Master Linghua, are uninterested in all schools of truth. But if Fengzi is at this time, he has to face the two alone, and behind them there is a surrogate emperor.

A fight with Mo Junlin, and survived, such as Feng Zi, really has many benefits. At this time, in the face of such powerful lethality and powerful enemies, the fighting spirit did not weaken at all, nor did the mind show a trace of panic.

The spirit of that hand will be slowly inhaled by Yuanshen, and the power and strength of the ghost will be immediately understood as a way that cannot be separated from the spirit of that hand, slowly inhaling the spirit of Yuanshen, and immediately Understand the power and strength of ghosts. The power of ghosts is still slightly higher than the power of wind, but the false spirit in his body is not completely flawless.

Moreover, if Fengzi uses the Xiuluo learned from Evil Jade to drink the power of Evil Jade, the spirit of Evil Edge will be fully refined and refined, and the power of virtual soul will be much better than in the past, otherwise it will not May suffer such a blow.

If Feng Zi does not have this set of skills, then tens of millions of ghosts can use round-robin to gather ants and eat his life and death. But once this work is completed, these souls are far inferior to his ghosts, they will become an excellent supply for him. Under his constant devouring, many ghosts were either absorbed by him or suffered injuries that were difficult to recover.

The Emperor Shuluo also discovered this, and set fire to his master under the door. But I did not expect that what Feng Zi drew from the evil fate jade was the pure spiritual power of Shuluo Wang Wu, whose depth was far greater than that of the five kings. Anger became anger, which was to summon the hidden killing wand.

Although Gui Li broke one hand, he didn't stop at all, such as the shadow's close attack, it was cut off on the right wrist, leaving a faint golden light, although the ghost's right hand kept regenerating in illusion, But it was also constantly cut by this golden thread. For example, Feng Zi is pursuing a change in his body, and his shape is almost similar to a ghost at eight o'clock. Although he has no chance of breathing, the enemy pursues it, but there is no blow from one side.

The left hand swallowed the empty claws, and the right hand the nine **** swords, but a dozen rest efforts have reversed the situation. Instead, he chased the fierce ghost and gave the killer painfully, constantly cutting a virtual spirit from the fierce body of the ghost, and then absorbing it with his left hand. The two men fought so fast that most bystanders were stunned, and only a few people could clearly see them.

The ghost didn't expect this person to have learned the works of King Shuluo, plus the sharpness of the swords of the nine gods, to the extreme, causing great harm to his virtual body. For a while, the wind dropped and it seemed dangerous. Like Fengzi's sword, like a heaven and earth net, he can swim away in the ever-shrinking space.

The ghost roared suddenly, slamming the sides of the nine swords, but the whole body was at a solid moment. This was the first time since they met. Two powerful forces collided with each other and immediately set off a gust of wind. This spiritual shock caused many nearby chess pieces to immediately shake and turned into a pile of wind.

If Feng Zi guessed it really well, the ghost not only repaired the defect almost to its peak, but also had seven bodies intact, reaching the same physical spirit. His body can be freely condensed between virtual and real, but the virtual and real bodies are extremely spiritual, just like the soul of the pure sun wants to control the virtual spirit and turn the body into a virtual body, which will Was greatly consumed.

Similarly, virtual entities, especially in front of opponents such as Fengzi, are also a burden for ghosts. But the ghost is fierce at this time, but only in this way can we more effectively resist the sharp edge of the nine gods sword.

Under such a high-speed force, the figure sways to the left to avoid being like a wind sub-sword, and the body rotates like an open bow string, pointing again on the side of the Nine Divine Sword.

If this is a sword, or more baby elf warriors, even if they should not be broken, they will be scared out of their hands by this finger.

However, this sword is a rare sacred ancestor between heaven and earth, and it contains the supreme spirit itself. Not to mention that he is fierce, the king of Thor. If he attacked the sword in vain, he would only be seriously shocked. It is under this strange impact resistance that it is difficult to maintain the previously uncertain figures and stagger three or four steps in a row. If you lose 10%, you will judge life and death. ..

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