The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1743: Success or failure will only be known at that time [Six million words Wang Wan

Pan Chen is also preparing nervously. Dahei is very happy, where he knows he will be happy.

But Pan Chen was very relaxed, and even had time to accompany Li Yueling to go shopping. In fact, Pan Chen was not lazy, for another reason.

One Pan Chen has already arranged things, so he has nothing to do with it, and the other is to make Dahei feel at ease, so he must make a relaxed gesture. In fact, Pan Chen has not been so relaxed for a long time. As for the plan a few days later, Pan Chen is not very worried. Things are planned. The success or failure will only be known at that time.

Since Li Yueling has followed her, she has been busy with her own affairs. She has never been with Yue Ling properly. I feel very sorry for her. It is rare to be free, so stay with her!

I heard that Pan Chen was going to play with her. Li Yueling was very happy. She came to Pan Chen's room early in the morning and pulled Pan Chen out of bed.

"What are you doing, I haven't got enough sleep yet." No matter how Yueling pulls, Pan Chen just can't get up in bed.

"Don't you promise me to go shopping with me today?" Yue Ling said with a grunt.

"I said, but what time is it now, let me sleep more." Pan Chen asked.

"It's still early, it's more than seven o'clock, and brother has gone to work, which is as lazy as you are, getting up soon, lazy pig, otherwise I'm angry." After talking, he really raised his face.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you." Rubbing his hazy eyes, Pan Chen crawled up from the bed feebly.

At Yue Ling's urging, Pan Chen washed her face and brushed her teeth. Looking at Yue Ling's excited expression, she said, "Have the clothes opened so early?"

"Going to the streets is not just about buying clothes, there are many things to play with."

After casually eating some breakfast on the street, Yue Ling was dragged and ran, saying that it was because Yue Ling's spirit was too full.

"You seem to be different from usual?" Pan Chen said casually.

"Like, it just feels different from what you usually do!"

"It's not because I'm with you. I don't like that with others. What else is different? I don't think you know me because you don't care about me at all!" Said Pan Chen unconsciously. I looked at it and saw that Pan Chen was looking elsewhere, stomping his feet angrily, "Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, I'm listening." Pan Chen was really listening carefully, but Yueling couldn't believe it. Poor Pan Chen said all the good things, usually Pan Chen wasn't very talkative, especially on how to please Let me say nothing more about girls, so I said the words of praise that I could think of, and Lingling did nothing!

Yueling held Pan Chen's hand affectionately. Although Pan Chen was not used to it, but there was such a beautiful girl holding herself, what else was unhappy about Pan Chen! Especially see the envious or jealous eyes of pedestrians.

"Yue Ling, ask you a question, why do you like me?" After staring at Yue Ling, it seemed very urgent to know the answer.

"Why ask this question?" Yue Ling asked back.

"Nothing, just want to know!"

"Hungry, in fact, I don't know why. I like it just because I like it. Why do you have to ask so much, then you talk about it and you like me?" After looking at it, she looked at Pan Chen just like Pan Chen looked at her.

"Really want to know?"


"Because you look pretty!"

"Just because of this?"

"Just because of this."

"you sure?"

"I confirm."

"Can you say that again?"

Pan Chen didn't say it again, just grabbed Yue Ling's shoulders with both hands and turned to himself, staring straight at Yue Ling.

"Actually, I like you, not only your tenderness, but also your cuteness. I like everything about you. Even if the world's beautiful women are put together in front of me, I can't think of you as much as half of you." Pan Chen Looking at Yue Ling said.

"You really think so?"


In fact, sometimes women are really stupid, intoxicated by a man's words, but don't think about the truth of the words.

At this time, most of the people who sell clothes have already opened shops and do business. Women deserve to be a shopping family, and Pan Chen is today's knowledge.

However, there are really a lot of clothes for girls, and there are many styles and beautiful. Pan Chen is a little depressed. There are so few men ’s clothes. But envy is useless. Men who have the ability to do shopping like women do, Pan Chen understood that of course it was impossible.

However, Yueling always buys more and less, but as long as she sees what Yueling wears nicely, she buys them all. Panchen doesn't distress money. Yueling blames Panchen for buying too much.

But after all, Yue Ling is still very happy.

It was almost noon, and Pan Chen ate only a little in the morning, and was already hungry, so he took Yueling to find something to eat.

"I'll take you to eat delicious food. The craftsmanship in that house is particularly good. I guarantee you will never forget it if you eat it once." "It's really delicious, how come I haven't heard of it?" Pan Chen heard Yueling say this, think about coming here for so long, I haven't heard anything Especially delicious. "

"Of course, will I still lie to you? Come with me!" He said, even pulling Pan Chen.

Of course, Pan Chen is also happy to eat something. He has been here for so long. As a triad boss, the time here is not short, but he does not know much about it. It is really unreasonable.

I turned a few streets, and came to a street, where there are a lot of people, people come and go, it is the city's snack street, w city's snacks are not blown, that is definitely a first-class taste, that is somewhere else And many people know that there is such a place in W City.

Li Yueling took Pan Chen and walked straight into a medium-sized house. When he walked into the store, he found that it looked quite exquisite, but I didn't know if the taste of the snack was so exquisite.

But since Yueling pulls herself here, the taste should be good.

"Boss, give us two bowls of sauerkraut noodles and make them spicy." It seems that Yue Ling is a regular visitor here, thinking of this, Pan Chen feels that he is really, all day care about his own affairs, and there is no good company Yueling, thinking of this, Pan Chen felt that she should spend more time with Yueling in the future. Looking at Yueling, Pan Chen held Yueling's hand tightly, as if Yueling was about to leave, feeling the strength of Panchen's hand, Yueling also looked at Pan Chen and saw that he was Looking at himself dumbly, he couldn't help but shake the hands clasped.

"Pan Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just want to look at you more, can't you!"

"No, wait until you go home and look at it slowly!" Despite the words on his mouth, the smile on his face betrayed him.

"Something is done, hurry up and eat it!" At this time, I saw a bowl of noodles already on the table, and the efficiency was quite chunky.

"You eat it first, little cat."

"You are the little cat!" But the second bowl has already been made, so it's no longer necessary to fight.

It ’s been a long time since I came out, and Pan Chen has been hungry for a long time, and I ’m eating right now. It does n’t matter if I do n’t eat it. I ’m really shocked when I eat it. It ’s nothing else. By the way, the noodles here are similar to ordinary ramen, but they are slightly thinner. Pan Chen does n’t like ramen very much, but instant noodles are more like Pan Chen ’s appetite, but the taste of this noodle is completely different from that of ramen. It must be said that there may be only one thing in the same place, that is, it is fresh. Do you know that ramen is made fresh? But Pan Chen did n’t see him making it, but he ate it. Although Pan Chen did n’t know the difference between fresh noodles and stale, the feeling at the entrance, how to say, was that there was a feeling of anger through the throat Slowly flowing into the body, it seems that the capillaries of the whole body are stretched out, and the body has an unspeakable comfort.

After eating it, I knew that the taste of the noodles was far more than that. The noodles were not only vigorous, but also very elastic. When they ate, they popped out of their mouths, as if there were thousands of horses running. There was a very smooth feeling when I ate it, but I put a strong fragrance in my mouth. Pan Chen believed that he would never forget this taste in his life.

Seeing Pan Chen's intoxication, Yue Ling glanced at Pan Chen proudly and said proudly: "How is it, delicious!" Seeing her like this, it seems that she did it!

"If I like it, I'll get it for you every day." Yue Ling continued.

"Okay, but would you do it." Pan Chen couldn't help but glance at Yue Ling suspiciously, and she couldn't think of her ability.

"You just wait for it and it will definitely surprise you."

"Then I will see your performance."

There are hundreds of nomadic families in the Yuman tribe. In the winter, when everything is withering, they will move to a hill called a sunset and set up a felt house to spend the long winter. Until next spring, they will move to the land where the river is fertile to graze.

This year's snow is particularly heavy. The endless grasslands are covered with thick white snow, a beautiful white world.

Early morning Yuman tribe.

At this time, there were several figures running in the snow, and the flying snow behind him was really beautiful. From time to time, there were bursts of laughter and laughter. From the figure, there were some tall teenagers, like the northerners, Has a solid shoulder.

When playing similarly, one by one poured into the dense respective felt houses, the white felt houses, each supported by a central pole, hundreds of felt houses stood against the wind in the boundless white snow.

Next to the many felt houses, there is a felt house several times smaller than the others, standing alone on the periphery.

At this time, a thin and delicate sixteen, seventeen young boy had just returned from the outside, he was wrapped in a thick warm linen cloth, and a rope was tied around his waist. At this time, his expression was tired and low, and when he came to the felt room, his blind eyes glanced at the lamb pen next to the felt room, the inside was empty, he sighed, and then stared at the stored simple wooden frame, only the remaining A large piece of smoked lamb chops. Stepping forward, he caressed the lamb chops for a long time before using his nails on the smoked lamb chops to mark a shallow trace. Then he took a thin knife of more than one foot from the waist, according to the traces quickly and ruthlessly Cut into pieces, the sound of ice cracking and bone crushing, the smoked lamb chops on the wooden stand broke off, large and small. The teenager picked up a mouth-sized smoked lamb chops and held it in his hand, his heart filled with coldness.

The young man stepped forward to cook it for breakfast and walked into the felt room.

The teenager suddenly heard the sound and turned his head to look around. A strong horse and a tall and brave knight appeared in his sight. His stubborn face, with several deep scars, looked at him with a white line The knight in the armor of the hook, at this time he took the reins and slowly stepped on the snow, carrying a spear on his back, the gun head gleaming in the snow.

When the teenager was stagnant, the knight who was far away from him gave him a sense of oppression. He could not help leaning forward slightly, staring at the slowly coming knight.

It was only at the next moment that the teenager had to raise his head and stare keenly at the seven-foot knight in front of him.

The knight smiled at this time, but his scarred face smiled, and it was extremely unbearable. The knight at this time looked down at the teenager with interest, and asked, "Boy, is this Yuman tribe here?"

Like the guard against the beast, the teenager asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

The knight was not annoyed. He pointed his chest with thick and rough fingers and said, "Boy, didn't you see this sign? This is the wing of the wind, the sign of the Cavalry Corps of the Snow Country."

Upon hearing this, the teenager looked at the knight's armor, which was covered with thin ice, and the chest armor was engraved with complicated blue wings. He already believed in the totem. The Beichen area composed of grasslands and snow mountains, most of the territory belongs to the snow and snow country, and one of his own small tribes is relying on the snow and snow country, so as not to be annexed and killed by other big tribes. The young man took away his hostility and apologized slightly: "Cavalryman, this is the Yuman tribe."

The knight listened and looked around with a smile. Hundreds of felt houses were lined up in a row. His eyes were narrowed, he didn't know what to think, and his expression was solemn.

For a long time, the knight let go of the reins and yelled his thick voice: "Dear fellow folks and fathers, my knight maple came to recruit troops on behalf of the snow and snow country." The voice spread clear and loud throughout the Yuman tribe.

The knight said nothing, and stood aside, stroking the horse's mane and waiting quietly.

When the young man heard the conscription, his heart was alive. The folks in the land of Beichen were still full of martial arts, and all of them wanted to join the army. They made outstanding achievements and returned gloriously. The teenager squeezed the lamb chops with the palm of his hand, and thought about the life afterwards, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Master Feng, how is the treatment as a soldier?"

Feng looked at the teenager's thin body, but when he saw his earnest eyes again, he said cheerfully: "Become a regular infantry, the military pay is sufficient to support the family of two; become a regular cavalry, the military pay is sufficient to support the family of six."

The young boy's eyes lit up. If he could enter the regular infantry, his grandma's life would be guaranteed, and there would be no need to trouble the uncles and aunts in the tribe.

"Yu'er, come here, Ma'am." Just when the teenager was full of hope, the door of the small felt room opened, revealing a middle-aged woman with rickets and wrinkles on her face, her eyes complexed. ..

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