The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1742: Who can compare with you [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

"Why not, my nickname was taken by myself."

"Who can compare with you?" Pan Chen teased.


Bringing the brothers together, Pan Chen said: "From today, Liu Lichao is a member of our Wild Wind Gang. In addition, some people may come over to make trouble in the past few days. Everyone should be vigilant. "Coughed twice," By the way, in the future, everyone called Liu Lichao, don't call Chao Brother, called bandit, do you understand? "

"Understood." Everyone laughed, but the bandits rarely blushed once.


On Monday, Internet cafes are much less than usual, and this is also a rare leisure time. Most of the brothers who played an overnight wild wind outside were already sleeping soundly, and only a few people were watching the scene.

At this time, a group of people came from the Wildcat Internet Cafe, and it did n’t look like someone on the Internet. I saw a person in front glanced and went straight upstairs. The others followed him and walked ahead. In the box, I saw a few scattered people sitting inside, playing slot machines, and only a few watching the machine.

They didn't seem to have the meaning of playing slot machines. They went to the stairs leading to the third floor. Several younger brothers who saw the scene found something wrong, and one younger brother said immediately, "Hey, what are you doing, you can't go up there." "

But after the little brother finished speaking, the group of people not only stopped but also accelerated to go up.

"Stop." Seeing that they didn't stop, several younger brothers rushed over immediately, trying to intercept them.

As soon as I rushed to the front, I was stopped by a few people. I saw that they took out an iron rod from their bodies, and the younger brothers retreated immediately.

Only a few people were playing cards there, and it seemed that they were fighting the landlord. At this time, I heard some voices coming from downstairs. When I turned to look at the stairs, I saw a group of people coming over. When I walked out of the stairs, I found that each of them had an iron roller in their hands.

Seeing that they rushed over, there was no time to notify the other brothers. Several brothers of the Wild Wolf Gang rushed over, but the strength was very different, and they were knocked to the ground without resisting a few times.

A group of people rushed into several rooms on the third floor immediately. The brother who was still awake was awakened, rubbing his eyes, and was about to yell a few times, but he saw several people rushing into it. One after another.

This morning is the most favorite time to sleep lazy, although it is already ten o'clock in the morning, but for Pan Chen who is used to sleep lazy, this is nothing.

But at this time, Pan Chen woke up with a ring of bells.

"Hello, who?" Pan Chen was thinking of beating the caller at this time.

"No, Brother Yang, our place was smashed. You hurry up and have a look." An urgent voice came from the phone. "What! I'll come over immediately." Pan Chen almost jumped out of bed.

When he came to his site, Pan Chen almost couldn't recognize it. He didn't come over after a night, and it became like this. The second floor was okay, but the third floor was a terrible story. Everyone was lying on the ground. Everything was smashed.

"What's wrong with this, ah?" Pan Chen almost shouted.

In the room, everyone is bandaging. Fortunately, they are all professional gangsters. They all know how important they are. They just gave Pan Chen a dismount. They never thought about killing Pan Chen ’s brothers. Let them regret it.

"Who did this?" Pan Chen asked.

"The leader who claimed to be Dahei, he still put down his words, if we surrender to him, we can eat spicy and spicy, otherwise it would be ugly to die," said an injured younger brother.

"Who died is hard to see is not necessarily." Pan Chenmo said.

At this time, the dumb and the bandits had rushed over when they heard the news. Seeing such a situation, they shouted that they would tear the **** in half, and they would never end.

"Be quiet, dumb, bandit, you call all your brothers, we have a meeting." Pan Chen explained.

After a while, everyone gathered in the conference hall. Although the current Yefeng Gang is not a large number of people, but dozens of people are a little crowded in a small room.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing shortly after we set up a gang. This is our shame. We must take revenge. For this attack, we can see that we are still immature. The bandits have told the news in advance. We, we are not the same thing. In this matter, I will punish you, the few of you who are responsible for guarding. Of course, I should bear the greatest responsibility, but after this revenge, I will be punished together with several brothers. "" Pan Chen has incited the anger of the brethren.

"Next, let's discuss our vengeance plan, let them know that we are not irritating, let them taste our anger." Pan Chen continued.

"We must have a comprehensive plan to be able to fight amazingly, establish the prestige of our gang, and thus have a place in the city." The bandit said.

"Oh, bandits, what plan do you have, let's listen." Pan Chen asked the bandits as if they already had plans.

"This war is related to the survival of my gang. Whether it can rise depends on this war, so you can only succeed, not fail. I think this way, send people to ask them to surrender first, and then ... .. This is the specific plan. "

"Very good. I can't see your usual arrogance. You still have this kind of mind. From today, you are the military gang of the gang. When the gang grows, you will officially issue a document appointment." Pan Chen half-jokingly said.

"Where do you dare to be, the master must have a plan already, just say it through my mouth." The bandit is worthy of being a fart, and the speed of conversion is really fast.

"Your kid really slaps the horse fart, how could he not be kicked to death by the horse!"

"This battle has two meanings for us, one is to improve the brothers' actual combat experience, and the other is to expand the territory of our gang. Although the **** territory is only a little, but for our gang, We are too big to bite, as long as the annexation of the **** site will be much smoother for our future development, the brothers will go down and prepare! "Pan Chen greeted everyone, and everyone dispersed.

After Pan Chen's brother sent a message to Dahei, he said that he would formally join Dahe in three days and become Dahei's man. Dahei was certainly happy. ..

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