The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1738: Face [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

Then a lot of people who looked at the scene ran over and stopped the path of Pan Chen and others, but Pan Chen was prepared, and those people were not enough to watch. Pan Chen just turned them over after they had n’t been in contact for a while. Too.

Dawei was playing hotly in a private room. Hearing the movements outside, he ran out to see, but just walked out of the door, and before he could see the person, he was punched in the face and fell to the ground.

It was not until Pan Chen pulled his collar and dragged him up that he could see clearly the person coming.

"Pan Chen, what are you doing, I didn't go to trouble you, you came here and smashed my place, do you understand the rules!"

"It's almost time to die, and dare to say such a thing." Pan Chen looked at Dawei and still said such a thing under the circumstances, so he didn't get angry.

"Hurry up, where did you hide Yue Ling."

"Who is Yueling, do I know? Make it clear." Dawei paid nothing to be afraid of death. I don't know if he was really afraid of death, or it was simply a fool who didn't understand his situation!

"I'm asking you again, where did you hide Yue Ling, if you don't say anything, you'll wait to die." Pan Chen was more angry.

"I don't even know what you're talking about, you let me go, even today this matter, you also know that if you do this, if the big brothers above know, you will die." Dawei probably Measured that Pan Chen did not dare to mess up, so he was so fearless!

But he didn't know that Pan Chen had been stunned by anger at this time. Where would he control so much? Looking at Dawei's face, Pan Chen punched him one punch after another.

It was only then that Dawei showed a terrified expression, but it was too late.

After punching more than ten punches, Pan Chen didn't stop until his face was full of blood.

"Say it or not." Pan Chen raised his fist, and he must fight again.

"I said, I said, I really don't know, I don't know if you killed you."

Pan Chen looked at Dawei and did not know whether it was true or not, but Pan Chen thought that Dawei did not dare to deceive himself, but who would do such a thing except Dawei!

After thinking about it for a long time, Pan Chen said to Dawei, "Who else would do such a thing besides you?"

"How do I know, but Li Gu's sister is so beautiful, it is inevitable that he will be stared at by a big brother or something, and I can't help it." I didn't see that Dawei did not fight, and the skill of talking was first-class.

In the hospital, Li Guzheng was lying on the hospital bed, but he looked much better. There was a person sitting beside the bed, it was Pan Chen.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, Yue Ling didn't find it."

"Not in Dawei's **** hands?" Listening to Li Gu's voice a lot louder.

"I don't look like it is in his hands, but I really can't think of anyone else who will do this."

"I can't believe in Dawei's words, and I'll check it again, or I'll ask Brother Wen for help."

"The same is true, I think Brother Wen will be able to help." Pan Chen thought about it, and thought Li Gu was right.

It was still the study room where Pan Chen last saw Awen.

Awen was looking through a book, and when Pan Chen came, he closed the book. "Sit, I just wanted to find you, I didn't expect you to come to me first, let's say, what's the matter?" Awen greeted.

"This is the case. A friend's shop was smashed by someone today, and his sister was also taken away. So I would like to ask Brother Wen to find it out and find out who did it."

"The girl's name is Li Yueling. You like her very much, don't you?"

"No." Although Pan Chen said so, he was asking himself whether he really liked Li Yueling.

"It's not as anxious as you are, worry is written on your face."

Hearing Awen say that, it really looks like it.

"By the way, what's wrong with Brother Wen?" Pan Chen couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it.

"Daiwei has just come and told me your pleadings, asking me to dispose of you."

"How would Brother Wen treat me?" Pan Chen asked.

"National laws and regulations, family rules, everything is not what I said, there are a lot of people looking at us, as soon as there are opportunities, they will be taken advantage of."

"If you want to punish me, just say it, not to mention so much." Although Pan Chen was young, he was not a fool, and he heard the meaning in Awen's words.

"I mean you publicly apologize to Dawei. I have already said to Dawei that this matter has been handled like this, and I can only do this step."

"No, I won't apologize to him. Moreover, although you don't say anything in this way, you won't be convinced. The other brothers in the gang will also think that you are favoritism. Let's talk about Yueling's thing again. The suspicion is the biggest, and things have not been investigated clearly. "Pan Chen did not intend to apologize to Dawei in this respect. Besides, even if it was really not a big deal, he would not apologize.

"Since you have joined the gang, you must abide by the gang's regulations, not what you want to do, you can do what you want, the people with the gang are not allowed to kill each other, you think it is just for fun, I just do it for you Under one step, if anyone makes such a mistake, he will not let him go so easily. "Awen was a little angry.

Pan Chen stood aside and didn't speak. Pan Chen saw that this big brother who made him respect and fear was angry, and he felt a little hairy in his heart. It was impossible for him to apologize to Dawei.

"Let's go, since you can't listen to me as a boss, then you'll know for yourself!" Pan Chen, who was on the side, didn't care.

Since Awen couldn't help, Pan Chen had to find Li Yueling himself. After thinking about it, he still felt that Dawei was the most suspicious. He was going to check on Dawei again.

When Pan Chen wandered around in several bars, he did not find a group of people staring at him.

In the evening, Pan Chen, who had some wine, was a little confused. He walked on the street alone, and when he walked through a small alley, a stick came from behind, and at once he knocked the confused Pan Chen to the ground, from the alley. A few people walked out, put Pan Chen in a sack, and quickly left the scene.

A pot of cold water poured over the body and Pan Chen awakened in an instant.

There are a lot of people sitting around, but it is not very good to look at yourself, and his elder brother Awen is also among them.

If the people familiar with the underworld are here, you will know that this group of people is not simple, they are all hawks.

"Awen, this is your person, what do you say about how to deal with him." Looking at the tone of his speech to Awen and the attitude of the people around him, he should be the most prominent person here, yes, he is the 13 Eagles The boss, the founder of the hawks, is also A Wen's partner from childhood to playing, nicknamed the big eagle, the real name Zhen Zhichao.

"Brother, you can figure it out. He is my own. It is reasonable for me to dispose of it, but for the sake of fairness, it is still the elder brother."

Even the 13 Eagles, which are hard to see on weekdays, are almost here today. The ranking of the 13 Eagles is not calculated by age, but by status. It is counted down.

"Then follow the rules."

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