The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1737: Put the girl also [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

"And Li Yueling is still in their hands!" Pan Chen replied.

"Oh, Dawei, let that girl go too." Awen turned and said to Dawei.

"Yes." Dawei didn't say a word or dare to speak.

The three of Pan Chen did not get any hindrance and returned home safely.

"I plan to confuse with Brother Wen." Pan Chen opened the door.

"You have to think about it, but this is a no return route, there is no possibility of exiting when you enter," Li Gu said.

"I have nothing to fear. Now I live alone in the world. I don't care about anything, even if I die," Pan Chen sighed.

"You can decide your own business. We can't be the master. My sister and I are going back to our hometown. Take care of yourself!"

"Why do you go back to your hometown, what would you do in your hometown, why not stay, I will only have two of you friends."

In fact, they didn't want to go home. What good could they do at home, so they didn't suffer the blind eyes of others, so when Pan Chen asked them to stay, they agreed without thinking.

During the days when he joined the underworld, Dawei never came to see the ballast. Pan Chen and they didn't come to trouble anyway, no matter what the reason was.

The underworld is nothing more than fighting, killing and killing things. Fortunately, Pan Chen seems to have a particularly high understanding of these things, and soon became a powerful beater of Awen.

One day, Awen asked Pan Chen to see him.

"Sit." Awen said to Pan Chen.

"Oh." This place where Pan Chen came was Awen's residence. Although it was not big, it was very clean and tidy. When Pan Chen passed the garden, there were many flowers and plants in the yard. The environment was quite elegant. This house was built in On the outskirts, it was an independent house. When Pan Chen came, he did n’t take a car. Looking at it, it ’s a short distance from the city, and I do n’t know what Awen thought. An important member of the underworld lives here. There is no guard or fear of being killed. The whole thing doesn't seem to be a place where a triad boss lives. It looks like a place where literati live. The place where Pan Chen saw Awen was Awen's study, so a large house was full of bookshelves filled with books.

"Brother Wen, you have a lot of books here, you are really a great writer." Pan Chen shouted.

"You are ironizing me. I am a triad. I am far away from a writer. I just like reading and collecting books. If you are interested, I can send you a few." Awen quipped Road.

"Really?" Pan Chen asked.

"Of course it is true, am I still using it to deceive you!"

Pan Chen really likes reading books, but because of his mood some time ago, he didn't want to do anything. Now Pan Chen has started to come out from the shadow of despair and slowly accept a new life.

Pan Chen casually looked at it. The books here are really complete and worth a small library. However, there are a lot of books in the collector ’s edition that are difficult to buy outside, but it is not comparable to the average library. Of the.

Pan Chen carefully searched for the books he liked. It did n’t matter if he read them. After reading it, he found that he liked too many books. The books that he could n’t think of on the outside were common here. Pan Chen saw these books as if he saw them. Like a baby, her eyes sparkled, and Awen on the side saw Pan Chen's eyes, and she suddenly felt awkward in her heart.

Originally Pan Chen saw so many good books, he could not wait to move the study, but that was impossible. Pan Chen had to choose a few books that he was very interested in. Finally, Pan Chen came to a very delicate book. In front of the cabinet, I opened it and found that there were some ancient books in it. This discovery made Pan Chen ecstatic and always wanted to read the ancient books that I couldn't see. I found a lot of them here. Can you excite me!

Seeing Pan Chen take those ancient books, A Wen's face was white when he brushed it. Of course, Pan Chen couldn't see it. He was still drunk in the book!

I have read a lot of ancient books, but I do n’t understand them. Although Pan Chen graduated from high school, he did n’t understand classical Chinese and traditional characters. Although he likes these books very much, he is also embarrassed to be loved by others, so he did n’t take these ancient books. , And put it all back, closing the cabinet.

Seeing this, Awen's heart finally dropped.

"Just take these books." Pan Chen held a few thick books in his hands.

"Although you have taken it, you can come to me and read more books if you have time." A Wen said easily.

"Okay, today I still have something to talk to you, you sit down first!" Awen sat on a chair behind a seat and pointed to a chair opposite.

"What's the matter, Brother Wen."

"I'm going to give you some sites and let you take care of it. How do you feel, can you do it?"

"Let me manage your site, okay, I've been in the gang for such a short time, I'm afraid I can't convince the crowd to manage it!" "Why not, our gang just needs you as a passionate youth, otherwise how to grow and develop, and I will bear it with you, who dares to say nothing!"

"Yes, since Brother Wen believes me so much, then I will definitely do a good job."

"Okay, just wait for you!"

Three days later, Pan Chen officially became the boss of a few streets. The feeling of being a boss was quite different, followed by a large group of younger brothers, and ordered them to do whatever they wanted, and it was very cool to think about it.

Li Gu also opened a snack bar with the help of Pan Chen. The business was quite good. With Pan Chen's care, few people dared to make trouble.

Although everything is normal on the surface, who can know the secret work?

Li Gukai's storefront is within the range of several streets under the jurisdiction of Pan Chen. In addition to Li Yueling, he also invited two helpers.

At this time, it was already 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, and it was also the peak of the night market. Li Gu's shop was particularly busy. Among the endless stream of people, there are a group of people who seem to be mixed at first glance into the Li Gu shop. There are about a dozen or so. Li Gu seems to be bad, and these people are not like Pan Chen. Men, quickly walked over to greet.

"What are you going to eat?" Li Gu said to the group of people with a smile.

"Eat your mother's head." The one who headed came and threw a punch at Li Gu. Li Gu had already been prepared and bent down to avoid the punch, but the people behind immediately threw at Li Gu. come. The guests in the shop saw a fight and hurried out, fearing that they might hurt themselves by mistake.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Yueling wanted to call Pan Chen. When she picked up her mobile phone to make a call, she was flicked away by an oncoming hand.

When I look at it again, Li Yueling finds that several people are surrounding him in front of him.

Seeing so many people surrounding him, Li Yueling felt a little scared, but looking at what she is now, it is difficult to escape.

Li Gu is playing lively there! However, the ending is destined, and not long after Li Gu has been hit on the ground and can't get up.

In a luxurious bar, Pan Chenzheng was dancing with a group of gangsters. Seeing the crazy momentum, he couldn't stop at once.

"Brother Yang," a young man squeezed to Pan Chen's side, and attached to Pan Chen's ear, said: "Something went wrong. Brother Li's store was smashed by others."

"What are you talking about."

"Brother Li's shop was smashed."

"What, who did it?"

"I do not know."

"Go, let me go and see, you help me look at the scene."

"Relax, brother Yang."

In Li Gu's shop, there was a terrible book. When Li Gu was lying on the ground, Li Yueling didn't know where to go. Pan Chen burst into flames out of nowhere. Pan Chen was very angry if this happened on his site. At this time, if he knew who did it, Pan Chen would definitely destroy his family immediately.

"Brother Li, brother Li." Pan Chen shouted to support Li Gu.

"Don't care about me, Yue Ling was taken away by them, you go to save her." Li Gu said weakly.

"Who was caught Yueling?" Pan Chen asked anxiously.

"I don't know which group did it, all of them have never been seen."

"Xiaohui, come here!" Pan Chen called a man, "Bring Brother Li to the hospital."

"Yes, Brother Yang." Xiaohui responded.

"An Yi, call the brothers together and say there are important things." Pan Chen thought of a person, the most likely is him.

"Brother Yang, I'll go now." Then he left.

Outside the door of the crazy bar, that is the bar where Pan Chen and Li Gu looked for Dawei last time.

A large group of people rushed in, and the security guards at the door just pushed away. ..

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