The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1724: How is it possible [Wang Wen, 6 million words, seek slaughter]

"How is it possible, how is it possible"

Wu Lang stumbled and walked, his eyes closed like mountains. He staggered, his eyes loose, and he was near the edge of fainting again. What supported him at this moment was a strong will. A will to seek answers

A gust of wind blew through, with some sadness touching the face of the witch wolf, at that moment tears could not stop flowing inexplicably. He did not know why this happened, as if the tears did not belong to him at all.

"You can't succeed!"

There were tears flowing on the cheeks of the wolf wolf, and there were tears rolling in his eyes, but a strong will to resist appeared in his eyes,

"Never possible!"

He seemed to be fighting himself, as if he kept talking to himself as if he was warning himself. At this moment, the powerful will of the wolf wolf suddenly exploded like an energy storm. A whirlpool of consciousness visible to the naked eye rose into the sky, and a powerful power exploded across all directions. At this moment, all creatures that passed or were exposed to this conscious storm Torn to pieces, there is no room for negotiation.

"Why do you suffer? I am you, you are me."

The only remaining consciousness avatar of the Netherstone appeared. He stood in front of the witch wolf and said meaningfully, a slight softness appeared on his face ignoring the law of all things.

"you are wrong."

The witch wolf was forced to endure oppression and his body was very weak. The mark left by the Nether Stone wants to control the body of the witch wolf.

"I! It's me! No one else!"

His momentum suddenly climbed to a height that had never been reached, a height that broke through all obstacles and constraints.

"This is a fact that cannot be changed! You can't escape it!"

The body of the Nether Stone was suppressed by the powerful evil conscious energy of the wolf wolf, and then the nameless vortex appeared, sucking his entire soul mark into it. He did not resist, but he did not forget to "admonish" before leaving.

"Anything, willing to do and do it, will succeed, even if the chance is small I will not admit defeat."

The spirit of the wolf wolf is actually on the verge of collapse. If it is just that the dark stone resists a bit, the spirit of the wolf wolf will not break through. It will be easy to control him at that time.


He fell

The wolf wolf had a long dream. There was a girl in the dream, but the girl's appearance was not real, but her smile hidden under the mist penetrated into his soul. At this moment, he was heartache, and at this moment he was drunk. He wandered in the illusion, the girl's figure covered all the places here, these figures penetrated deeply into his soul, and touched a weak place.

What is there

That's heart.

As soon as the witch wore asked in his heart, a voice answered him. He is no stranger to the sound of this speech, it belongs to him. The thickness of the voice seemed to give people a warm but mature and calm momentum, but there was a different kind of indifference. Just like no matter what you do, the person in front of you will not be moved.

"I am your future, he is your past."

A sudden and powerful figure appeared in front of the witch wolf, with his back to the witch wolf. His body was taller than the witch wolf, and his white hair turned dark red. The natural "weapon" of the limbs exudes a chill and endless murderousness like a magic soldier. The nature that "he" refers to is the nether rock.

The witch wore staring at the person in front of him, he couldn't help but stay a little bit, he was just a reduced version in front of him, not only his body but also his momentum. The person in front of him seemed to be Pan Chen's pillar by virtue of his strength. But the imperial demeanor that should have been turned into a monstrous magic flame and a shocking blood evil.

He turned around leisurely, his eyes without any emotion. The eyes of the two rounds of **** yin and yang pisces representing the killing are looking at the witch wolf indifferently. This expression can't help making the witch wolf have some backs, and the feeling of fear is born. The Pisces in those eyes are crimson. The Pisces are separated by a black dividing line. The fish eyes are also black, like two seals standing there suppressing it. It seems that once the red "seals" on both sides are broken, it is the killing of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

"You are my future?"

The sound of the wolf wolf twitched slightly, and the kind of killing gas overflowed a little from his eyes, and penetrated into his own soul, shooting directly at the source. I was almost dominated by this killing, and my mind was wiped out. It's terrifying!


He seemed to know that his murderousness was too heavy, and he converged a little, but even this was still not something the Witch Wolf could bear. He was just trying to resist.


"Did you see it? This is the heart, your lost heart."

He snorted indifferently, completely conquering the murderous spirit, and the yin and yang double fisheyes of the main killers also turned into eyes like the current witch wolf. For his words, Witch Wolf can only bear it silently. After all, he really can't resist his killing spirit.

"Heart? Lost heart?"

The witch wolf is unknown, so he whispered and asked himself. He had a feeling that something was awakened in the depths of his soul, but he couldn't grasp it, and it was lost in the fingers as soon as he touched it.

"Yes! It's the heart. If you don't want this world to be destroyed, then you can only raise the courage to resist!"

The "Witch Wolf" in front of him suddenly released his momentum, without the fluctuation of the true elemental force, and without the interference of the consciousness. Some were only a "potential", a killing that killed everything and destroyed the universe. Potential ".

The world was suppressed by him until it began to collapse, and the pressure on the witch wolf was even greater. He seemed to be crushed into mud. But how can physical pain be comparable to mental pain? His consciousness has begun to fall apart, and in this way, he will be reduced to an empty walking dead.

"My life is in my hands! Who can control! My potential is in my heart! Who can resist! She won't cry in my world"

"Life is a reincarnation."

"Witch Wolf" shouted loudly at the sky, and the entire ruined world began to recover. The kind of "potential" that made the universe shudder was contained in his heart. That roar was so imprinted into the spirit of the witch wolf.

I do not know why, when this world collapses, he will have the feeling that the six gods have no master, just like the fast soul flying away, the deep heartache is stimulating the whole body.

He stepped out of the world

"The injuries on your body are still serious, don't move."

An unfamiliar and gentle voice broke into the ears of the witch wolf, and he was still squinting in pain, as if he suddenly realized something, struggling to get up from the ground.

"Roar ~"

There is no real force in the wolf wolf that can be mobilized. The damage caused by the strong mobilization of the energy of the Hades makes him even see what the person in front of him looks like. He knew that the person in front of him had Wang Cultivation, but this did not pose a threat to him. A low voice resembling a warning sounded in the wolf's throat. At this moment, he could not use anything. He could only use hearing that was several times stronger than any creature, and be alert.

"You can rest assured that I am going to hurt you, and you did it when you were in a coma."

The witch wolf could feel that the person in front of him stretched his hand while speaking softly and softly.

The witch wolf is retreating. He couldn't distinguish his enemies from friends, not to mention the moment when he had no ability at all.

It seemed to feel that the wolf wolf had no tendency to attack. The person in front of him was bolder and put his hand gently on the wolf wolf's head. The Wuwol took advantage of this opportunity to slam the front right claw and opened the man's hand with vigorous force, and at the same time opened a big **** mouth to bite past.


The man screamed softly, but did not dodge, and the big mouth of the witch wolf was about to stop attacking in the air. He knew that the person in front of him was really good for himself. At least for now. Otherwise, after that claw just went down, the people in front of the Wang Jie would subconsciously use powerful real power to attack themselves.

"who are you?"

The wolf questioned in the language of the underworld, but the inner security had long been removed. After all, his actual growth age is still young, and he has experienced only a few battles, and he has lived in the underworld to protect him. In the world. Although he understands the principle of weak meat and strong food, in fact he has never experienced it at all, so his nature is still naive.


The man in front of him was confused, and could not answer at all. But this man is very smart, and I guessed it in a flash.

"Thank you for saving me last time, otherwise I might have been killed long ago. Although it is no different from death now, there is always hope for living. Ha ha."

The silver bell-like laughter feels like a spring breeze, but it is particularly harsh in the ears of the witch wolf.

Witch wolf has more than one or two innate abilities? Although he can't speak the language of the world, he can understand everything inexplicably. The person didn't say okay, and the witch wolf ran away as soon as he said his identity.

"People! Die!"

Wu Lang's momentum suddenly erupted, and the strength returned to the peak moment. But just after the scream, he fell over

Witch wolf, born creature. In addition to this, if there is anything special about him, that is: he was born from the three-born stone and has an inseparable connection with the three-born stone. But after all, he is not a Sansheng stone body.

"It belongs to my heart"

The wolf wolf has more than three years from injury to recovery. During these three years, he has lived with the person who rescued him at that time, and has never been separated. In the past three years, he has asked countless times about this question, but can't find a clue to the answer. Although he knows it is useless, he still keeps talking to himself.

The previous injury was a Dao injury, a serious injury caused by his own "Dao". When entering the king's rank, the scars left by the birth of the witch wolf suddenly attacked, so this caused him to almost lose his self and was swallowed by the "Tao" when entering the king's rank.

No matter what kind of these two injuries are on anyone's turn, I am afraid they have already died. This also directly shows his physical strength and his own willpower. If it weren't hurt, he could only match his strong body and the innate conditions that he was born to be able to fit in with the world of Hades. Even if he had absorbed energy for many times, it would never cause such seriousness. Hurt. ..

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