The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1723: King Yan Luo! Come out for a fight! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaught

Hunting prisoners, the red phoenix four stood up from the ground, a domineering howl, followed by the witch wolf to the front line.

"King Yan Luo! Come out to fight!"

Sin Jingtai has disappeared. I do n’t know whether it is due to the fact that King Qin Guangwang has become tens of thousands of avatars.

Long Xingtian led the human race and rushed to death in the underworld soldiers. He didn't shoot, and there were twenty others beside him. He was fighting.

"As you wish, today is the first battle of the Second World of Wicked Men. Take you to heaven."

In the void, King Yan Luo suddenly appeared. He sat on the throne and tilted his legs, said very indifferently.

King Yan Luo did not leave the seat, but directly shot a palm out of thin air, and a palm of light completely formed by thunder and lightning hit Long Xingtian.

He didn't say anything about his arrogant dragon, he didn't evade the sky and attacked the huge palm.

"Huh, is it Xiaotianjiao? But it was also artificial. See me break you!"

Long Xingtian snorted coldly and confronted him with violent Taoism, only to see the five colors move in unison, and a three-foot-long colorful dragon was cleaved by him with a sword.


Only listening to a loud noise, Cailong and Guangzhang's fierce confrontation startled endless dust. Long Xingtian rushed out of it quickly, he lifted his sword with both hands, and flew unscathed to the Yan Luo in the sky.

"True Heavenly Tribulation She gave us the move. 110,000 years ago"

"Today I will use the enemy's moves to bury the enemy!"

Long Xingtian had rushed to the front of King Yan Luo, but he was still very indifferent and said to himself.

These days of robbery are different from the robbery of the Ten Temples Yanluodu. The robbery originates from the avenue, and anyone who reaches that level will encounter it.

"To destroy me, it is impossible for you to leave the seat."

Long Xingtian slashed down with a sword as his sword, and only listened to "Dang", he deliberately cut on the throne.

"Dance Phantom!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Long Xingtian waved the sword in his hand violently to King Yan Luo for a while!


A colorful dragon-shaped true elemental force flew with the sword, and finally Long Yin shook the Fang Tianyu side by side, eventually turning into a sword and swooping down.


A loud noise rang out, Jiangang slashed towards the ground, and a huge indelible gully remained in the underworld.

"Leave seat? Do you have this qualification? Your ancestors are not enough."

"Let's talk about you after the Heavenly Tribulation at the peak of Saint Order."

King Yan Luo suddenly appeared in other places, and an extremely strange seal in his hand opened instantly.

The place where Long Xingtian stood was covered by a large cloud. He was not afraid, but instead had excited colors in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Heavenly Tribulation is finally here. Hahaha!"

If Long Xingtian looks crazy, he will laugh more than hell. The tight long hair was actually spread out, dancing wildly. At this moment, he was a lunatic.


The sound of dull thunder never ceased, spreading all over the world for thousands of miles, but it didn't fall.

"Come on! Come on!"

Tian Jie seemed to hear Long Xingtian's "pray", and it poured like water.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. To help you, I deliberately opened an infinite super acceleration mode for you."

King Yan Luo finished inadvertently, and flew in the direction of the dead city.

"Ah! Yan Luo ** must not die."

At this moment, Long Xingtian was annihilated by sea-like sky-robbing, and his body had already been ripped open, and his blood was dry. This is also his last words.

"Could you guys all change a line, I would have been dead?"

Yan Luo turned back helplessly and said impatiently.

Suddenly he saw something in a trance, and the cynical look turned into dignity, or a kind of panic. He was searching among the fighting crowd.

"Kill her!"

Yan Luo was defiant, angry and eager, shouting loudly, and the sword pointed forward. Pointing to a woman who was protected but was being tortured by the underworld soldiers.

That woman's strength is the weakest of all people, but is protected in the middle like a star holding the moon. This is a beautiful woman. Although it is not as exaggerated as the "fairy fairy", it is also alluring.

At this moment she was stained with blood, and although her face showed perseverance, there was deep fear in her eyes.

Seeing that Long Xingtian was extinguished, the fear buried by her was exposed. After all, they are human beings. For them, they are fighting dead people who have no emotion and are not afraid of death.

"All the ghosts will kill me!"

Yan Luo was really angry, never seen him so angry. Although his realm fell to the Holy Realm after his incarnation, it was also inviolable. He stood up "pigly", the vast Shengwei poured out, and the black true elemental force burned like fire.

Hades like the sea will appear suddenly from nowhere. There are millions of them, and they will encircle their enemies.

"Tear open a mouth and quickly withdraw!"

The strong men of the human race shouted, and eight strong men from the Holy Land came out to stop the soldiers in the underworld. There are so many numbers to kill.

Although the strength of these eight holy realms is lower than that of Long Xingtian, they are also holy realms after all. If a mortal wants to cultivate to the Holy Land, he must have great perseverance and a complete set of cultivation methods and a guru's "leading through the bridge", then there will be one hundred thousandth chance to prove the Holy Land.

Now that there is no Hades trial and no suppression of Heavenly Tribulation, it is naturally much easier to advance to the Holy Land. The success rate is as high as 1 in 10,000 or even higher. This consequence is like a group of creatures coming to a world without natural enemies.

Without the blessings of Heavenly Tribulation, their holy realm strength will be greatly reduced. It should be known that when fighting against Heavenly Tribulation, in addition to doubling the forging body and refining the soul, and then increasing the strength by nearly a fifth on the original basis, it also tests the strength of a person's powerful potential and perseverance. Only when these two people surpass their peers and get the approval of Hades, can they have the opportunity to obtain longevity and prove immortality in the future.

The benefits are endless. If there is no heavenly catastrophe and no hindrance, then will it become a greenhouse flower? Of course, in addition to the biggest enemy, Tian Dao, there is an enemy such as Tian Dao. Although the strength of Tiandao ’s suppression before the Emperor Order is not obvious, but if there is no person who has blessed Heaven ’s Tribulation and wants to break through the two-point suppression of the Dasheng Order by Heavenly Dao to reach the Imperial Order, I am afraid that the success rate is one millionth.

This group of people from the world, because of their rapid promotion, very quickly became one of the supreme figures, this is only pretentious.

It is no wonder that being sanctified is not a genius? Dare to kill directly to the Tenth Hall of the Guilty City, Yan Luo is also a spirit. It's just that this spirit is very ignorant.

"Ignorant child! Leave the woman, let you live a life, and send you back to the world! Otherwise, you will suffer the pain of a thousand ghosts."

One million soldiers of the Nether Mansion will stop their movements with a wave of Yan Luo. This sentence seemed to be his angry and snarling words, which deeply touched the hearts of people from all over the world. What are they doing to attack the dying city? Is it really for revenge? In order to eliminate the "remains" of Hades? No, not at all, but go home.

Because of Yinshen's birthday, they came to the Underworld to scout, and touched the Yinshen's fairy edge by the way. How did I know that this time, Hades had separated from the Eight Realms and Six Realms, and they could no longer get out of the entrance. Can only find a way to take home the artifacts of the ten palaces.

Everyone was touched now, except for the woman pointed by Yan Luo. Can you come in or you can really go out, but is it really easy to go out? Yan Luo's words were just a joke.

"Miss Three, I can only wrong you."

An old man stepped forward, and actually had the breath of a great saint, he whispered helplessly in the vicissitudes of his voice.

"Okay! We are in exchange."

He didn't even hesitate if there was any fraud. With a roar, he dropped the weapon first and sealed the true strength.

The Eight Saints and some king-rank strong men flashed a bit of hesitation, but in the end they also compromised Yan Luo. The life in the past few years is undoubtedly a kind of suffering.

"You guys, how can you do this?"

The woman's tears couldn't help but flow down, this sentence almost shouted like a scream. She hugged her legs in despair, and squatted down, despairing.

"Pledge to defend Miss Three!"

There were two powerful saints in the crowd who were also threefold. They are the deceased of Miss Three, and their loyalty is now evident.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! You are decisive, and I will not go back on it. Let go"

Before Yan Luo finished his words, he only heard a trembling roar: "Roar!" The space immediately oscillated like waves.

"Holy man, I kill you like a dog!"

No one's voice comes first. Wu Lang led Tie Kui to appear, and he rushed into the crowd in the form of ghosts and slays, no matter who was blocked.

The saints in the world have discovered the strength of human beings in the first time, but Wang Jing dare to speak so arrogantly. Yan Luo interrupted them when they just wanted to crack down on Dao Yin.

"Go back! How can I allow you to blend in here."

When he had finished speaking, he struck a force of the vast sea and tried to force them away.

The people in the world, I do not know what the identity of the coming person, even let Yan Luo do maintenance. It's just that they didn't wait for them to wake up from the surprise, and the shock rose again.

"Yan Luo, do you dare to crush me?"

The applause this time was actually waveless, very casual, but a strong imperial spirit appeared. The wolf wobbled the dark space as a barrier to block the blow.

The witch wolf was damaged by a quarter of its spirit element at birth, and the congenital life-saving aura leaked seriously, so the vitality was not lasting. Every time after a while, he had to return to the Sansheng stone body to regenerate vitality. Otherwise, he was born with the strength at the peak, plus the power of those who were sealed by Nu Wa and the energy absorbed by the three-life stone body.

If it is one, who else can be his opponent in this world? Not even the Great God can do it.

It's a pity that he was put on by Nuwa again when he was born again

The spirit element is damaged, and the congenital aura leaks. This kind of injury cannot be healed and restored by the strength increase, but the strength increase will prolong some life support, but it is still much shorter than others.

Before that, he had fought the battle and suffered unbearable stimuli, and the spirit element recovered only a little bit. In addition, he returned to the Sansheng stone body to contain vitality, so the memory of the previous life was restored a little.

In fact, as long as he knows, he is supreme enough.

"Tiekui trial!"

It is a fact that the strength of the witch wolf is not as good as those of these people, but since his memory has been restored, the bloodline has been activated, which means that he is the entire underworld in the background. As long as he is in Hades, he is invincible and can suppress the enemy by the way of Hades world.

As long as the witch wolf is promoted to the great sage to activate all the blood lines and completely fit the path of the underworld, he can fight with any one of the ten temples in the world of the underworld to cross the three realms of the rift. , Have the ability to protect themselves in shopping.

Of course, it is limited to the underworld, and how can it be so easy for humans and Tao to fit together? It's fully compatible even at the time of the Great Sacred Day, and I'm afraid it's impossible to dream.

The witch wore a command without regard to the Yan Luo overriding the void. Turn around and look directly, without looking at anyone in the world.

"Look through hypocrisy and gain insight into the truth!"

Tiekui stood upright like a hill, his eyes glared like a copper bell, and he shot a beam of light directly at the young woman in the crowd.

Tie Kui's move was really scary, and the woman's body was trembling. What she did in this underworld was revealed by Tiekui with supernatural powers.

She came to Hades only to find a material for cultivating magic weapons. Except for self-preservation just now, she had not harmed Hades one person, one grass, one animal and one creature.

Gradually, the scene when she was in the world came out.

She played with butterflies in the flowers and lay lazily in the sun on the grass. When people watched her change from being innocent to being blood-stained now, and the scared consciousness was a little confused, she couldn't bear the heartache.

The picture continues: her face has always been filled with a refreshing smile, sweet and fresh. It seems as if the person who is desperate to die sees her smile and will regain the will to live.

Her beauty is beyond description. Perhaps only the word "fairy" can really be described.


Wulang turned around and saw this scene, the woman's smile stimulated him, and there was a memory of the abyss in his brain.

The body pain suppressed the inexplicable heartache, and at this moment his body seemed to be torn.

Seeing this happen, the two saints hurriedly forcibly opened a space passage with the blood sacrifice. Teleport the woman.

"let her go!"

The witch wolf resisted the pain and struggled to stop the shield. As soon as his voice fell, he fell into a coma.


Fire Phoenix and others shouted and hurried up. His life is more valuable than anyone.


Yan Luo also shouted, while he swooped down, shaking his arm, millions of soldiers would sink into the ground of the Nether Mansion.

The strong man on the earth took the opportunity to fly immediately with the sword.


Yan Luo explores the chaotic state in the head of the witch wolf. He is mad, and he claws into the void, and he pulls the half-legged claw into the Great Saint's claw, tearing it apart and refining its essence Into the body of the witch wolf.

The consciousness of the witch wolf entered the abyss of the soul and wandered in this familiar and strange; desolate but extremely fertile ground. I don't know what he is looking for. At this time, he only knows to run at a stretch, to sprint at a stretch, and from time to time he looks around panicly, his eyes full of fear that has never appeared before. That fear comes from the soul!

"No no no!"

The wolf yelled and awakened from a deep coma, his pliable mane was soaked, as if it had just climbed out of the water.

"Unexpectedly, it took me ten years of Shouyuan, what is going on?"

The witch wolfed softly and weakly, and the only real force left was to evaporate the water and he was tired and twitched. He fell to the ground and could not move.

"You have to go back quickly"

Thinking of this in his mind, he stopped staying, regardless of whether his body could support it, and directly mobilized the energy of the Hades to absorb it into the body. The original collapsed body had recovered in a blink of an eye, and the wolf wolf turned into a phantom .

This energy is extremely powerful, could it be that he already had a slight fit with the underworld, otherwise he would definitely explode at the moment the energy entered the body, but even then the wolf wolf also runs again after a distance of hundreds of miles. Unable to suppress the violent energy shock, a spit of blood spit out, and at this moment the supple mane in front of his foreleg was nearly blood-stained. ..

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