The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1663: Kill the elders of the Nine Great Western Territories [Wang Wen, 6 million wor

When everyone left, Pan Chen's figure slowly appeared.

Pan Chen smiled and said: "I just felt what I felt just now, and I don't know if I can seize this opportunity." Pan Chen closed his eyes and sat down gently.

At this time, in the palace, Wen Xiyao heard Pan Chen killing the nine elders of the Western Region. She was surprised and happy. She stood on the wall of the imperial city, but she never waited until Pan Chen.

Pan Chen was sitting quietly at this time, he felt the thick breath of death around him, and carefully experienced the process of death. Pan Chen led the death into the body, but found that the anger in the body was slowly eroded. Pan Chen was taken aback, but he was unwilling to give up the opportunity. The breath of death poured into the body in a large amount. A lot of death gas was neutralized with the anger in the body. It has been three days. Finally, a black appeared in the sea of ​​gas. Seeds, a silver and black light curtain separates the two original seeds, Pan Chen can feel the death breath, fear, pain, despair in the death seed, Pan Chen clearly understands these feelings, You can even feel weak and powerless. Pan Chen smiled, and finally condensed the source of death. At this time, the death energy that poured into the body was no longer entangled with anger, but it was directly gathered into the seed of the source of death. Watching the source of death continue to increase, Pan Chen thought Unexpressible excitement, and now his path to cultivation is finally his first step.

Returning to the Imperial City, Pan Chen saw Wen Xiyao sitting on the city wall far away in the air. Pan Chen slowly fell behind Wen Xiyao, who wanted to surprise Wen Xiyao, but listened to Wen Xi Yao gently said, "You are finally back." Wen Xiyao turned and hugged Pan Chen tightly. At that time, all the guards on the city wall saw Pan Chen and exclaimed one by one, "Holy King Panchen, Holy King Panchen is back." More and more people exclaimed, and the whole imperial city was noisy at this time. Pan Chen shook his head, but took Wen Xi Yaofei into the palace.

Pan Chen just walked to the entrance of the hall, but Yao Tian, ​​Han Yi and Yuan Huan had already greeted them. Pan Chen took Wen Xiyao's hand and walked up. Yao Tian said with a smile: "Princess Pan Chen is really amazing. It was really my savior in the southern region that wiped out tens of thousands of invaders from the western continent for the second time. "Pan Chen shook his head and said:" The disaster in the southern region is not over yet. We haven't seen the emperor and prince of the Little Heaven Realm. Be wary, I'm afraid I won't be caught by surprise at the time. "After Pan Chen said, Yao Tian was shocked but walked into the main hall. Pan Chen said to Han Yi and Yuan Huan:" Come with me. "

Pan Chen walked into the room with Yuan Huan and Han Yi, and Wen Xiyao quietly followed. Entering the room, Wen Xiyao closed the door gently. Pan Chen let Han Yi and Yuan Huan sit down and asked, "Did you understand the rules?" Both of them shook their heads. Pan Chen thought for a moment and said, " It ’s a bland, simple and complicated, I hope you can succeed. ”Pan Chen said a glimmer in her left eye, the two immediately felt energetic, the whole body was comfortable, watching the two dumbfounded, Pan Chen ’s right eye flashed in black, the two Suddenly suffering, Pan Chen certainly could not kill the two of them. Looking at the expressions of fear and despair, Pan Chen smiled and said, "There are two kinds of rules, one is the rule of power, like the power of life, The power of death; the other is common rules, such as time and space, which may seem to be ordinary rules when they are sufficiently high, and they will become rules of power in the future. "Pan Chen said, the two seem to have something Wu gently nodded. Pan Chen smiled and said: "You go to Yunyou to experience the rules of enlightenment now. You don't have to force it, as long as you can understand the rules, you are standing at a new height." After Pan Chen said, the two men said goodbye to Pan Chen.

Watching the two leave, Pan Chen smiled and said: "At first they were able to send them strength, but the rules really depended on themselves." Pan Chen turned to look at Wen Xiyao and asked, "How are you doing?" ? Is there a feeling of touching Yuanying? "Wen Xiyao shook his head, Pan Chen sighed, said:" After the infant changes and transforms the spirit, he can transform the spiritual power into the source power, and then he will be able to understand the rules. Is Lingdan used? "Wen Xiyao shook his head. Pan Chen smiled and said: "You take the Ling Ling Pill first, and if you haven't reached Huashen after ten years, I will help you." After Pan Chen finished, Wen Xiyao nodded and said, " I'm sorry, I'm dragging you down. "Pan Chen smiled and said:" Don't talk nonsense, if I don't have you, maybe I would have died long ago. "After holding Wen Xiyao, Wen Xiyao gasped panicly, Pan Chen looked at Wen Xiyao's blushing face, and suddenly there was a riot in his heart. He gently held Wen Xiyao to the bed. Wen Xiyao looked at Pan Chen timidly. Pan Chen was also panting urgently, Wen Xi Yao asked softly, "Are you really either?" Pan Chen nodded, and Wen Xiyao's clothes were gently pulled back with his right hand.

Early the next morning, Pan Chen put on his clothes and gently kissed Wen Xiyao who was sleeping. Pan Chen slowly walked out of the room, but felt two powerful breaths appear on the east side of the imperial city. Pan Chen jumped up and fell on the wall east of the imperial city for a moment. "Be careful." Pan Chen shouted. Those night guards were shocked. When they saw Pan Chen standing on the city wall, they were about to cheer, but they saw Pan Chen's appearance as if they were waiting. . The two figures quickly reached the sky ten feet away in front of Pan Chen. Pan Chen sneered and asked: "Is the emperor and prince of Xiaotianjie?" Pan Chen's words just fell, Both laughed. The two looked forty or fifty years old, dressed in dragon robes, wearing a golden ring-shaped crown, and the other in golden armor, holding a spear in his hand. The man in the dragon robe looked at Pan Chen and said, "Did you kill my nine elders in Xiaotianjie?" Pan Chen smiled and said, "You're not as good as people and you have to come out to offer ugliness, and you don't die without a face." The emperor immediately shouted angrily: "Do you think my people in Xiaotianjie are so good to kill?" Pan Chen shook his head and said, "It's not easy to kill." The smile on Pan Chen's face was stronger now, and then said: "But I like it "Kill." Saying there was a flash of black light, just in front of the two people in front of them, the two of them suddenly showed fear and despair, and after a while the two had gasped. The middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe settled his mind and shouted: "The illusion of the illusion" Pan Chen could clearly feel a strange wave, but it was a rapid change of the prospects, and after a moment he was already in a space of ten square feet. In the middle, Pan Chen is now on a stone platform in the environment. There are nine nine-headed evil dogs under the stone platform, and the nine nine-headed evil dogs are not hurt by Pan Chen using all means. At this time, Taiwan began to crumble around, and Pan Chen's position became smaller and smaller. At this time, both of them were smiling. The man in the dragon robe said to the man in the gold armor beside him: "You enter the illusion to deal with him." The man in the gold armor has entered the illusion. Pan Chen couldn't fly anyway, but the golden armor man was floating in the air. Pan Chen closed his eyes and realized everything around him. He knew that it was an illusion, but many forces could not be used. The gold-armed man's spear quickly thought of Pan Chen's stabbing. One shot pierced Pan Chen's body. He smiled and fell on the stone platform. Withdrawing the spear, Pan Chen's body recovered in an instant. Somewhat surprisingly said: "The power of life." During his speech, he was unwilling to face. The spear quickly spurted on Pan Chen. Pan Chen was in meditation at this time, and he didn't pay attention. After a long time, Pan Chen's mouth corner With a smile on his face, he opened his eyes and looked at the golden armor man in front of him. The black light in the right eye flashed, and the expression of fear immediately appeared on the golden armor man's face. Pan Chen saw the breath of life in the golden armor man's body quickly. The spitting out. "Death," Pan Chen shouted. The man in the gold armor was shocked, but his figure disappeared into this illusory space. Pan Chen said in his mouth: "The illusion exists in imagination, and the illusion has an illusory source." Pan Chen said However, he closed his eyes again. He quietly felt the surrounding space. At this time, he clearly felt that the fluctuations in the entire space originated from the stone platform under his feet. He smiled slightly, and his right hand rested on the stone platform. On the top, the pure power of death poured into the stone platform. After a while, all the spiritual fluctuations stopped, and Pan Chen stood standing, the face of the man in the dragon robe was incredible.

Pan Chen smiled, but in his heart was **** the two in front of him. First break his heart, so that his realm will be vain, and it is easy to kill him. Pan Chen thought and said, "Everything is a fantasy, you and him, and I are in a fantasy, but you dare to use the magical road, but you didn't even realize this." The dragon robe man heard it. , Suddenly a little flustered. "Impossible, you nonsense." The man in the robe roared, Pan Chen waved his hand gently, and all the surrounding trees died instantly. Pan Chen smiled and said, "The entire Xuancheng City and the surrounding hundreds of miles are phantom arrays under my cloth, and everything is under my control." Then he waved his hand gently again, and the dead trees and trees around him Suddenly resumed verdant. Pan Chen smiled slightly and said, "You are in my illusion. Life and death are already under my control." At this time, the dragon robe man had lost his mind, and the gold armor man was also at a loss. Pan Chen secretly said, a good opportunity. Pan Chen's figure flashed and appeared beside the dragon robe. A palm struck the dragon robe with the breath of death. That palm was only an instant, but it injected the majestic power of death into the dragon robe. The dragon The man in robe struggled for a moment in pain and despair and died. Pan Chen sighed and said softly: "Death should not be just like this, the extreme of death power should be a state, should not be a painful process, is my understanding not deep enough?" Pan Chen said, looking aside Jin Jia man, at this time, Jin Jia man looked at Pan Chen with fear, the spear in his hand was tightly held, but Pan Chen didn't do it, but sat on the ground, he felt the death formed by the condensed death in his body. In this way, Pan Chen induced a breath of life, but when he met the breath of death, the breath of life suddenly turned into annihilation, and the breath of death also faintly dissipated. Despair and pain are both processes. Real death is completely annihilated. Pan Chen said that he stood up, waved his hand, and all the trees around him wilted in an instant, and then turned into nothingness. "That's it," Pan Chen said, but he looked away. At this time, the man in gold armor had nowhere to go, but through the breath, Pan Chen could know the direction of his escape. Pan Chen disappeared in place in a flash. A phantom chased toward the woods outside the city.

Only one hour later, Pan Chen caught up with the golden armor man who was running away. Pan Chen smiled, and the black light of his right eye flickered away. The black light was in the air, and it seemed that even the air was dead, revealing thick Thick strange, the golden armor man was touched by the black light instantly to the vest, the golden armor man's body was quickly penetrated by the black light, spreading from the vest to the surroundings, only a moment turned into nothingness, but countless lives Breath was absorbed into Pan Chen's body, and Pan Chen smiled and said, "It turns out that the power of death and the power of life are not mutually exclusive. The power of death is to completely destroy life, destroying the soul together, and the power of death. When you do n’t control well, it ’s just superfluous to dissolve your life force. ”Pan Chen thought for a moment, and flew towards Dixuan City.

When Pan Chen came back, all the guards of the city guarding around came to inquire, and Pan Chen smiled and said: "I am not dead, it proves that they are dead." Pan Chen's words and all the guards under the city wall burst into cheers. At this time a lilac figure floated over, but it was Wen Xiyao.

Pan Chen and Wen Xiyao were already standing in the main palace of the Royal Palace at this time. Pan Chen said to Yao Tian: "This is the case for the monarch Yao, and I plan to leave." After Pan Chen finished, Yao Tian was walking up When he came down, he took Pan Chen's hand and said, "The son is going to leave. I am inconvenient to keep it. I hope that the son will often come to the Kingdom of Divine Wind, and the soldiers admire you." Pan Chen said with a smile: " Fighting together is a brother, and I will come back to visit them when I have a chance. "He took Wen Xiyao's hand and walked out of the palace slowly.

Pan Chen took Wen Xiyao directly to the Haoran dynasty of the East Continent. With the repair of Pan Chen now, it was no longer necessary to take a boat to travel through the sea. It only took one day to return from the Shenfeng Kingdom to the Haoran Dynasty.

Pan Chen took Wen Xiyao to the gate of the General's Mansion. Pan Chen knocked gently on the door, and a few moments later someone already came to open the door. Pan Chen looked at the guard in front of him and sighed, "Please report to the General. Pan Chen is back. "The guard nodded, but closed the door and walked in. After a quarter of an hour, the door opened gently. Inside the door stood Ke Qi and the white-haired woman, and there was a little girl in her tens.

Politely smiled and said: "Yue'er, you are back." The white-haired woman beside him was full of tears. Pan Chen had already greeted him at this time, holding the white-haired old woman and said: "Mother "Pan Chen said that the body's aura had slowly poured into Yuan Mudie's body. The wrinkles on Yuan Mudie's face gradually decreased, and her complexion turned red. Ko Qi smiled and nodded, Yuan Mudie felt that the life in her body was getting stronger and stronger, and she was even better in spirit.

"Yue'er, I didn't expect you to be able to reverse life and death now." Ke Qi said softly, and Pan Chen smiled and said: "Dad is not old at all now, it seems that his father is really advanced." Pan Chen only looked at this time. Qing Qiqi's cultivation practice, Ke Qixiu transformation turned out to be God's cultivation practice. Pan Chen said with some doubts. He had lived in the General Mansion for more than ten years, but he never realized that Ke Qi was actually able to do something. Pan Chen looked at Yuan Mudie, but at this time, she burst into tears and said, "Mother, my son will accompany you well in the future." Pan Chen said that he had brought Wen Xiyao over and said, "Mother Dear, this is Wen Xiyao, and he will serve your two elders with his son in the future. "While looking at Wen Xiyao with a smile, Wen Xiyao went to Yuan Mudie's face blushing and shouted softly:" Mother "Yuan Mudie smiled, but looked at Pan Chen. Pan Chen smiled slightly and said," That day I lost everything, and the spirit root was abolished. Xi Yao saved me. "Yuan Mudie must be gentle. Stroking Wen Xiyao's silver-white hair, gently said: "This child is really uncomfortable, let me whitehead all night, it looks like this looks like Xi Yao." Listening to Yuan Mudie's words, Wen Xiyao was quietly snuggling in Yuan Mudie's arms and did not speak.

Pan Chen suddenly noticed the little girl next to Yuan Mudie and went up and asked, "Mother, is this?" Yuan Mudie smiled and said, "This is your sister Ke Qiyue. When I came back again, I gave my sister the name. "Pan Chen crouched down, looked at the little girl named Qiyue, and said," Qiyue, called brother. "The little girl was also very clever and shouted with a smile Dao: "Brother Pan Chen." After calling, he was holding Ke Qi's legs. ..

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