The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1662: Yao Tian, ​​the lord of Yuehai City [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

He went all the way to Dixuan City, the largest city of the Kingdom of Kamikaze, which is where the Imperial Palace of Kamikaze is located. At this time, it was already guarded with strict guards. Palace. It was none other than Pan Chen who met Pan Chen.

At this time, Yao Tian was sitting in position, Pan Chen and Wen Xiyao were sitting on the left side, Yao Tian's face was full of sadness, and no longer had the spirit of the past, Pan Chen stood up and asked, "How is the **** wind country?" Will this be the case? "Yao Tian sighed and said:" I don't know how the Western Continent learned that the three sovereigns returned to the spirit realm. They attacked the Shenfeng Kingdom ten years ago, and now most of the cities of the Shenfeng Kingdom have fallen. The tribulation is leaving, and now there is only the Dixuan City, and the two cities of Qianling City are barely supported by the large array of moats, but I do n’t know how long they can support it. ”Pan Chen heard it with a look of sadness. For the sake of saving me at that time, now I will fight with the Kingdom of Kamikaze. If I do not die, the Kingdom of Kamikaze will not be destroyed. "

"How many masters does the other party have?" Pan Chen suddenly asked, Yao Tian thought about it, and said: "Nine elders, one king, one prince, is a master of the real Yuan realm." Pan Chen heard it, first he was surprised. Then he said: "True Yuan?" Yao Tian sighed: "True Yuan Realm is to use pure power. These eleven people are descendants of the Protoss, born from the real Yuan Realm." Pan Chen smiled and said: " Do n’t worry too much about Yao Cheng. I think my realm is at least true, but it ’s higher than them. ”Pan Chen said, taking a silver sign from his waist and handing it to Yao Tian, ​​saying,“ Please The leader of Yaocheng sent this token to Qingtiandao of Shenbing Island and asked two disciples from the real world to come and help me. "After that, he took Wen Xiyao out of the hall.

Pan Chen let Wen Xiyao live in the palace, but he was out of the Dixuan City. Pan Chen flew all the way to Yuehai City, but was stopped by three oncoming people on the road. The three were all Yuan Yingxiu. At this time, one of the leaders asked: "Who is it?" Pan Chen laughed He smiled and said, "Shenfeng Kingdom." Pan Chen's words just fell, but the three men rushed up with evil spirits. Pan Chen smiled slightly, but a burst of breath erupted. The three men were shocked and flew into the body. The breath of life suddenly became confused, Pan Chen smiled slightly, and his left eye swept over those people. The breath of life suddenly spewed out and instantly entered Pan Chen's body. The three men were all breathless for a moment, and their souls were all Pan Chen broke up. Along the way to Yuehai City, Pan Chen met those from the Western Regions with merciless beheading. The new life force he gained was more familiar with him.

Pan Chen sat quietly at the seaside. Early the next morning, a wounded man ran over and saw that Pan Chen was startled, and then shouted, "Pan Chen, save me." Pan Chen looked at the man However, he did not know, and asked, "Who are you?" The man walked to Pan Chen and gasped and said, "I am Lei Yuan, the captain of the Imperial Palace, and Yao Daiguo let me go to Shenbing Island Engine Heaven asks for help. "Saying that Pan Chen's silver waist tag had been taken out, Pan Chen nodded, but he pulled Nai Yuan behind him. This was four people chasing them over, and the four people all turned into gods. , Pan Chen was still standing like that, without any spiritual fluctuation. The four came over, and the lead was a middle-aged man in gold armor. The man said to Pan Chen: "Boy get away, don't stop Laozi from killing." Pan Chen smiled slightly, his figure flashed, already Rushing to the four people, the violent breath of life suddenly spewed out, the four were shocked by the violent breath of life, the breath of life in the body was also chaotic, Pan Chen was cold, and the body of the four suddenly burst The blood mist drifted in the air, and even the Yuan infants dissipated together. The magnificent life force was suddenly inhaled by Pan Chen. Behind Lei Yuan was stunned at this moment. The four master gods who had just hunted him down were all turned into blood mist now, and they didn't even know how to die.

Pan Chen walked to Lei Yuan's side, his hand pressed against Lei Yuan's chest, and a burst of vitality poured in. There was still a little blood on Lei Yuan's body. He clenched his fists, and only felt comfortable. "Go early and go back early." Pan Chen said, sitting on the ground and starting to practice again, then Lei Yuan should say, please the son to rest assured that he flew away, depending on the situation, he would fly directly to Shenbing Island.

Pan Chen sat on the beach for seven days, killing more than a dozen monks in the Western Regions. Finally, at noon on the seventh day, the two figures flew by, but they knelt in front of Pan Chen and said in unison: "Han Yi , Yuan Fantasy, see the elders. "Pan Chen smiled and said:" No need to pay more, this time the Kamikaze Kingdom was attacked by the Western Continent. Speaking of it was also because we were in the Western Continent in the past. You must pay, you are willing to help me. "Pan Chen's words just fell, Yuan Huan and Han Yi replied in unison:" Everything I waited for was given by the elders. In the future, the elders will go all out for the fire. "Pan Chen smiled with a smile. The three of them plundered towards the Imperial City.

The three of them had entered the palace at this time. Yao Tian saw that there were two real master realms on his face, but after a while, he was sad, he said: "The other party is a real yuan realm. Master, I am afraid that the three of you will have difficulty reversing the universe. "Pan Chen smiled and said:" No problem, now it is such a field, let it go. "Yao Tian heard and nodded. The Shenfeng Kingdom devoted all its strength to the decisive battle against the Western Regions. As soon as the news came out, the territory of the Shenfeng Kingdom suddenly became lively. Those who had lived in the Shenfeng Kingdom for hundreds of years were all followed by the royal family. Behind the army, there are those who do not show up in ordinary days. At this time, all of them have revealed a bloodthirsty look. Many people in this battle are holding the determination to die. The country dared to fight back. The eleven real-world masters must have been dealt with. At this time, they all watched the three men who walked at the forefront of the army. Although they felt no chance of winning at this time, they were still full of fighting spirit.

The army of the Western Continent has greeted it. The four countries of the Western Continent under the leadership of the Little Celestial Kingdom are several times more than the Shenfeng Kingdom. The armies of the two sides quickly fought together, and Pan Chen said softly: "You look at the eleven old monsters, they don't move you and don't join the battlefield, I'll go to kill them first." Pan Chen said Already rushed into the army, he rushed into the enemy army, and suddenly a violent life force broke out on his body. He could even see the faint white light overflowing out, and the violent energy attracted the breath of life in the body of the people around him. Beginning to be disordered, Pan Chen raised his mouth, sneered and sneered: "Death." Those people suddenly burst into blood mist, and thousands of people suddenly disappeared. Pan Chen absorbed their breath of life, but seemed to feel a strange breath. Is it the breath of death? Pan Chen didn't have time to think about it. Looking at the Shenfeng troops with heavy casualties behind him, Pan Chen's white light from his left eye shot past. Suddenly, those people who were seriously injured and about to die soon recovered, one by one. Standing up, the fighting spirit is even higher. At this time, many people also noticed Pan Chen among the local crowd.

At this time, the troops of Shenfeng Kingdom were getting more and more courageous, and the troops of the Western Region were getting fewer and fewer. The nine elders finally could n’t help but rushed out, but they rushed towards Pan Chen, but did not see the emperor and The prince, Pan Chen suddenly raised a plan in his heart and sneered: "You abandoned me to cultivate and destroyed my spiritual roots, and today I will let you fall here." As soon as these words came out, the nine people were shocked. But Qi Qi said: "It's you, you are not dead?" The conversation between Pan Chen and the nine was clearly heard in the ears of the troops below. At this time, the troops of the Shenfeng Kingdom roared and the fighting broke out instantly.

There were already two more people beside Pan Chen at this time, it was Han Yi and Yuan Huan. "You shouldn't have left your life at that time." One of the nine said, Pan Chen sneered: "You can kill me from the demon and demon masters on that day?" Pan Chen finished, The nine elders were speechless. Pan Chen said softly: "They form a golden black formation, you will go down to the battlefield to help, kill me, and wait for their people to die before talking." Pan Chen's words just fell, the nine people began to form, Han Yi and Yuan The phantom body flashed out of the circle, but it rushed into the battlefield below. For a time, the head was flying all over the sky, and the crying and howling continued. Of the nine people's golden black array, nine golden black bodies were all lifeless, and Pan Chen smiled and shouted: "Moonlight, look at you." At this time, Pan Chen's eyebrow flashed silver, and the moonlight floated on top of Pan Chen's head. Yinguang Dasheng, the nine Jinwu were all weakened, Pan Chen smiled, but his left eye fell through the white light on the moonlight, and the nine elders saw that Jinwu couldn't stand it, and they all spit out blood. The flames on Jin Wu's body rose again, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of Pan Chen's mouth, watching the nine elders with weak breath, the life force exploded out of him, and under the influence of the violent power, the life in the nine elders The breath suddenly became chaotic, but Pan Chen did not explode the breath of life, but kept on stimulating. The breath of life from the nine elders sprang wildly, and Pan Chen also frantically extracted the breath of life, and slowly passed Zuomu sent it to Moonlight, the life of the nine elders became weaker and weaker, and finally they felt the danger. At this time, they felt like they were stuck in the mud, but they could n’t get rid of it. Two hours passed, and Pan Chen was cold in his mouth. Said: You all have to die. "With a cold drink, the weak breath of life in the nine elders exploded. The nine elders all spit out blood, but slowly closed their eyes and fell, and the nine fell There was no breath on the ground. Pan Chen watched the nine golden feathers fall into red feathers and showed a smile on his face, a real smile.

The people in the Western Region below saw the nine elders fall down. They suddenly fled without any war, and Pan Chen shouted: "Kill." The troops of the Shenfeng Kingdom were caught up by Han Yi and Yuan Fantasy The people in the Western Regions were completely wiped out in less than a quarter of the remaining troops of the Western Continent.

I do n’t know who suddenly shouted Panchen mighty, Nanyu mighty. The following immediately shouted in unison: "Pan Chen mighty, Nan Yu mighty" Pan Chen stood quietly in the air, even though he could not see a little tired look, the white light of Pan Chen's left eye diffused, shining on the monks and troops in the southern region. The monks and the army were soon cured of their injuries, and even the spirit was restored to its peak.

Pan Chen slowly fell to the ground, and those people were crowded beside Pan Chen, shouting one by one: "Pan Chen mighty" Pan Chen smiled and said: "This war is because of it, and it will eventually be because of And the end. "Pan Chen's body disappeared out of thin air just after the words fell. The monks in the South Region were surprised, and then sighed that Pan Chen's cultivation is so high today.

In fact, Pan Chen did not disappear. He integrated the power of his body into all the souls between heaven and earth. It suddenly seemed to disappear. Those who did not reach the real Yuan realm could not feel the slightest breath.

For a whole four hours, after counting the number of people, those scattered repairs have dispersed, and the troops of the Imperial City are also lined up, and the glorious achievements have gone. ..

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