The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1650: The furious general [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, for slaughter]

Chapter 1650 The Wrathful General Six Million Words Wang Wang, Slain

"What's going on? Tell me what's going on!" Chu Bo shouted angrily outside, but his eyes couldn't hide his gaze, as if he was ten years old.

"The chief of the report, the Marginal S33 Star Communications Office has evacuated as planned. Ten minutes ago, the Marginal S33 Star Space Communications Headquarters was attacked by the Zerg, and it has been completely paralyzed. The headquarters and Marginal S33 Star only have a command line that can function normally. The correspondent also seemed to know that the furious general could not provoke, and explained the communication of the marginal s33 star in the shortest words.

"Take me the 7th Fleet Command, immediately!"

"Yes!" The correspondent quickly connected to the Seventh Fleet.

"General!" A burly man on the screen performed a standard military salute. He is the commander of the 7th Fleet of the Federal Air Force, Lieutenant General Li Zhuojun.

"The Seventh Fleet is ordered: The Seventh Fleet immediately divides its troops to support the marginal s33 star, and must rescue all trapped people!" Facing the screen, Chu Bo restored the momentum of the Federal General, but his face was still hung with tears.

"General" Li Zhuojun hesitated.

"Implement the order!" Chu Bo's eyes widened.


"Slow down!" Screamed and entered the two soldiers from the door.

Walking ahead is a gray-haired old man. The five stars with golden lights on his shoulders indicate the extraordinary status of this old man-he is the Marshal of the Federation, and the General of the Command, Marshal Dong Yao!

At the back is a slightly thinner officer in his fifties, who also has an extraordinary position in the Federal Military Department-General Sixth, the General Commander, General Longtengfei! "Martial!" Marshal roared at Chu Bo, "All the battles on the marginal s33 star have made a decision! As the supreme commander of the war, how can you do it regardless of the overall situation Decide! "

The Field Marshal gasped and continued: "I know your son and grandson are trapped on the front line, and they die for nine lives. As fathers, I can understand your impulse, but as a military decision-maker, you must make the most favorable for the Federation And the decision of the people! The current responsibility of the Seventh Fleet is to protect the 600 billion people in the Chongwu Star Territory.

"As for the soldiers trapped on the marginal s33 star, I have discussed with the staff: we will order the Knights to protect the evacuation of special personnel, and extend a thousand kilometers outward in the area of ​​the military control zone for a period of three to Five days of search and rescue until the last wave of evacuation. "

Watching the two generals leave, Chu Bo slumped on his chair. The last hope to rescue his son had been shattered, and now he can only hope for a miracle.

On the top of Mountain S6, young soldiers silently buried their comrades and their most beloved company commander

The star of the marginal s33 star and the marginal s3 star gradually climbed up the hill, reflecting the blood on the ground, which was even more sad.

The soldiers were surrounded by the deputy company commander to discuss the way forward. Although the black sickle spider retreated, other insects may climb the mountain at any time. They must make a choice as soon as possible.

In a fierce battle, the number of soldiers of the three companies was reduced from more than 30 to 17, and there were only 13 complete mechs. The military control area 800 kilometers away seems far away

The soldiers were arguing fiercely, and it seemed that they had encountered great differences.

But their argument lasted a very short time-on the battlefield, they did not have any time to spend, even if it was a decision about death! About five or six minutes later, the argument gradually stopped. They all looked at the baby who had fallen asleep in the arms of the deputy company commander, and then nodded heavily and made a decision!

"Where are we going?" Pan Chen didn't know how many times he asked this question in his heart.

Of course, no one will answer his question.

Pan Chenfu leaned on Chu Yi's back and quietly observed this team of more than ten people.

Undoubtedly, he is the only burden on this team, but the casual eyes of the warriors cast their concerns, but Pan Chen felt that they valued themselves. ..

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