The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1649: What does this kid have to say! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

"Master, please take the video from the young master," said Guo Guo. "Don't you say you want to scold him for a good meal? Now is the time."

"Well, okay, I want to see what this kid has to say!"

The video came in quickly, but the transmitted picture made all three people present hold their breath.

In a typical battlefield of humans and insects, the broken limbs of broken insects can be seen everywhere, and the broken mech is flashing with light and smoking with smoke. Chu Zhan leaned on the mech and sat on the ground. His face was pale, his eyes were loose, and there was blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. He simply wrapped gauze that had already been stained with blood-he could imagine what kind of trauma his chest was suffering.

"Dad" Chu Zhan spoke hard, and blood spewed from the corner of his mouth.

"Zhan'er, don't talk," Chu Bo said nervously, and his usual prestige had already been left behind. "Chu Yi, tell me your position, and I will order someone to pick you up!"

"Dad, it's useless! I know my condition. I'm running out of time." Chu Zhan spit out another blood and looked more haggard. "Let me talk to you well, please?"

The general forced his tears and nodded.

"Dad, I haven't called you like this for a long time"

Chu Zhanqiang propped up, a bit of bitterness flashed across his face. "In the past, I always blamed you for being biased, blaming you for being the most severe to me, and always beating me. In fact, I know that our three brothers, the one who is the most uncomfortable is me, the most What you worry about is that my eldest brother and second sister are the same characters of Tianjiao. No matter where they go, they are the focus of people ’s attention, but I am unable to write, ca n’t do it, and I am ashamed of the glory of the Chu family. "

"But these are the past tense! Just now, I finally became a knight!" Chu Zhan squeezed a smile from his mouth, "Did you see that I was killed by the red sickle spider!"

"Good son! Dad is proud of you!" Chu Bo could no longer restrain the tears in his eyes

"Dad, don't be sad. Although it was because of anger that I ran to the front line with my family, it was the most correct choice in my life. Even if my life is about to end, I never regret it!"

"Because I met a lot here and learned a lot. Here I learned to be strong and mature here. I have a group of good brothers who were born and died! Here, I also met her. Her name is Su Waner, she is very cute. It ’s also very kind. If you see her, you will love her too! "

Chu Zhan's haggard face was brimming with happiness. He gently hugged the child in Chu Yi's hand and placed it in front of him: "Dad, look, this child is the crystallization of our love, that is, your grandson. His name is in the child It ’s been discussed before birth, it ’s called Pan Chen, an ordinary person. ”

Chu Zhan coughed up blood again, and his face was paler. He looked at the child tenderly: "Dad, until this time, I really realized how much I feel as a father. I wish I could watch him grow up and hear his own ears. I heard him call me "Dad"

He held up the baby hard and kissed gently on the baby's forehead

At this time, Pan Chen had already burst into tears, sobbing and trying to call "Daddy", but the cry of the baby was made

Whether it is a soldier on the battlefield or three people in the command room, it has long been crying.

The video of "Hui Huo" flickered and suddenly disconnected. ..

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