The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1631: Glorious door lintel [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

After this incident, both sides had converged. The Luo brothers felt that it was not easy for Paben to have a backstage, and Paben felt that he could not take advantage of it. After being warned by Mr. Sharp, he dared not call out the outside gangster.

A year later, the eldest brother was about to graduate. In this year, he trained a lot of the skills of the second crossbow and arrow, and finally the position of the shooter will not fall too much.

The eldest brother finally passed the Panshi College set up by Panshi Ling with excellent results, which was glorious. The father of the Luo family, Father Luo, was so happy that he talked about his elder son.

Panshi College is the largest and most capable teaching institute in Panshi. Every year, the graduates of Rock College have three levels of strength-whether it is a warrior profession or a magician profession.

The most important thing is that if you do n’t reach the third level of strength, Panshi College will not issue a diploma to the students. This tight spell also urged the students to work hard to advance as soon as possible.

A third-level warrior can also serve as a bottom officer in the regular army of the empire. Therefore, every year the graduates of the Rock College are sought-after, and the military, mercenary regiments, and the security systems of various places are recruited enthusiastically.

Those rich people are also fighting to recruit rock graduates as their personal guards. The richer people are more afraid of death, this is a rule that everyone in the mainland knows

Childhood seems to be a long time, but when everyone looks back, the happy years are extremely short. "Pan Chen, Pan Chen!" a little fat man yelled.

"What's the matter, Tuge?" In front of him, a teenager with a crossbow turned his head.

After six years of study and exercise, Pan Chen was very different from the youth in the first grade. The original slim body became well-proportioned, and the black eyes no longer looked left and right blankly, but showed a firm, confident look.

In general, Pan Chen's appearance is still very good. Except for his shapely shape, his black pupil itself is shining with a different charm. No girl classmates have a good opinion of this young and quiet young man with top performance.

At the age of twelve, he has reached Huaichun's age. It is customary in the mainland to be sixteen years old. The Empire encourages early marriage and early childbirth. If you get married at the age of 14, you can also receive expensive rewards from the local civil affairs department.

The so-called underage marriage encouragement policy came from the first emperor Galo the emperor. At that time, the human empire had just been established, and a large population was needed to enrich the military, production, and other fields, to guard against the northern aliens who were watching, and the demons who were driven back to hell.

However, the population of the Empire has now more than doubled after two hundred years of growth. Some scholars pointed out in an unsigned article that the early marriage encouragement policy is no longer desirable. If this continues, the Galois continent will inevitably become overcrowded.

Why dare not sign it? Because the scholars who dared to do so have been invited by the Imperial Security Department to drink tea.

The current Emperor of the Empire, as well as his staff, have analyzed the situation on the mainland: At present, the population of the Galo Empire is mainly concentrated on the flower plain near the imperial capital, so it is a little crowded. The desolate empire has vast land in the west, and there are mountains in the north. In addition to the Yunmeng Daze in the south, two-thirds of the land is unguarded, which gives the ruler peace of mind. ..

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