The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1630: Brother, eat it! [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

Brother Roland slapped his head and said, "I almost forgot." He took out a black thing from the schoolbag behind him and handed it to Pan Chen.

"Little brother, eat it!"

This is a roasted pheasant leg, Pan Chen quickly took it, while following the two brothers, while chewing on the chicken leg. Two brothers, one in the front and one in the back, protected the younger brother who liked to break into trouble in the middle.

Roman quietly told Pan Chen that the squad didn't have much gains yesterday, and the eldest brother only got this chicken leg and hadn't been willing to eat it.

Pan Chen keeps his head down and nibbles at the chicken legs, tears falling down on the baked chicken legs

Out of the forest, Pan Chen remembered his harvest last night. He took the hare out of the back pack and gave it to his brother.

The blue-eyed elder brother Roland took the rabbit with some surprise. If he thought about it, he probably understood why the younger brother would leave the big army.

"Second brother, I have an idea." Roland said: "Otherwise, let's call Baru and Adi and let them go it alone. I'm sick of the pig with short legs Paben."

The second brother of the eyes with purple eyes nodded in agreement, he smiled and said, "Well, well, anyway, I've been annoying that little Mazi face."

The reason why Roland came up with this idea was also stimulated by the disappearance of Pan Chen last night. He was worried that during his later activities, the stubborn younger brother Pan Chen would run away because of Paben and go to catch his prey alone.

After returning to the Enlightenment College, the friends of Brother Roland, Baru and Adi and others heard that Pan Chen came back, and they all expressed relief. Out of dissatisfaction with Paben, several strong older children all expressed their willingness to leave the team.

The second brother, Roman, was alive, and he applied to Mr. Sharp to solve the problem of crossbow arrows. Teacher Sharp couldn't stand the soft and hard bubbles of several people, and promised to lend them the trial crossbow of the college, but the arrow would have to find a way.

Everyone collected firewood with high flames, and everyone used hard iron birch branches as raw materials to sharpen one end to make use of it. Although the lethality is barely strong, it can still cause damage to prey.

Originally, the big brother Roland was in the team as a shooter, and this crossbow was handed over to him. Everyone worked together, and often the elder brother went out with one arrow, and when the small animals fled with wounds, the crowd yelled and swarmed to catch them.

Short-legged Paben's team walked away with shooters. The remaining few were unable to shoot. There was a powerful official crossbow, but the harvest was greatly reduced. Less than a year of effort, the original Paben team broke up, and everyone joined the team of the Luo family.

Paben and his individual followers also saw this new team as a thorn in their eyes, and this Liangzi was concluded. Within the college, several conflicts broke out. Several people, Paben, had been beaten many times with a bruised face.

However, Paben has a wealthy family. It is said that his father is a member of the "Gray World" and has a close relationship with the mayor of Lorraine.

The most serious one, Paben yelled several hands of his father to help the fist. These adults all have first-class fighter skills. On the ability to be a **** in the regular elite army of the empire. The team of the Luo family brothers suffered a small loss. Fortunately, Mr. Sharp did not let those few people in the college. Like the flies, they threw the few foolish gangsters out of the college walls. Those bones Several are broken. ..

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