The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 959: Exchange messages continued

Both Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are well-known in the Three Realms. If Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara also intervened in the war between the demon and mutant demon, then the devil, the demon, and the demon must be careful.

"Heavenly Devil, I know that your mutant demon clan used to be demon clan, fairy, buddha, monk. What I want to ask is, did you take the devil fruit before mutating?" The six-eared macaque thinks and thinks right Asked the devil.

Tianmo frowned after hearing the six-eared macaque, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, I will not answer this question, because this question is the secret of my mutant monster family."

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the demon, and then asked the devil: "Tianmo, did your mutant demon clan really unite Beiju Luzhou?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the devil thought about it and said to the six-eared macaque: "Our mutant demon clan does not have a unified Northern Juluzhou, but our mutant demon clan only occupies three-fifths of the Northern Juluzhou territory. "

The six-eared macaque was shocked after hearing the words of the heavenly demon. The six-eared macaque didn't expect that the mutant demon only occupied three-fifths of the territory of Beiju Luzhou. The six-eared macaque thought that the mutant demon had already occupied eighth of Beiju Luzhou. Nine territory.

"Six-eared macaque, are your demon clan ready to occupy the periphery of Beiju Luzhou?" Tian Mo thought for a while and then asked the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "Tianmo, our demon clan did not intend to occupy the outer territory of Beiju Luzhou, even the outermost territory of Beiju Luzhou. occupy.

The war between our demon clan and your mutant demon clan is only a partial war. The time of this war is only one month, which means that our demon clan will evacuate from the outskirts of Beijuluzhou and return to the North Sea in one month. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo sneered a few times, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Does the powers of your demon clan want to search the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou again."

The six-eared macaque didn't answer after hearing Demon's words, but asked the Demon: "Tianmo, do you know what other forces occupy Beiju Luzhou's territory?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo said slowly: "The other land of Beiju Luzhou is occupied by demon warcraft. There are many demon warcraft in Beiju Luzhou. Although most of these demon warcraft have not turned on wits, there are a few demon. Warcraft opened the psychic.

These wise monster monsters occupy many mountains, and also gather many monster monsters, which have formed a force. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the demon, and then whispered with the three kings of the wolf king, white elephant, and Yu martial king for a while, and finally the six-eared macaque said to the demon: "Tianmo, what else do you want to know?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the devil slowly asked: "Six-eared macaque, I want to know, do you all the monsters of the demon kingdom of Ziyang Mountains and the monsters of the Union of the South Island follow the orders of the Nine Spirits?"

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "This war between the demon clan and the mutant demon clan is responsible and presided over by the Jiuling Yuansheng. All the monsters of the Union of Southern Consul Chau nominally obeyed the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng.

But the real situation is that the demon of our demon country in the Ziyang Mountains and the demon of the Union of Southern Confederates did not obey the orders of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng.

Our Ziyang mountains demon country, the wolves family, accumulated mountain demon country, the lion camel demon country is now stationed in the northeast direction of the outermost periphery of Beijuluzhou, and the demon of the South Union Ministry is stationed in the north. The northwest direction of the outermost periphery of Juluzhou.

The Tianshi Alliance, the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and other demon forces are stationed in the middle of our Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom and the Nanyuezhou Alliance. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo thought for a while, and then whispered to the four spirits, the dragon, the wolf, and the demon mouse for a while, and finally the demon said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, you still want to know what?"

The Six-Eared Macaque heard the words of Demon slowly: "Heaven, I want to know that this time the demon clan and your mutant demon clan are fighting. Has the mutant demon in the depths of Beiju Luzhou sent troops to the periphery of Beiju Luzhou?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo thought about it, and then whispered to the demon mouse: "Ghost Demon, can I answer the question of the six-eared macaque?"

After hearing the voice from Heavenly Demon, the Spectral Mouse thought about it, and then said to Heavenly Demon: "Lord, this question can be answered, because as far as I know, the Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom knows the situation around Luju in Beiju.

This question of the six-eared macaque is probably a test of the leader. If the leader lied, or the leader did not answer, then the six-eared macaque would doubt the sincerity of the leader. "

Tian Mo nodded after hearing the voice of the Demon Rat, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, this time we mutated the demon clan and your demon clan to fight. The demon kings in the north of Luzhou did not send troops. Come to the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou. "

The six-eared macaque smiled after hearing the words of the demon. In fact, the ghost mouse guessed right. The problem of the six-eared macaque is to test the sincerity of the demon.

Because the six-eared macaque is about to ask Demon about the depths of Beijuluzhou, but the six-eared macaques do n’t know anything about the depths of Beijuluzhou. The six-eared macaques are afraid that Tianmo will lie, so the six-eared macaques use this The question tests the sincerity of Tianmo.

Tianmo did n’t know what the six-eared macaque was thinking, and the demon saw that the six-eared macaque did n’t speak, so he asked the six-eared macaque again, “Six-eared macaque, I want to know the situation of the South African Union and the South African Union. How many demon soldiers and demon controls have been controlled, and how many demon sages have been dispatched by the Nanyuezhou Alliance this time? "

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "Tianmo, I will not answer this question, because our Ziyang mountains demon country is a demon power.

Therefore, we will not reveal the situation of the demon clan's power when the demon clan and the mutant demon clan are at war, but I can tell you that the golden tiger of the South Union Ministry has also arrived at the periphery of the North Ju Luzhou. . "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo frowned, and then asked the six-eared macaque, "Six-eared macaque, I can not inquire about the situation of the Union of the South African Ministry, but I want to know the northwestern outermost northwest of Lujuzhou. How many demon soldiers are stationed in the direction. "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the heavenly demon, and then whispered a word with the three kings of the wolf king, the white elephant, and the king of Yu martial. Finally, the six-eared macaque said to the heavenly demon: "The heavenly demon, the outermost periphery of Beiju Luzhou Nearly 20 million demon soldiers and demon soldiers were stationed in the northwest of the city. "..

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