The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 958: Exchange messages

"Six-eared macaque, I can station most of my troops in the northwest of the outskirts of Beijuluzhou. This is the sincerity of our mutant monster family." Tian Mo slowly looked at the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque smiled after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the demon: "Tianmo, I have seen the sincerity of your mutant demon clan, then let's start exchanging messages now!"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo nodded, and then asked the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, are your demon clan ready to fight our mutant demon clan?"

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "Our demon clan will not fully fight with your mutant demon clan. This war is only a local war. This war will only happen in Beiju. The periphery of Luzhou.

This decision was jointly decided by the three kings of my family, the Nine Spirit Yuansheng of the Tiens Alliance, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint of the South Confederation of Unions, so the major forces of the Demon Race dare not oppose it. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo nodded, and then asked the six-eared macaque, "Will your demon clan demon fight in this war?"

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the demon: "Tianmo, this is the second question, so I will not answer."

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo was surprised, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, what do you want to ask, I will say in advance, that is about the secret of my mutant demon clan, I will not say it . "

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of Demon, and then asked the demon: "How did the monster warcraft of Beiju Luzhou appear?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo thought about it, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "The monster warcraft of Beiju Luzhou appeared suddenly. No one knows where these monster warcraft come from.

I only know that the first place for these monsters to appear is in the depths of Beiju Luzhou. A month later, monsters also appeared in the periphery of Beijulu.

These monster warcrafts have no psychic powers. These monster warcrafts only know destruction, but as long as you don't provoke these monster warcrafts, these monster warcrafts will not actively attack you.

These demon warcraft are generally kept near the devil fruit, where there is demon fruit, there are demon warcraft, these demon warcraft like the devil fruit very much. "

The six-eared macaque quickly asked after hearing the words of the devil: "Is the devil fruit a black devil fruit, and these devil fruit still emit black dense fog?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Tianmo didn't answer the six-eared macaque's question, but asked the six-eared macaque: "This local war between your demon clan and our mutant demon clan, will your demon clan demon fight? "

The six-eared macaque thought about it after hearing the words of the demon, and then said to the devil: "My king, Jiuling Yuansheng, and Purple Tiger Demon Saint do not want to cause a total war between the demon and mutant demon, so my king, Jiulingyuan Holy, Purple Tiger Demon Saint ordered Demon Clan Demon Saint not to participate in this war.

Of course, if there are mutant demon clan in Da Luojin fairy realm to participate in this war, then we demon clan demon can participate in the war, so I advise you, you better not participate in this war, you just need to command This war is enough. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the magic dragon and the magic wolf looked at each other, and now the magic dragon and the magic wolf finally knew the snow lion and the dragon king of the North Sea, as well as Zhu Dong, the black bear, and the white bear. Why not do it anymore.

After hearing the six-eared macaque, the demon nodded and said to the six-eared macaque: "The devil's favorite fruit is a black spirit, and the demon can indeed emit some black mist.

These magic fruits also have a great effect on our mutant monster family. These magic fruits have appeared in Beiju Luzhou very early. The black mist of Beiju Luzhou was distributed by these magic fruits several years ago.

At that time, Beiju Luzhou was full of magic fruits, but for no reason, these magic fruits slowly began to decrease, and as these magic fruits decreased, the black mist of Beiju Luzhou slowly disappeared. . "

The six-eared macaque nodded after hearing the words of the demon, and then remembered the changes in Beiju Luzhou over the years. The original changes in Beiju Luzhou were all due to these black spirits.

The six-eared macaque remembers that there are several black spirit roots in the Ziyang Mountain Demon Kingdom, and these black spirit roots are the mother tree of the magic fruit. These black spirit roots were found in Beijuluzhou, one of which is The strains were found by the three brothers Huli, Luli and Yangli.

It's just that the six-eared macaque doesn't know if these black spirit roots have any results, because these black spirit roots are managed by the Dan Wolf, so the six-eared macaques don't know about these black spirit roots.

(Dan Wolf is the alchemy master presented to Pan Chen by the system)

The six-eared macaque has decided to return to the wolves after returning to the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains to ask about the status of these black spirit roots, because the six-eared macaque feels that these black spirit roots and black spirits are not simple.

And when the six-eared macaque thought about these black spirit roots, the devil asked the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared macaque, the outermost war on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, why do n’t your demon clan send out demon clan powers? The demon soldier demon general? "

The Six-Eared Macaque thought about it after hearing Demon ’s words, and then said to the Demon: “The outermost periphery of Beiju Luzhou is the Pioneer Corps of the Demon Race.

The demon soldiers in the vanguard are all demon clan forces, and the demon soldier demon under the small clan group, these demon clan small forces, the small clan groups are the demon clan small forces who rely on Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara.

These demon clan forces, the small clan group has betrayed the demon clan, so my king, the nine spirit element holy, and the purple tiger demon holy three decided to consume these demon clan small forces, small clan.

And let these demon clan powers, the small clan group attack the outermost territory of Beiju Luzhou just want to use your mutant demon clan to eliminate these small clan forces, small clan groups that rely on Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara. "

After hearing the six-eared macaques, the magic dragon and the magic wolf looked at each other. Now the magic dragon and the magic wolf finally know why the snow lion and the king of the North Sea do n’t care about the life and death of the demon soldier demon under his command. Consumed.

The three demon, demon, and ghost mouse frowned when they heard the six-eared macaque, because the three demon, demon, ghost demon mouse heard a bad news from the six-eared macaque, that is too Baijinxing He and Guan Shiyin also intervened in the war between the demon and mutant demon.

Both Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are well-known in the Three Realms. If Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara also intervened in the war between the demon and mutant demon, then the devil, the demon, and the demon must be careful. ..

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