The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 808: The demise of the Blackhawks continued

A thick cloud of ink squeezed the sky, obscuring the scarlet eyes just now.

It seems as if it is about to fall down, so depressed that the whole world is quiet.

Wind, woo woo! ! ! ! ! ! !

Blowing continuously in the mountains, trees swaying, lush foliage, shaking with the wind, like a vast green sea.

Rustle! ! ! Wave after wave of green waves continues to sweep through.

Standing against the wind, the wind blew on the faces of the three Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King, and the fluff on their faces was constantly floating. Mountain.

This mountain is the station of the Black Eagle family outside Beijuluzhou, but now the mountain has been completely destroyed. There are no trees and flowers on the mountain. Some are only huge boulders and potholes. The dilapidated palace.

"This is where the Blackhawks are stationed on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou?" King Yu Tao looked at the mountain ahead, and then said to the Peng Demon King and the Macaque King.

Peng Demon King and Rhesus Monkey King were silent after hearing the words of King Yu Tao, because Peng Demon King and Rhesus Monkey King were also shocked by the sight in front of them.

A moment later, the Peng Demon King said to the Monkey King and Yu Tawang: "Five brothers and six brothers, the rain stopped." The Monkey King and Yu Tawang suddenly heard the words of the Peng Demon King, and the Monkey King and Yu Tawang did not know Peng. Why does the devil say this?

When Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Mart King left the accumulation mountain demon country station, the rain outside Beiju Luzhou stopped. This rain stopped very suddenly, because it was still heavy rain just now, but the next moment of rain Stopped.

"Brother, did you find something?" King Yu Ta said to the Peng Demon King.

Peng Demon King shook his head after hearing the words of King Yu Ta, and then said to King Yu Ta: "Sixth brother, I didn't find anything, I just thought this rain stopped strange."

After hearing the conversation between Peng Demon King and Yu Tawang, the macaque king said slowly: "It's very strange that the rain stopped."

King Yu Martial heard what Peng Demon King and Rhesus Monkey King were going to say, and just as King Yu Martial was going to speak, Peng Demon King said, "Five brothers, six brothers, someone came."

After hearing the words of Peng Demon King, the monkey king and Yu martial king looked forward, because the monkey king and Yu martial king also felt. After a while, Jin Peng appeared in front of the three kings of the demon king, monkey king, and Yu martial king.

After Jinpeng appeared, he paid a salute to the three Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Mart King, and then said to the three Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Mart King, What did the three come over? "

Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King had discovered Jin Peng long ago, so there was no reaction when Jin Peng appeared. Now he heard Jin Peng's words and said to Jin Peng. "Jin Peng, my eldest brother heard about the Black Eagle family, so let our three brothers come over and have a look, did not expect that your lion camel demon kingdom has come?"

Jin Peng heard the words of Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tao King slowly: "My king sees a demon clan power coming, so let me come and see." Jin Peng is explaining his intention.

Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King looked at each other after hearing Jin Peng's words, and then said to Jin Peng: "The Blue Lion Demon Saint is also here? Then our three brothers went to meet the Blue Lion Demon Saint."

Jin Peng heard the words of Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tawang, and then said to Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tawang: "My king is on the mountain, come with me!"

After Jin Peng finished speaking, he turned and headed toward the mountain. The three of Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Martial King heard each other's words, looked at each other, and then followed Jin Peng toward the mountain.

Soon, Jin Peng, Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King came to the Blue Lion, White Elephant, Dapeng, and Huang Mei Old Ancestor.

Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King saw the green lion, white elephant, Dapeng, and Huangmei Patriarch, and then saluted the blue lion.

"Blue Lion Demon Saint, after my brother heard about the Black Eagle family, let our three brothers come and see what we can do to help." Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tawang King faced the Blue Lion Explained the intention.

After hearing the words of Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King, the Green Lion thought to Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King, "The Cow Demon King made you come to see why the Black Eagle family died. Right! "

Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King all silently heard the words of the Blue Lion, because the Blue Lion said it was true, and the three Peng Demon King, Rhesus Monkey King, and Yu Tawang King were not easy to answer, so Peng The demon king, macaque king, and Yu martial king are no longer talking.

The green lion saw that the three of Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tao King knew they were right without speaking, so they said to Peng Demon King, Macaque King, and Yu Tao King, "How did the Black Eagle family perish, we The Shituoling Demon Kingdom is also unclear. You have also seen that the Black Eagle family's residence has been destroyed. "

After hearing the words of the green lion, King Yu Ta thought about it, and then asked the green lion: "Why does the blue lion demon sage, the black eagle family have no body?"

After hearing the words of King Yu Tao, the green lion said slowly, "I don't know, because we haven't seen the body of the Black Eagle family when we came, are we also wondering?

The Black Eagle family has hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, but we have not seen a corpse of the Black Eagle family. Not to mention the corpse of the Black Eagle family. We have not even seen anything from the Black Eagle family.

Now there are only the dilapidated palaces and the scenes after the war. "

King Yu Martial nodded after hearing the words of the green lion, and then said slowly to the green lion: "Blue lion demon saint, can our three brothers look around."

The green lion narrowed its eyes after hearing King Yu Tae's words, but didn't say anything, but was thinking about something. White Elephant, Dapeng snorted coldly after hearing King Yu Tae's words. The latter said slowly: "Of course, you can of course look around. If you find something, then you better tell us."

After hearing the words of Huang Mei's ancestor, King Yu Tao quickly said: "Huang Mei Kingdom Master, you can rest assured that if our three brothers really discover something, our three brothers will definitely tell you."

After the king said, he took the Peng Demon King and the Monkey King to leave. After that, the three King Peng Demon King, Monkey King, and Yu Martial King began to check the Black Eagle family's residence. ..

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