The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 807: The demise of the Blackhawks

The wind was blowing, and the rain was falling.

Looking up close, the sky and the sky are hazy, the white flowers are all water, and it has become a flowing river, with countless splashes of flowers on it.

From a distance, the mountains and trees are vague.

The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger, and it will soon be like a pour of rain. Look at the rain in the sky like a big waterfall!

The Niu Demon looked at the raindrops outside the palace and murmured, "It has been more than a month, this rain has not stopped, and the mutant demon clan has not met. It is time to return to the North Sea."

It has been more than a month since the major forces of the demon clan attacked the outlying territory of Beiju Luzhou, and the Southern Union and Tiens Alliance have left the outlying territory of Beiju Luzhou for twenty days.

In the past twenty days, the demon clan forces that have stayed in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou have basically lost more than one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon generals, even the accumulation of the mountain demon country and the lion camel demon country is no exception. The harvest is also huge.

"Big Brother! Big Brother!" The macaque king shouted when he saw the cow demon queen.

Niu Mowang saw the macaque king who hurried over and said, "Five brother, look at you, are you still like a demon saint? What are you hurriedly shouting about?"

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king looked at the guards around, and then said loudly to these guards: "Laugh, smile, you all give me down, don't you see me have something to tell the big brother?"

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the guards around all hurriedly quit the hall. When the monkey king saw the guards around him quit the hall, he said to the demon king, "Brother, something happened!"

After hearing the words of the Monkey King, the Niu Mowang looked at the Monkey King, and then said to the Monkey King: "Five younger brothers, don't be so hurried in the future, you are the five kings of our mountain demon kingdom, not a little monster king.

You look at what you just did, do n’t hurry up no matter what happens in the future, you will only make your children laugh at you. "

After hearing the words of the Devil King, the macaque king said quickly: "Brother, what time is it now, and you still say that, something big is happening."

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang froze for a moment, and then said to the monkey king: "What happened, can make you anxious? No matter what happens, you must remember your own identity."

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king said aloud: "Brother, the Black Eagle family is over, and the Black Eagle family's resident has been killed."

"What? You said that the Blackhawk family was slaughtered?" Niu Mowang said in surprise when he heard the monkey king.

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king said loudly: "Yes, the elder brother Blackhawks were slaughtered."

"Who slaughtered the Blackhawk family's residence? Is it the mutant monster family? Who else knows about this?" Niu Mowang asked loudly after he heard the monkey king.

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king quickly replied: "I don't know who killed the Blackhawk family's residence. The demon forces staying on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou should now know this matter."

After hearing the words of the macaque king, the cow demon king thought for a while, and then asked the macaque king: "Is the Blackhawk family still alive? And what is happening in the lion camel demon country?"

The Blackhawks are the dependent forces of the Shituoling Demon Kingdom. I do n’t believe that the Shituiling Demon Congress has done anything. Has the Shituiling Demon Kingdom already sent troops? "

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king said slowly: "Brother, you guessed it right, blue lion, white elephant, Dapeng, Huangmei ancestor, Jinpeng has already taken the demon soldier demon to the Black Eagle family.

There is no living mouth for the Black Eagle family, the Black Eagle family, and the demon soldiers, demon kings and commanders under the Black Eagle family are all dead. "

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang took a breath, and then said to the monkey king: "Five brothers, I remember that the head of the Black Eagle family is a demon sage in the big Luojin fairy realm?"

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king said quickly: "Brother, you are right. The patriarch of the black eagle family is indeed a demon sage of the big Luojin fairy realm, and the patriarch of the black eagle family has a congenital spirit treasure."

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang thought about it, and then muttered, "What is the big change on the outside of Beiju Luzhou? And where did the mutated demon clan on the outside of Beiju Luzhou go? Is it that the Bai Clan has already arrived? Is out of Beiju Luzhou? "

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Rhesus Monkey King was stunned, and then quickly asked the Devil King: "Brother, do you say that the world's tribulation has come outside the North Ju Luzhou?"

After hearing the words of the macaque king, the cow demon king shook his head, and then said to the macaque king: "Heaven and Earth Tribulation should not yet come. If the Heaven and Earth Tribulation really comes, then we, those who stay in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou Finished. "

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king thought for a while, and then said to the devil king: "Brother, what should we do now? Do we still want to stay outside the North Juluzhou?"

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang thought about it, and then said to the monkey king: "Five younger brothers, we can't be staying outside of Beiju Luzhou. Now we have lost more than ten thousand demon soldiers and demon soldiers. No one knows what will happen.

"Brother, the materials we have collected are enough for us to accumulate the mountain demon country for decades. If the elder brother wants to return to the North Sea, then I will prepare now." The monkey king said quickly after hearing the words of the demon king.

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang thought about it, and then said to the monkey king: "Wait anyway! I have to discuss this with the blue lion. After all, we are still allies with the lion camel wing demon country, and I I also want to know the demise of the Blackhawk family. "

After hearing the words of the demon king, the macaque king thought for a while, and then said to the devil king: "Brother, if I take some demon soldiers and demon, I will go to the residence of the Black Eagle family."

After hearing the words of the monkey king, the Niu Mowang thought about it, then nodded at the monkey king, and finally said to the monkey king: "Five brother, you can go and see, but you take the sixth brother and your third brother, Otherwise, I am not at ease, and you will listen to the opinions of your six younger brothers after visiting the Black Eagle family. "

The Monkey King nodded after hearing the words of the Demon King, and then said to the Demon King: "Brother, you can rest assured, I must listen to the sixth brother's opinion. I will go to the third brother and the sixth brother now."

Niu Mowang waved his hand after hearing the words of the monkey king, and then said to the monkey king: "Five brothers, you must be careful. I always feel that this matter is related to the mutant monster clan. If anything, you must send me a letter. "

The Monkey King nodded when he heard the words of the Demon King Niu, and then left to look for Peng Demon King and Yu Tao King. ..

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