The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 782: End of banquet continued

After hearing the words of the blue lion and the bull demon king, the ghost wolf thought about it, and then said to the blue lion and the bull demon king: "Blue lion demon holy, cow demon king, I understand.

Only if the major forces of the demon clan pay attention to you can you be famous in the demon clan. Only if you fight for the interests of your own forces or ethnic groups, you can have prestige in the demon clan, so that the demon king will surrender to you. "

The green lion and the bull demon nodded when they heard the words of the king of the wolf, and then the king of the cow said to the king of the wolf, "You king of the wolf, do you still want to withdraw from the attack on the outskirts of Luju, Beiju?"

The Wolf King shook his head after hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, and then said to the Niu Demon King: "The Niu Demon King, the Blue Lion, my spooky wolf family will not withdraw from attacking the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, and my spooky wolf family still has Send a million demon soldiers and demon generals. "

Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, and Blue Lion were all stunned after hearing the words of You Lang King. They did not understand why the You Lang King sent so many demon soldiers and demon warriors. To know that there are only hundreds of thousands in the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. The demon soldier demon is only.

"You Wolf King, you don't need to send so many demon soldiers and demon soldiers, you can send more than one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon soldiers, after all, you also know the situation around Beiju Luzhou." Niu Mowang looked at You Lang slowly Said.

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Wolf King said loudly: "No, I will send a million demon soldiers and demon generals. I want to let the major forces of the demon clan know the prestige of my family."

Pan Chen shook his head when he heard the words of the king of the wolf. Pan Chen knew that the demon king and the blue lion were good, but some of them were fooling the king of the wolf, but the king of the wolf believed it, and the reaction of the king of the wolf was a bit big. Too.

Niu Mowang and Qingshi looked at each other after hearing the words of You Lang, and then smiled slightly. In fact, Niu Demon and Qing Shi wanted to let You Lang send a large number of demon soldiers and demon kings, so they just ignored You Lang Wang. .

Of course, these Wolverine Kings do not know. The Wolverine King is very grateful to the Niu Demon King and the Blue Lion. As for why the Wolverine King sent a million demon soldiers, the Wolverine King also has other ideas.

"Yu Lang Wang, Niu Mo Wang, Qing Shi, three of you should discuss how to distribute supplies!" Pan Chen thought for a while, then said to the three Yu Lang Wang, Niu Mo Wang, Qing Shi three people.

Pan Chen does n’t want to have some conflicts between You Wolf King, Niu Demon King, and Blue Lion because of some supplies. After all, You Lang King, Niu Demon King, and Blue Lion are Pan Chen ’s allies. Pan Chen does n’t want what happens inside his alliance. conflict.

After hearing Pan Chen ’s words, the three of You Wolf King, Niu Demon King, and the Blue Lion all said quickly: "Xian Di (Snow Wolf King), the three of us have already negotiated this matter. The three of us will share our arrival equally. Supplies. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of You Lang Wang, Niu Mo Wang, and Qing Shi. Pan Chen just did n’t want You Lang Wang, Niu Mo Wang, and Qing Shi three to collide because of the materials. As for how they distributed the materials they got, Pan Chen would not care. Youyou Wang, Niu Demon, and the Green Lion saw that Pan Chen was no longer talking, so the three began to discuss the matter of attacking the periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

And when the three kings of the wolf king, the devil of the cow, and the blue lion discussed the attack on the outskirts of Beizhou Luzhou, the purple tiger demon suddenly spoke, and with the words of the purple tiger demon, all the demon clan demon There was a lot of talk.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint is definitely the most misunderstood this time. Originally, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint thought that Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King and others supported them, so the Purple Tiger Demon Saint invited the demon clan The major forces.

In addition, in order to increase the prestige of the Nanhubuzhou Alliance in the demon clan, the Purple Tiger Demon Sheng agreed to Taibaijinxing, Guanyin, Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King and others to discuss and attack the Beiju at the founding banquet of the Nanshuzhou Alliance. The matter outside Luzhou and the election of the main powers of the North Sea.

But the Purple Tiger Demon Saint did not expect that all of these are the calculations of Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King and others. Although the Purple Tiger Demon Saint finally knew it was Taibaijinxing, Guan Shiyin, Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King, etc Human calculations, but the Purple Tiger Demon Saint has no way to deal with it.

And when the Purple Tiger Demon Saint is about to give up when the main forces of the Beihai Sea, the Ox Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolf King are preparing to support the Purple Tiger Demon Saint as the lord of the big forces in the North Sea. This makes the Purple Tiger Demon Holy happy.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint thought that Pan Chen, Niu Demon King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King and others were the variables at this banquet, but the result was not what the Purple Tiger Demon Saint thought.

Although the Purple Tiger Demon Saint has the support of the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, the You Wolf King, etc., the Purple Tiger Demon Saint still did not become an ally of the major forces in the North Sea, and the banquet was also taken by the Jiuling Yuan Sheng. gone.

This made the Purple Tiger Demon Saint angry, and also made the Nanxun Chau Union lose some face, because the founding banquet of the Nanxun Chau Union said that it was successful and considered successful, but if it was unsuccessful, it was considered unsuccessful.

Saying success is because the demon clan did not oppose the establishment of the demon state by the Nanxunbei Union. Saying that it was unsuccessful is because the founding banquet of the Nanxunbei Union was not hosted by the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Jiuling Yuansheng.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint feels that he has lost face, and the Purple Tiger Demon Saint is also ready to take revenge on Taibai Venus, Avalokitesvara, Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King and others. At that time, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint was ready to send his grief to the Jiulingyuan Saint.

But what the Purple Tiger Demon Saint didn't think was that he hadn't made trouble to the Jiuling Yuan Saint, and the Niu Demon began to make trouble to the Jiuling Yuan Saint, which made the Purple Tiger Demon Saint happy.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint laughed when he watched the Bull Demon King and the Nine Spirit Yuan Sheng quarrel, but in the end, because of Pan Chen ’s intervention, the demon clan supported the Jiuling Yuan Sheng, which made the Purple Tiger Demon Saint depressed. Endless.

Moreover, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint discovered that Pan Chen was not prepared to be the leader of the major forces in the North Sea. The Ziyang Gunshan Demon Kingdom also knew Beiju Luzhou very well.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint has always regarded Pan Chen as an opponent, so the Purple Tiger Demon Saint knows Pan Chen very well. The Purple Tiger Demon Saint doubts what Pan Chen is calculating. This is also the reason why the Purple Tiger Demon Saint has never spoken because the Purple Tiger Demon Saint Thinking. ..

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