The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 781: End of banquet

Hundreds of beautifully beautiful beauties in the center of the banquet danced along with the music in the hall, and a beautifully beautiful demon woman came in a palace dress.

These demon-clad women in palace dresses each carried a delicate dish in their hands, and a maid walked in with a white jade bottle alone.

The white jade bottle is filled with the top spirit wine and top spirit wine of the demon clan, and this top spirit fruit wine is the spirit wine specially for women, because there are several female demon saints in the demons present.

After understanding the situation of Beiju Luzhou, the demon clan demon began to talk about it. After a while, the demon clan demon discussed the attack on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

After all, the monsters already know the situation of Beiju Luzhou, so all the monsters support the suggestion of Jiuling Yuansheng, that is, which force contributes more, and that force can divide some of the supplies around Beiju Luzhou.

Pan Chen, Bull Demon King, Blue Lion, and You Wolf King did not object after hearing the words of the demon, because Pan Chen, Niu De King, Blue Lion, You Wolf King knew that this was related to the interests of the demon clan forces , So their objection is useless.

Although Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Blue Lion, and You Lang King did not object, Pan Chen, Niu Demon, Green Lion, and You Wolf King knew that after the attack on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, there would be conflict within the demon clan. Because all this is for profit.

The Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the Nine Spirit Elemental Saint, the Four Sea Dragon King and others also knew that there would be conflict within the demon clan after the attack on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, but they also had no way. After all, the demon clan's major forces lacked materials.

Now the demon saints of the demon clan power know that this attack on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou is the calculation of Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara, but now there is no way to stop it. After all, the demon needs supplies from the periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

The demon clan is a race of weak meat and strong food, but there is no way to stop it now, then go to fight. This is why the major forces of the demon clan support the proposal of the nine spirits and the demon holy forces of the demon clan have no objections. the reason.

Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara are very happy now, because Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara calculated the major forces of the demon clan, and Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara also knew that the demon sages of the demon clan's major forces knew their purpose, but what does that matter?

The demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan simply did not dare to deal with Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara, because Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara represent the heaven and the spirit mountain, so although the demon sages of the demon clan powers know that attacking the North Juluzhou is Taibai The calculation of Venus and Avalokitesvara, but there is no way to say or do anything with Taibai Jinxing and Avalokitesvara.

Niu Mowang looked at Taibaijinxing and Guan Shiyin, then raised his glass of wine and drank it, and finally said to Pan Chen: "Xiandi, I finally know why you are not planning to attack the outer periphery of Beiju Luzhou, because you I already guessed the purpose of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara, right? "

Pan Chen shook his head after hearing the words of Niu Demon, and then said to Niu Demon: "I didn't guess the purpose of Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara. I just doubted what Taibaijinxing and Avalokitesvara were calculating.

As for why I did not attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, it was because my Ziyang Mountains demon country did not lack supplies, and I did not want to have any conflicts with the major forces of the demon clan. After all, I am now the demon ’s nominal ally. "

After hearing Pan Chen's words, the Green Lion said slowly, "Your Ziyang Qunshan Demon Country is notoriously rich. Of course, you will not lack supplies, and what other demon markets do you have in Ziyang Qunshan Demon Country?"

Pan Chen said nothing after hearing the words of the Green Lion, because Pan Chen knew to be a low-key person, and Pan Chen did not want to fight against the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion, and the Wolves King.

After hearing the words of Niu Demon, Pan Chen, and Green Lion, the ghost wolf thought about it, and then said to the trio of Niu Demon, Pan Chen, and Green Lion: "The Niu Demon, Snow Wolf, and Green Lion Demon Saint, I think we still Do n’t attack the periphery of Beijuluzhou. Since we know that this is the calculation of Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara, then we should not attack the periphery of Beijuluzhou. ”

Pan Chen, Niu Mowang, and Qingshi were stunned when they heard the words of Yulang Wang, and then Niu Mowang said to Yulang Wang: "Yulang Wang, I now know why your Yulang tribe has no great prestige in the demon clan. . "

After hearing the words of the demon king, the ghost wolf froze for a moment, and then said to the devil king: "Don devil, am I saying something wrong?"

After hearing the words of the Wolves King, Niu Demon said slowly: "Now all the forces of the Demon Clan know that your Wolves are going to attack the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. At this time, your Wolves will withdraw, then the Demon Clan What would the forces think? "

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Wolf King thought about it, and then said to the Cow Demon King: "The major forces of the Demon Clan will definitely think about the calculation of my dissatisfaction with the Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara. Peripheral things. "

Niu Mowang laughed after hearing the words of You Lang, and Green Lion and Pan Chen laughed after hearing the words of Yu Lang. You Lang King saw Niu Demon, Pan Chen, and Qing Shi laughed and knew they had made something wrong. , And when the Wolves King was about to ask, the green lion spoke.

"You Wolf King, our demon clan is a race of weak meat and strong food, and your clan wolf can be regarded as a powerful force of the demon clan, so the movement of your clan wolf will surely attract the attention of the major forces of the demon clan.

Now the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan know that the attack on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou is the calculation of Taibai Venus and Avalokitesvara, but which demon clan forces have withdrawn, none of them, because the demon clan powers lack materials, So they all have to fight.

I know that your Wolves are not short of supplies, so you want to withdraw, but do the major forces of the Demon Clan know that you Wolves are not short of supplies? They don't know, so your Wolves are now quitting, and the forces of the Demon Clan will think that your Wolves are afraid.

A demon clan power will be afraid of scrambling, so do you think that the major forces of the demon clan will care about such a demon clan power? Will they agree with such a demon clan power? "The green lion looked at the ghost wolf king and said slowly.

After the blue lion spoke, the bull demon also quickly said: "The king of the wolf, regardless of the attack on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, is it the calculation of Taibaijinxing and Guanshiyin?

A demon clan power must compete for its own power or ethnic group, so that there will be a demon king to surrender, so that the demon clan forces will also pay attention to this demon clan power, after all, our demon clan is a weak meat strong race.

If a demon clan does not dare to fight for the interests of its own forces or ethnic groups, then do you think this demon clan has a demon king to turn to? Will the major forces of the demon clan care about this demon clan power? "..

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