The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 476: Sir Ham

  It was Sir Ham who was chasing after Fan Li. As Algernon's capable man, Ham went from being an ordinary professional all the way to the aristocracy, relying on his hard power and brain.

Sir Ham’s eyeliner placed in the lord’s mansion told him that the old lord had been unconscious since the last time he was injured, and the eldest son Andrew was ready to move. At the cusp of this storm, Elizabeth, who rarely lives in the city, brought a few more. The professional Amazon warrior returned to Godrem City.

   The smell of money and power in it made Sir Ham's heart excited.

  Originally, as a professional, his age is already old, coupled with the loss of enterprising spirit, it is difficult to go further on the path of model, but as a nobleman, he still has a long way to go.

   It’s just that this situation has recently turned around.

  Sir Ham was a scout in the army in his early years, and his captain led him to the path of a professional, as a variant of the ranger-ranger.

   This class has abandoned the expansion of the ranger in latency and traps, in exchange for the ability to combine with the mount as a knight, and strengthened the skills and talents in shooting and perception.

  In all fairness, this class is more difficult to advance than the Ranger, but it is similar to the Ranger in terms of combat ability. Except for the scouts in the army, few people would choose this class.

   In the words of the player, the experience penalty is very high, but the professional strength has not received the corresponding bonus.

   It's just that after Sir Ham became a nobleman and had money on hand, he slowly figured out a path that no one had walked before.

   He weakened his core ability as a traveler-the ability of reconnaissance, and spent a lot of money to buy a sturdy plate armor and a noble war horse.

  As a nobleman, Sir Ham no longer needs to stand out to detect the enemy, and he also considers self-protection when facing the enemy.

   A few months ago, a keel bow that he accidentally obtained was regarded as a treasure by Sir Ham. He could only pull the bowstring of this bow and arrow completely with the addition of magic potions, but its power was also satisfactory.

  Sir Ham finally spent a lot of money, bought the relationship, and took a trip to the site of the Udonheim people, and at three times the price, he got a barbarian shaman to tattoo him with a tattoo that could increase his strength.

  Since then, Sir Ham felt that his paradigm path that he had already stopped was slowly loosening, especially in the last few days, a force in his body was leaping and trying, as if it was about to burst out.

   This feeling appeared last time when he just became a knight, so he has been sleeping in his armor these days, bowing his horse without leaving.

The appearance of    Fan Li just made this mid-year-old professional feel that he has seized the opportunity.

  Sir Ham felt that he was about to break through. He was full of joy and chased his target, shooting one arrow one arrow at a time like hunting. He deliberately didn't aim at the key point of the target because he wanted to be more stimulated.

   As for the common people who got in the way, in the eyes of Sir Ham, they have been completely ignored, whether as a professional or a nobleman, he didn't bother to worry about the loss he caused.

   At this time, let alone a commoner, even the nobleman standing a street in front, he dare to ride a horse!

Fan Li feels that he can run faster than a rabbit, but he can't get rid of the hunter behind him. Every time he wants to use the building to throw away the chasers, the arrow with the horrible whistling sound will be nailed half a meter in front of him. s position.

   is more than half a meter long arrow!

   The stone house is more than half way down with one arrow!

Fan Li ran desperately along the road in grief and indignation. The abnormality behind him slowed down and shot himself. He wanted to go up to the wall and shot himself. He wanted to go back and fight to the death but was hit by an arrow. He turned around and turned his back. At the enemy!

   Fortunately, the other party didn't want to kill himself directly, so Fan Li took the perverted walk around the city behind him, even the route was set by the person behind him.

   The demon hunter and Elizabeth quickly received the news that Sir Ham was chasing the assassin all over the city, causing considerable losses along the way.

  Sir Alves has already taken people to chase and stop him. Looking at the reactions of the two people, this Sir Ham is obviously not the one sent by Elizabeth.

"Sir Ham has been following my father for almost 20 years. He has always been very authoritative in the aristocracy, but I am not familiar with him and have little communication with him." Despite her cruel heart, Miss Fox is still a fifteen-year-old girl. At this moment, he couldn't help but talk about his worries to Xu Yichen.

   The Amazon sisters who came back with her, if they were allowed to rush into the city and kill all those who were against them, these Amazon warriors would definitely execute them happily.

   But they don’t understand the intrigue between these nobles.

   "If I can get his support, this matter is basically a foregone conclusion." Elizabeth looked at the demon hunter, hoping that the other party could give some advice.

   The Demon Hunter followed Elizabeth's eyes and thought about it. Although China has seized power for five thousand years, there are many things that have seized power and soothed people's hearts, but he doesn't understand the specific operation!

   New China has undergone tremendous changes in the last ten With the introduction of a large number of thought review procedures, this kind of intrigue in the management has disappeared.

   The desire of the human heart can never be eradicated, but people can.

   Although Xinhuaxia’s method is very simple and rude, with the assistance of a large number of omnivorous auxiliary units, the work efficiency from the grassroots to the decision-making level has increased geometrically, not to mention the struggle for power, even the corruption problem has disappeared.

   "If you find it helpful, I can help you kill him." The demon hunter thought over and over again: "But you have to do something for me, too."

   Elizabeth felt a little cramp in the corner of her eyes. The demon hunter's previous performance was definitely an expert in aristocratic games, and now he is definitely fooling himself.

   "Thank you for your kindness, I took it with my heart." Miss Fox turned and left, and Xu Yichen followed. He planned to see if there was a chance to quietly take away the companion who stabbed Lou Zi.

   If you can't find the right opportunity, you have to fall the table, and the demon hunter secretly moves his hands and feet, planning to start a fight if he doesn't agree. This is also a big advantage as a player.

  The mature Amazon warrior who was following Miss Elizabeth instantly sensed the change in the demon hunter's aura.

   She quietly separated Miss Fox from the Demon Hunter, and looked at Xu Yichen with the same warlike eyes, warning the other party not to act rashly.


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