The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Tomahawk warning

   Andrew's eyes suddenly rounded, he saw a ghostly figure suddenly appeared behind Kidd, and a bright axe lifted and fell!

   Andrew didn't even have the courage to shout. This axe appeared in his nightmare countless times these days, and it was this axe that chopped off his father's arm!

   This axe chopped down his beloved war horse to the ground!

   If it hadn't been for the axe to wet the bed in the middle of the night, Andrew wouldn't have heard that the Cyris assassin was blocked and would immediately take someone to the city gate.

  If you are not so impulsive, you won't end up like this!

   In order to block the news of his bedwetting, Andrew used a pillow to suffocate the maid who had been with him for many years!

   Now the **** assassin finally came to his door.


   The sound like a bell ringing, accompanied by the sudden light on Kidd's body, made Andrew's heart relieved.

   Kidd turned his head back, and saw the bright eyes of the assassin behind him, his legs were soft, and he fell to the ground with a puff.

   If it wasn't for a knotted tongue, he would yell: "A good man, take my life! I'm a soy saucer!"

   Fan Li didn't expect that his axe shank strikes didn't work.

   Do not kill innocent people indiscriminately, as Master Kong specifically emphasized. He said that even assassins must have basic moral concepts. People who have nothing to do with the task can not kill if they don't kill.

  Naturally, as a law enforcer of New China, Fan Li recognized this rule very much, and killing innocent people indiscriminately was not in his nature.

   So when he saw two outsiders, he planned to knock them out, but he didn't expect one of them to have protective equipment.

   Fan Li didn't waste time. He stunned the doctor who was trembling with the axe handle. This time he worked hard to prevent any accidents.

   Seeing that the doctor was hit, it swelled up.

   Kidd’s priest’s robe comes with an accident technique, which can issue a divine power shield to resist an attack. Just such a robe cost him 1,500 gold coins, plus 500 performance points.

   Seeing the assassin in front of him did not intend to kill him, Kidd ran away without saying a word. At the same time, he held a silver coin blessed by the lady in his hand. Once attacked, he would trigger a shield technique.

   The guards on the ground also heard the previous noise and rushed downstairs.

   Fan Li saw the fat man running flexibly and gave up his intention to pursue it, and at the same time felt a little ashamed of his first assassination mission.

   I was really ashamed of Master Kong’s line, and was eventually discovered by others. Fortunately, my main weapon is an axe, and I don’t suffer from hard steel.

   Thinking of this, Fan Li suddenly felt that it made sense for his teacher to give him an axe first, but he clearly has such a handsome Hidden Blade, why not let himself learn that first?

   Fan Li, whose thoughts were chaotic, didn't listen to what Andrew said. He split the second generation's head with an axe, turned around and rushed into the dungeon with the guards and the warriors.

As an assassin, Fan Li, with one enemy and eight in this small space, did not let the wind fall at all. He stood up to the attack of the guards and those soldiers and smashed from the ground to the ground, fleeing wildly before other professionals and guards arrived. .

   Only the warrior whose long sword had been cut off was left messy in the wind, feeling that he could not find his place in life.

   So, just as Xu Yichen and Miss Fox outlined a conspiracy in the middle of a word, Alves appeared in front of them with a dark face.

   "Miss Elizabeth, Andrew was assassinated." The lion knight's face was gloomy, and he was originally responsible for the imprisonment of Andrew.

   Now that Andrew Prince is dead, he can't blame it for this incident.

  Although he has always disliked this Andrew, the other party still has Prince's surname, so he was killed in the prison he was responsible for, which really made the lion knight's face nowhere to be put.

   He didn't know how to explain to the old lord.

   "Dead?" Elizabeth asked with a surprised look, and at the same time looked at the demon hunter next to him with a strange look, as if to say, our plan started so soon?

   Xu Yichen twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, not knowing what to say, his compatriots are a little too efficient, so how can I get in touch with him?

   Assassinating the heirs of the lord is so efficient, and it really conforms to the style of the Eastern Assassin. I am afraid that it has been a thousand miles away at this time. Will this all be out of the city?

   The demon hunter was thinking about finding the player in the loess area, and it seemed that it could only be handed over to Ralph and the others.

"It's okay to die." Elizabeth calmed Alves' emotions: "We just found out that the reason why my father has been unconscious is because Andrew, he gave my father medicine, he and the pirate king Ma There is a secret secret between Ma."

  Alves couldn't digest the news for a while, and asked in disbelief: "What? It's Andrew? Is there an antidote?"

   Elizabeth shook her head with a trace of sadness and regret in time.

The girl’s weeping expression caused the knight over 40 to feel distressed. Alves, who almost regarded Elizabeth as his half daughter, hurriedly said: "Don’t be Elizabeth, I This is to write a letter to the chief, he must have a way to save the old lord!"

Xu Yichen looked at Miss Fox who was acting and felt a toothache. Seeing the Lion Knight turned and hurriedly turned to write a letter, Elizabeth asked depressedly: "You said, Uncle Alves will not really find a way to treat me. Father, wake up?"

The demon hunter shook his head: "The ghost knows how many good things their knights have accumulated over the years. If you are not at ease, help me find out my compatriots. Anyway, he kills one and kills two as well. Well, he will be willing to help you again."

   Elizabeth's eyes lit up suddenly.

   Xu Yichen shook his head, planning to leave here. The ethical relationship between these nobles can always break the lower limit. In contrast, the fat man at Anthony Dagang is a wicked person, but he is considered a sincere person.

   Fan Li’s escape route was a bit unsuccessful. When he was leaving, a professional with a bow and arrow on his back stared at him, hanging from behind, unable to shake it off.

   It was the first time he saw this type of professional, wearing armor, riding a war horse, but using bows and arrows, riding horses in the city unscrupulously, showing no mercy to the surrounding crowd.

   Incidentally, that guy also commanded a large number of guards to chase and intercept him.


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