The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 463: Ride step by step!

The demon hunter forced all the guards around him back, and he planned to walk up the city wall to check the condition of the caster.

Judging from the performance of the surrounding guards, it seems that he really hit the caster with one blow.

But Xu Yichen was very confident in his technique. The spear pierced through the opponent's abdomen and did not harm the deadly organ. Unless he was not treated for a long time and bleeds to death, otherwise the caster will not die.

Because he didn't expect his attack to be effective with one blow, he was the first target with a hit rate.

Before Xu Yichen walked on the city wall, a rush of horseshoes passed through the main road in the city, beating on the heart like a battle drum.

"Yuyu!" A fiery red war horse flashed out from the corner of the street, with faint flames on the four horse hooves, leaving brilliant hoof prints on the stone ground.

Alves and his partner, under the lion knight's skill bonus, were covered with a layer of golden light, which looked extremely sacred.

On the road, the news that kept passing back made Alves anxious.

The enemy has black hair and black eyes.

That's right, just him!

Alves clearly remembers that the powerful enemy who cut off his lord's arm is the Seris who possesses this characteristic!

The enemy solved Lord Bandinek in one blow!

As expected, Alves knew that the villain who had nothing to do all day was unreliable, maybe he didn't even have the same ability as he graduated now?

Hurry up, old man, we can't let him escape from here again!

Regardless of the knight's demeanor, Alves started his combat skills in the city, forcibly raising his speed.

Xu Yichen looked at the knight who rushed over like a meteor fire in the distance, his eyes solemn.

If the previous mage was a defective helicopter, then this time it was a real tank.

Along the way, the wooden carts abandoned by the vendors and the randomly built street buildings were smashed to pieces by the knights. Fortunately, there were no onlookers on the road, and the results would be unthinkable.

Although the war horse of Mosheng Knight is not as tall as the constructed war horse summoned by the Demon Hunter, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary war horses.

A strong physique, wearing this tightly fitted Ma Kai, the flame hoof prints along the way came straight in the direction of the demon hunter!

Alves can only see the target directly in front of him under the limitation of the full-cover helmet.

He saw the Serris standing unscrupulously in front of him, as if laughing at his incompetence last time.

"Foreign race, this time you won't have a chance to escape the sanctions of the lion knight!" Alves urged the horse to speed up again.

Within a short distance of more than ten meters, the magic flame horse of Sarion's specialty once again instigated the speed, and entered the state of charging like a gallop!

The four-meter-long knight's long spear was flattened by the knight during the charge, and the metal blunt spear head pointed at the demon hunter's chest with unparalleled strength.

Unlike other knights who are accustomed to using disposable spears, lion knights with outstanding physique and strength can charge more than once under the drive of the demon flame horse.

They will use super strong impact force to cause mass destruction to the enemy, and then rely on the power of powerful horses to penetrate the enemy's formation, quickly reorganize the formation on the command of the commander, and launch another charge behind the enemy.

Cut the enemy again and again, and finally pick up the weapon used to bring a **** storm in the crowd.

But this does not mean that the lion knights do not have one-to-one ability.

For example, now, Alves is using the [Aura Traction] skill, and the power from the Lion Knight is guiding his spear to lock the enemy's position.

No matter what direction the demon hunter moves, the lion knight will vaguely sense the true position of the opponent.

Xu Yichen drew out his weapon.

Only this time, [Elegant Ripper] looked as small as an embroidery needle in the contrast of the opponent's heavy spear.

Heavy weapons are the romance of pure men.

Xu Yichen took a regretful look at his [Demon Hunting Contract: Mount Summon] skill that was still in an unusable state. It would take a full twenty days before he could re-summon his mount Apocalypse.

This allows the demon hunter to use an infantry attitude to fight the oncoming knight.

Quinn Fayin! Bodyguard!

Alderfayin! Disrupt the rhythm of the enemy's horse!

Yaxie Fayin! Affect the mental state of the knight!

It's a pity that he doesn't have any other magic seal skills. Sir Gangze said that the master demon hunter who makes good use of the Aden's seal can easily use magic traps to deal with heavy knights.

Xu Yichen did not flinch, and rushed toward the direction of the knight's charge!

After so many battles in the game, he gradually formed his own momentum, and went forward courageously, rather than bending!

Different from the battle in reality, using swords and swords to face the enemy, and dancing next to death, let him experience the passion and romance that truly belongs to the warrior!

[Red Time]

Xu Yichen opened up his strongest trump card at the moment when he intertwined with the knight!

The opponent's four-meter-long weapon has the advantage in distance, especially when the gun is equipped with navigation skills at this time.

When Xu Yichen turned his body to avoid the spear head with a thick the knight also adjusted on the horseback accordingly, and the whole rifle was slowly deflected in the vision of the demon hunter , Smashed over with a forward-looking momentum!

But the speed of the two sides was too fast. At this time, the knight wanted to attack the demon hunter with a spear-like combat stick, and it was too late.

At the same time, the hordes of the gods and horses under the imposing command also grew their mouths with a fierce aura, trying to bite the demon hunter's cheeks.

With a slap, Xu Yichen slapped the warhorse's face back. If it weren't for the opponent's horse armor to protect him, his face's teeth would loosen.

The mount was attacked, making the knight angry, and he followed with spiked knee pads!

Xu Yichen rolled away to the side without demeanor, avoiding the knight's menacing attack.

When he got up from the ground, the rider on the opposite side had just finished slowing down and braking, and was trying to turn around.

If a charge fails to work, the Cavaliers have entered a disadvantaged round.

Alves has rich combat experience, and naturally he will not make such low-level mistakes.

They generally do not act alone, but attack the enemy with their attendants.

It's just that the servants' horses are far inferior to Jarvis's Sarion Demonflame horses, so don't drop some distance on the road.

Just arrived at this time.

The timing of their arrival was just right, and they formed a front and back attack against the demon hunter.

The guards who had just been pushed back, seeing Alves' arrival, also returned to their posts.

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