The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Lion knight

It's not that Xu Yichen has never had any contact with spellcasters, but those spellcasters are either witches with congenital defects, or clerical nuns who are more watery.

These spellcasters are not without combat effectiveness. For example, Altea, as an independent contact set by the Witch Union in Port Antony, her combat effectiveness is very strong.

In fact, the Demon Hunter has always suspected that she still has the professional level of an orthodox wizard based on the witch, because he saw a lot of magic materials commonly used by wizards in Altea's shop.

And Altea has also shown many characteristics that are different from other witches, such as drawing magic circles and more diverse spell options.

In addition, his teacher, Sir Gangze, devoted an afternoon to teach tactics on how to deal with the caster. In Xu Yichen's mind, the threat level of the wizard is roughly equivalent to that of tanks and helicopters in reality.

And now, Xu Yichen felt like he had thrown a grenade, and then shot down a helicopter gunship.

What the **** is this tm?

Xu Yichen looked at the caster who disappeared from the city, with a face of doubt.

Is it a new trick of the Master?

The guards who originally surrounded the demon hunter saw that the caster was hit, and their morale, which had been low because of the inability to break the defense, was even more dispersed.

Even if the officers continued to roar in the crowd and gave orders, nearly half of them still retreated at a small pace.

In fact, the officer himself who yelled to stay in the formation and stabilise not to retreat was also using insignificant movements to retreat.

A discerning person has long been able to see that if the professional in front of him had not been murderous, he would have died long ago.

Being able to retreat with the whole body is the best result.

It is also the unspoken rule of the industry to leave the matter of the professional to the professional to solve it.

Since the master master in charge of supervising the army has fallen, it is naturally understandable for the people below to properly release the water.

Xu Yichen did not organize the retreat of these mortal soldiers. He has not taken the initiative to attack these people, on the one hand because they cannot pose a threat to himself.

On the other hand, I don't want to provoke the lord here meaninglessly, especially if I don't understand the situation.

He wanted to see how the lord of Godrem City would solve the situation in front of him. After he declared his identity as a demon hunter, he still took the initiative to attack him.

When this noble council and Kyle Morhan were still in the game, such a thing could not solve the problem with a single misunderstanding.

Alves received the news from Bandinek during dinner.

As a knight who immediately broke through the threshold of truly extraordinary, Alves really looked down upon Bandinick.

He had never seen such a slack professional, even in terms of the requirements of the caster, Bandinick was regarded as the laziest type.

Struggling every day in the pile of pornographic fans, addicted to wine and good food, Alves wondered how long he hadn't seen Bandinek enter a state of meditation.

At that time, in the wild, if he had a reliable caster support, how could that **** professional hurt Master Algernon!

Despite his full contempt for Bandinic, Alves still began to wear helmets and armor.

The three young knight servants threw the tableware in their hands, and two of them hurriedly took out the knight's armor from the room and began to put on Alves.

Another person rushed out of the hall at a quick trot. He needed to put Alves' horse on Ma Kai to prepare for the expedition.

The profession of knight is the first choice for most talented nobles.

Of course, the mage is always their first choice, but not everyone has the kind of logical thinking that can go down the path of the mage, and the massive investment of resources is not something a little nobleman can afford.

The knight is different, it is different from warriors, rangers and other professions.

To a certain extent, the knight is a profession in the physics department that can maximize the power of money.

This happens to be the point where the nobles have the most advantage over other professionals.

They can unscrupulously equip themselves with thicker, more expensive armor, without worrying about their physical and strength not being able to bear the weight of the armor.

Because they can also spend a lot of money to equip a good horse, relying purely on speed and strength to crush opponents of the same level.

On the path of the knight's paradigm, most of the skills and talents are matched with the knight's mount. Without a good mount, the knight will lose half of his combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is not to say that the profession of knights is a rmb warrior, nothing else.

On the old continent, many years of friction with cultists and the ancient Roman Empire led to the birth of many knights with amazing combat effectiveness in the border area.

Their founders and first-generation members may be nobles who went to the battlefield for glory or land, but after several generations of blood pouring, they have walked out of their own unique Some of them are good at riding Mercedes-Benz. In the process, using bows and arrows or javelins to consume the enemy, come and go like wind, and the efficiency is amazing.

Some are good at working with their brothers, carrying heavy lances and attacking the enemy's phalanx with unparalleled courage, and then drew out their spare weapons to kill the Quartet.

The unique knights are crisscrossing the battlefield of the old continent, exuding their own charm, attracting countless young people to pursue their goals.

Alves is one of the knights of the knights with a long history, and Algernon's family has a good relationship with that knight.

After discovering that Alves had the talent to become a professional, Algernon spent money to send him into the lion knights of the knights that made him a man.

The Knight Order established by the Red Sir Roderick was famous for its bravery and fighting skills from the very beginning. It withstood the first invasion of the Principality of Sarrian by the awakened Roman Empire.

Although the price was that the Knights were almost destroyed, fresh blood quickly supplemented its loss, and the lion knight's bravery stood forever.

Alves is an orthodox lion knight who has undergone rigorous training and has many years of experience in battle on the battlefield. When his lord Algernon summoned him, he quit the Knights without hesitation.

However, the Lion Knights was grateful for his contributions to the Knights for many years. Instead of removing his name from the Knights list, the Lion Knights retained his honor. His colleagues allowed him to take away his usual armor and weapons.

And his closest partner, a Sarion Demon Flame Warhorse.

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