The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 401: survivor

After two full hours, Xu Yichen, who was pale, crawled out of the pit.

In these two hours, he didn't know how many times he had cut himself before he released enough blood. Sometimes he recovered quickly, which was also a painful thing.

He didn't know how many milliliters of blood he shed. If according to normal people's standards, the demon hunter would have died long ago, but he could feel that although he was weak, he was still far away from death.

Xu Yichen felt that there might not be much blood in his body, but he was still able to move, although a little weak.

The last time he took a rest in the forest, he always felt that his body had changed. For some reason, his vitality became stronger than before.

Inside the deep pit, the blood of the demon hunter was like a living thing, wrapping the plague eggs to form an isolation layer.

At the beginning, he planned to smear his blood on the plague egg, but soon he discovered that his blood did not penetrate the ground like normal blood, but attached to the outer skin of the plague egg like glue.

This saved a lot of things for the demon hunter, and the remaining problem was just the amount of bleeding.

When Xu Yichen finally stood on the edge of the pit, he took out a medicine that had been prepared long ago from his arms.

The secret medicine blood clotting potion from the mysterious shadow organization, this is the spoils of the last conflict with the members of the shadow organization, it can finally come in handy at this time.

The blood clotting agent, almost the same color as the blood, was drenched in his own blood by the demon hunter.

The blood burning with silver flames quickly condensed into a hard shell, which firmly sealed the plague egg in it.

Xu Yichen has been unsure of what kind of power his blood contains, but its characteristics against chaos are definitely first-class.

After the blood had completely condensed, the plague egg, which had been exuding a vigorous vitality, became like a stone, without a trace of fluctuation.

Unless someone will conduct a large-scale excavation here, otherwise this plague egg will never be seen again.

The demon hunter labored to push the surrounding soil back into the pit, completely burying the source of the plague in the place where it was born.

When the pit was filled, the prompt from the system finally appeared on Xu Yichen's retina.

"Your mission log has been updated."

"The Far South in the Wind and Rain-The Final Test from Nurgle": In a mess, you completely destroyed the body of Nahru, so that the plague egg has no chance to take a step out of the land that gave birth to it. Fortunately, this place has been completely abandoned by the Immortal Church. Apart from you and the horrifying champion samurai, no one will know the secrets buried in this land.

Difficulty: dangerous

Task reward: 5000 experience value, talent is replaced by talent.

Xu Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He lay on his back on the mound, feeling the energy continuously gushing out of his body, activating the numb shells little by little.

In a short time, this plague egg will not become a weapon of the Chaos Fang, and the champion of fear of abuse cannot set foot on this land without a suitable carrier.

Just like what Mannoroth said, the chaos evil gods are not completely consistent in their arrangements for this world, or they are mutually hostile.

Disassembling each other and concealing their own plans is almost normal than drinking water.

Deep down in Xu Yichen's heart, he felt that Mannoroth's words had a certain truth, and seeking a bit of life in the endless flames of war is easier to accept than looking at his body rotted little by little.

This is more in line with the aesthetics of a warrior.

Shaking his head, trying to dispel the unclean thoughts in his mind, Xu Yichen felt that he had accumulated enough physical strength.

Still some weak demon hunters got up from the ground, he still has unfinished work to do, and this battlefield needs to be disguised.

Otherwise, anyone can find something buried in the ground under his feet.

What is the fear of death?

Dead and unfulfilled!

What is the joy of life?

A mission to the death!

This is the first sentence given to the students by Chung Si Academy, and this is the first sentence many people learn.

The instructors will not explain the meaning in detail, and the ignorant children will experience the truth on their own in the next ten years of training.

Xu Yichen dragged his tired body and gathered the remains of the headless giant scattered all over the floor. He had no extra blood to burn these filthy corpses.

Demon hunters discarded these corpses at will on the periphery of the ruins, and the decaying plants would quickly digest these nutrients.

When he dealt with Darth Moore's ‘corpse’, the gray matter collapsed into a pile of ashes the moment it was touched.

"May you make the right choice in the next life." Xu Yichen collected these ashes that were more delicate than ashes with his own lined clothes. He planned to take the remains of Darth Moore back to Kyle Morhan.

Even if it is for the two pieces of equipment in his own Xu Yichen, who has been busy with these things, feels that his body is recovering faster, and the emptied blood vessels once again flowed sparse blood, nourishing With a dry body.

It's time to meet up with his teammates. The demon hunter is holding on to Yaoyao's falling body and advancing along the path created by the giant beast in the forest.

And the teammate who was missed by Xu Yichen was in trouble at this time.

They encountered an unexpected situation.

A survivor.

One of the five missing rangers of the Elves, appeared in front of everyone at this time.

It can't be said to be complete, because he has something else.

For example, there are a few more mushrooms on the top of the head and a few more arms under the armpits that do not belong to him. Judging from the thickness, these extra arms may come from humans.

When he saw Legolas and his party, he was very excited: "You are finally here, and I know that you will not abandon me here!"

Everyone put their eyes on Legles, in this case, it is not easy for others to make a decision.

Standing behind the elf knight, the silver-haired witch whispered: "Based on my experience, giving him a pleasure is the best result."

As if he was completely unaware of his abnormality, the Alienated Elf said very enthusiastically: "I should have come to watch the night last night, but Robbioli said he could do it for me..."

"Damn, I can't remember it, maybe it wasn't yesterday, but the day before yesterday. Anyway, when I got up in the morning, I found that I couldn't find them." The alienated elf walked over as he spoke.

The surrounding elves dodge backwards like avoiding the plague, only Legolas stepped forward and held the elves' hand: "My brother, Robbioli you said is already dead!"

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